Youlean meter

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June 25, 17 8:16 AM (permalink)

Youlean meter

I was looking for a separate meter for gauging the loudness of a track. I found this by pure chance.
It's free alas that doesn't mean it's bad.  
Sorry I never saved the download link but it should be easy to find.

I have computer stuff.

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    Re: Youlean meter June 25, 17 8:38 AM (permalink)
    It's been posted many times, and it does the job

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    Re: Youlean meter June 26, 17 9:11 PM (permalink)
    That one is useful and FREE (I love it!), as well as Nugen Audio's Master-Check for Mastering to online destinations, coupled with Meterplugs' Dynameter. I would also recommend checking out Nugen Audio's ISL 2st to handle the final Limiting for any bit-reduction conversion 'overs'/clipping, and finally Flux StereoTool v3 (free) for phase-management and metering.

    Sonar Platinum, Steinberg Wavelab Pro 9, MOTU 24CoreIO w/ low-slew OP-AMP mods and BLA external clock, True P8, Audient ASP008, API 512c, Chandler Germ500, Summit 2ba-221, GAP Pre-73, Peluso 22251, Peluso 2247LE, Mackie HR824, Polk Audio SRS-SDA 2.3tl w/upgraded Soniccraft crossovers and Goertz cables, powered by Pass-X350. All wiring Star-Quad XLR or Monster Cable. Power by Monster Power Signature AVS2000 voltage stabilizer and Signature Pro Power 5100 PowerCenter on a 20A isolation shielded circuit.
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    Re: Youlean meter June 26, 17 11:03 PM (permalink)
    Yeah I found it let me gauge the limiter in real-time rather just relying on K-Metering and hoping the attenuation wasn't affecting to the dynamics too much. In the end, after a touch of "tape compression" and bus compression before the harmonic maximiser and limiter it really helped me keep things in check without wondering.
    I was pushing the volume for an EDM mix however trying not to kill too much dynamics with have very little headroom which seems to be the trend these days. I acquired a few reference tools. Waves NX which simulates stereo over headphones (if you were in a treated room). Not quite got the hang of that yet but it helped a bit.
    For phase and correlation checks, frequency analysis I use VSL Suite plug-ins. These are also VST3 so are good on resources. Thanks the info about the other plug-ins.

    I have computer stuff.

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    Re: Youlean meter June 26, 17 11:52 PM (permalink)
    i really like the radar type , you have an overview of the whole track that speaks to me more ....don't know why /.//

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