How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ?

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July 09, 08 12:36 AM (permalink)

How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ?

Is there a way to (at once) assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi synth, rather than clicking on each midi track, clicking on ALL (so I can see all the settings) then selecting the midi channel, and the output synth ?

I have for instance 13 percussion tracks. All the percussion tracks uses the same midi channel and synth output. I have to now each time manually go into each midi track, and assign each track to the right midi channel and right out VSti synth.

Is there not a way that I can "select all" midi tracks and say .. " I want all midi tracks to map or use this Vsti soft synth" and this midi channel?

I hope I am explaining it correctly. I just find it very frustrating every time I work with percussion tracks that I have to setup to go to each track and select the same VSti output.
post edited by blougbergman - July 09, 08 1:02 PM

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    RE: How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ? July 09, 08 12:39 AM (permalink)
    Well, you can create new tracks like that. I think it's called "Insert Multiple Tracks" or something. You can select the VST they will be mapped to, but not the channel. So you'll still have to set that.

    If you use the same plugins all the time why not make some templates? Really cuts down on setup time.

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    RE: How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ? July 09, 08 12:44 AM (permalink)
    Well, here is the reason for my question.

    I am using Stormdrum 2. It comes with Midi Performances. So it is not actually me that is setting up the percussion tracks. I open the midi performance in the Stormdrum2 PLAY engine and then go to Sonar and import the midi performance file. It then loads with 13-18 percussion midi tracks. All I need to do to get this to work and play is to assign the right Channel and VSTI Output to all the midi tracks.

    There must be a way to SHIFT - right click on the tracks, or say select all and map them to the same midi channel and soft synth output.

    There must be away to assign in bulk a midi channel or synth output to multiple tracks.

    There are almost 100 midi performances and if I want o listen to them or use parts of them, this means tons of work to every time, manually going in and setting up each midi track.

    Anybody ?

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    RE: How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ? July 09, 08 12:52 AM (permalink)
    If you highlight the midi tracks, then use the top menu Tracks > Properties, then you can set all outputs to that soft synth....however, setting midi channels has to be done individually.
    post edited by torhan - July 09, 08 1:17 PM

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    RE: How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ? July 09, 08 12:53 AM (permalink)
    Well all you'd need to do is set up all the tracks once, then make them a template. Then load it whenever you need it. All you'd need to do is change the Midi Performance.
    post edited by Arglebargle - July 09, 08 1:16 PM

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    Re: RE: How to assign multiple midi tracks to one VSTi ? June 25, 17 6:45 PM (permalink)

    There must be a way to SHIFT - right click on the tracks, or say select all and map them to the same midi channel and soft synth output.

    Select the tracks, hold ctrl. Changing the settings on one of the selected tracks should affect all selected tracks.
    Edit: Ooops I seemed to have updated a thread I had open but wasn't the one I thought I was replying to. Old thread nm...
    post edited by rcklln - June 25, 17 8:14 PM
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