Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess?

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July 07, 17 4:10 PM (permalink)

Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess?

Just bought an Apollo Quad Thunderbolt version. Not sure if I'll keep the Apollo, I still have a few days for it to totally impress me but it's been fun trying it out. Got it at Sweetwater but before I got the Quad, I first tried the USB3 version but it was very noisy, so I returned it. Next I got the Thunderbolt DUO version but it couldn't handle more than a few plugs at once (and which cost me about $900 upgrading my computer to Thunderbolt 3 ability). Now I have the Quad version but Sonar still crashes often with the "Audio has Unexpectedly Dropped Out in SONAR" message popping up too often for my liking. Sometimes it works smoothly, other times, not so much. Not really sure if it's the Apollo's fault. Anyone else out there with an Apollo Quad Thunderbolt? How's it working?
Thanx, Frederick

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    Cactus Music
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    Re: Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess? July 07, 17 4:19 PM (permalink)
    This belongs in Hardware, but you don't read much here about Apollo. Seems like a high end unit with well known pre amps but the drivers??? Possibly works better on a Mac so therefor not a Sonar friendly unit
    Ha ha Got moved while I was typing..

    Johnny V  
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    Re: Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess? July 07, 17 4:28 PM (permalink)
    It should work on both Mac or pc which are much the same thing these days. Although thunderbolt could be troublesome I reckon. Which it shouldn't be but meh....

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    Re: Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess? July 07, 17 5:04 PM (permalink)
    I have the Apollo Quad Firewire and I had some problems a couple of weeks ago but the tech support guy at Sweetwater remoted into my system and tweaked a couple of settings for me and since then it's been running very smoothly. You may want to try Uninstalling and reinstalling you drivers and rebooting your Apollo Interface.
    Also, try going to the UAD forum and see if anyone else is having similar issues and if they were able to have someone chime in and help. If you need UAD Tech Support, they have a very small window in which they are opened (from 12:00 pm to around 4-4:30 pm EST). I wish I had hours like that!!!

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    Re: Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess? July 07, 17 6:08 PM (permalink)
    I've been reading the forums on the UAD site and have posted many times about the issues I'm having but there doesn't seem to be a big world of Sonar + Apollo + Windows 10 Thunderbolt 3 users out there. So I tried here and already got 2 responses, that's progress! My experience with the UAD phone support has been good. If you are on hold, you have the option of hanging up and they call back within about 20 minutes. Their techs have improved things with remote sessions on the USB3 and DU TB units I tried but not to my satisfaction, so I splurged on the Quad.
    The Quad was working very well but in the last week I've been having the "Audio Drop" issues. Maybe it's time to call them again but they don't know Sonar at all. I had a tech looking at it via a remote session a few weeks ago and he said it was the first time he had ever seen Sonar but liked what he saw. So that's progress again! If you look at their ads, they never mention Cakewalk or Sonar, bummer.
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    Re: Apollo Quad and Sonar - Anyone having sucess? July 08, 17 8:05 AM (permalink)
    Each company has their daw and platform of choice. Mostly logic , pro tools or ableton live.

    I have computer stuff.
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