Mix Recall tips in Tech+Music 2017.06 - Craig

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2017/07/26 22:23:29 (permalink)

Mix Recall tips in Tech+Music 2017.06 - Craig

This is my own question for Craig, but someone else may benefit from it which is why I am posting rather than PM'ing.
In Tip #2 on Page 32-33: Craig writes that you can take a specific mix element from one mix and "import" it into another. I have been going over the Mag (love that this is back with the updates) absorbing it all...
I decided to give this a spin because I this would be a huge benefit. But for the life of me I have not been able to get this to work as expected. Am I doing something wrong or is it not quite right?
I made a test.
1. Set up a few tracks.
2. Made some panning and level changes.
3. Saved that as a Scene
4. Save as new Scene
5. Zeroed out everything on the New Scene
6. Inserted a plugin and Volume Automation on a track that has nothing done to (in either Scene)
7. Saved that Scene. Now I have a two Scenes. One with only level and pan on two tracks, nothing else. The other with plugin and automation, nothing else
8. I follow the instruction in Step 2.
9. I end up wiping out one of the mixes, completely overwriting the mix with the other (even though I have Apply to Track/Bus Selection, and selected a specific track)
I cannot get this to work as I have interpreted it in the Mag. Craig, or anyone else who has successfully done this, can you shed some light on this? Perhaps I am just fried from this week and am missing the obvious. Thank you...

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    Re: Mix Recall tips in Tech+Music 2017.06 - Craig 2017/07/26 23:20:09 (permalink)
    I think I figured it out.
    To take a mix element from one mix and use it in another mix...
    1. Go to the mix that has the "element" you want to use for another mix
    2. Select all tracks and buses except for the track or bus that contains the elements you want to import
    3. Open Recall settings, select Apply to Track/Bus selection
    4. Select the Mix Scene you want to import that element into
    Craig, it was just not super clear in the Tech Mag. You are a most excellent writer or course. I just had to do a little experimenting and digging to figure out that step. No biggie. My intuition was trying to do things in reverse as far as selection goes.
    I would think, I want the mix recall data from this track or bus, so let me select that. But in reality, you must everything except for that. I'll get used to it.
    Thanks for that tip. It is very useful.

    SONAR Platinum
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