Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits

D from London
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2017/08/03 01:11:58 (permalink)

Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits

Hi everyone,
When I first started using Sonar Producer (version 5.2, and I'm still using this version to primarily record vocals), I made the mistake of importing a backing track into a project without working out its tempo and applying it to the project BEFORE recording, editing and arranging lots of vocals which fit with the instrumental backing track.  By default, the new folder tempo is 100.00bpm. The tempo of the instrumental backing track used in this project is 125.01bpm.  
I've tried changing the tempo of the project but Sonar changes the positioning of all my vocal edits (i.e. my vocal edits overlap each other) leaving my project in a mess!  
I could simply export the edited vocals as they are (before changing the project tempo) and import the stems into a new project, applying the correct tempo and creating respective a click-track BUT I fear exporting and eventually re-exporting the vocals will affect their quality.
Does anyone have any suggestions?  Is there a way to change the tempo of the problem project WITHOUT the tempo change affecting my vocal edits and their positioning?
I would be supremely grateful for any insight and/or guidance from any fellow Sonar Producer users.
D in London

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    Re: Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits 2017/08/03 02:15:42 (permalink)
    If I correctly understand what you are trying to do, you should set the Time Base of each of the vocal clips to "Absolute".  Then when you modify the tempo of the project, it will not "move" those clips around but will keep them where they are in absolute time.
    Hope this helps,

    "The thing about quotes from the internet is that it's hard to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
    D from London
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    Re: Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits 2017/08/03 02:28:30 (permalink)
    Hi Paul, thank you very much for responding.  May I ask, how do you change the time base of a vocal clip?  Do I right-click?  
    And do I have to apply this change to every single edited vocal clip individually before I change the project tempo?  Or can I apply this change to all the edited vocal clips in the project all at once?
    Looking forward to your reply.
    A very grateful D in London
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    Re: Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits 2017/08/03 02:59:03 (permalink)
    It's been a while since I've done this, so be sure to make a copy of your project before trying this out.  I'm assuming all your vocal clips are in their own set of tracks.
    • Go to Track View.
    • Display the track inspector.
    • Press CTRL+A to select EVERYTHING in the project.
    • Deselect the tracks that do not contain your vocal clips by CTRL-Clicking the track number in the track pane.  (You can also deselect individual clips by holding down the CTRL key and selecting them.)
    • In the Track Inspector, select the Clip tab.
    • Change the Time Base dropdown from Musical to Absolute
    Check a few of the vocal clips (just to make sure they changed) by selecting them individually and looking at the Time Base in the Clips tab of the Track Inspector.  You can also change them individually if you have to.
    Hopefully, all of your vocal clips will now have an Absolute time base and will not move when you change the project tempo.
    Let me know how it goes,

    "The thing about quotes from the internet is that it's hard to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
    D from London
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    Re: Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits 2017/08/03 03:25:25 (permalink)
    Thank you very much for your generous advice.  I will follow your steps this weekend and let you know I get on.
    Many many thanks from London, D.
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    Re: Project tempo change affects position of vocal edits 2017/08/03 14:49:08 (permalink)
    If that doesn't work, there are other options. FWIW I do not think exporting and re-importing will be an issue in terms of quality, you're exporting/importing numbers, not audio. However there can be issues if the vocals are mono. Exporting as stereo (even if the two channels are the same) solves these issues.

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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