Sorry For Posting Here re:Feature Request
I know... This should be posted in Feature Requests, but that's no longer part of the forum and instead resides in "the bakery" land.... I even tried going there again and couldn't deal with it... Sorry, just me...
I've talked about this before and I'm curious if others are interested and if this might be (or get on) The Bakers' list of important issues...? ;-)
I am constantly fidgetting with Lane heights as most zooms squach the Lanes to minimum and make the track large....
This is very much of a constant irritant... Is it really that important to see the promoted clip more than the clips/lanes themselves when Lanes are open?
OK... I can see some times when that is useful, but not as often (for me) as the opposite...
Any chance we can get a user toggle to causethe opposite action to occur? Minimizing the track height and leaving the Lanes taller?
If I want to edit the track itself, I'd probably not have the Lanes opened unless I'm doing some comping... and even there, I really don't need a large image of the promoted....
There be the other related issue.
Why must we be forced to see the promoted clips in the track itself while comping? I find this very distracting and often get frustrated trying to grab the clips I want due to the extra image of promoted clips in the track space. Would be far more simple for me if the promoted/track image was not displayed at all when Lanes are open/visible...
...just saying (again)