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September 07, 17 3:26 PM (permalink)

'Day of The Dead'

Hi folks, here's a new Nettlesmith song;
Tim Wilkinson - vocals, acoustic guitar, tambourine
Ed Kocol - bass
Me - the other stuff and mix
Day of The Dead - Tim Wilkinson
I am the revenant come callin’
At the tail-end of the day
Down the mountainside I’m crawlin’
Robbin’ graves along the way
On the day of the dead, on the day of the dead now
My heart’s a votive cut from skin
My skull’s a murderer’s grin
Stoned ‘n stripped, beaten n’ whipped
No way to tell if I was breathin’
On the day of the dead, on the day of the dead now
Trippin’ across the power line
Switchin’ my point of view in time
Choosin’ life instead
On the day of the dead
Mother Mary wash away my pain
Dig up my bones and set me free again
On the day of the dead, on the day of the dead now
Trippin’ across the power line
Switchin’ my point of view in time
Choosin’ life instead
On the day of the dead
I am the revenant come callin’
At the tail-end of the day



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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 4:17 PM (permalink)
Thanks so much for allowing me in on this project Jyemz.
And please thank Tim for me too.
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:23 PM (permalink)
Wow. You really know what yer doin'.
Ultra pro.
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:23 PM (permalink)
Feel like sharing some mix/production details?
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:42 PM (permalink)
Feel like sharing some mix/production details?

Thanks very much Beeps!
OK..vocals were through a Rode NT-1 with a tempo delay added from the Nomad Factory plugs
Acoustic guitar (Dave King Dreadnought) was a mix of a DI track and a Rode NT-1 mic-ed track. Tim strummed with his thumb only to get that soft spooky sound.
Electric guitar was my LP through Digitech RP-55, various patches.
Drums are AD2.
Tim played a real tambourine into the Rode.
2 reverb busses, both Protoverb, one short decay for vocals and acoustic ( a touch on the bass too), another with a long decay for sends from the drums,  trem guitar, harmonics, power chords and the short lead guitar break.
Master bus has just a Sonitus compressor.
Ed sent me two bass tracks, one DI, one amped, I used both but favouring the amped version, a little compression on both (Nomad Factory again)


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:47 PM (permalink)
Wow. That's a surprisingly simple set up.
Thanks. Gonna have to try some of that (particularly the reverb buss stuff).
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:55 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby bapu September 07, 17 5:59 PM
Thanks so much for allowing me in on this project Jyemz.
And please thank Tim for me too.

Thank you Ed, bass is splendid.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 5:59 PM (permalink)
Wow. That's a surprisingly simple set up.
Thanks. Gonna have to try some of that (particularly the reverb buss stuff).

I don't have a lot of gear, or plug-ins  I always remember Paul Russell talking about using two or more reverb busses with varying rooms and decays to get a depth of sound, been trying that ever since.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 6:27 PM (permalink)
Tim's voice is just so damn cool.  He has a Paul Rodgers, classic rock voice.  I kept expecting some sort of break out, the song has latent suspense and it felt like it needed to be resolved.  Anyways, really enjoyed this one.

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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 6:45 PM (permalink)
Because of my roots as an almost exclusively live musician I always thought I hated reverb so it's taken me a long time to a) realize EVERYTHING I had played live up until that point actually WAS dripping in reverb/delay... just the naturally occurring kind and b) start to fully understand the complex role it plays in recorded materials.
Therefore I've kept all reverb shenanigans extremely minimal (but slowly adding more and more as I get used to it and how it reacts to certain sounds). At this point I am at the stage where I consistently have "Room" reverb bus with every active track "sent" to it (then I fiddle with the levels on each send by ear) and now started to do some MILD "FX" reverb on specific instruments.
I've been working myself up to a 2 reverb scheme like you describe but just haven't crossed that threshold yet.
It's amazing how stubborn sonic/tonal prejudices can be. lol
This however definitely is pushing me over the edge to start introducing a second verb and/or delay buss... and I guess I better bloody well start reading more again so I ain't just amplifying teh suck as opposed to sprinkling around little nuggets of awesome.
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 6:50 PM (permalink)
And I too was waiting for the "pop off" but once I realized it wasn't coming I appreciated the edgy moodiness of it all. I could hear this on some HBO style dramatic series or some such as the poignant modern musical statement complimenting a particular scene.
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 7:28 PM (permalink)
Tim's voice is just so damn cool.  He has a Paul Rodgers, classic rock voice.  I kept expecting some sort of break out, the song has latent suspense and it felt like it needed to be resolved.  Anyways, really enjoyed this one.

Thanks David, Tim will be pleased with that comparison.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 7:30 PM (permalink)
And I too was waiting for the "pop off" but once I realized it wasn't coming I appreciated the edgy moodiness of it all. I could hear this on some HBO style dramatic series or some such as the poignant modern musical statement complimenting a particular scene.

Me too, I love the atmosphere of this song, and the lyrics. Tim wrote it a while back, before the DeCaprio movie came out, and I'd never heard the word 'revenant', or 'votive' either. I could imagine it as an end credit piece in True Detective.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 7:36 PM (permalink)
Lovin' that guitar tone! 
Everything as it should be and nothing overdone.  Excellent! 
The only thing that appears to be missing is the line "From the upcoming album..." 

Time for all of you to head over to Beyond My DAW!
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 07, 17 8:30 PM (permalink)
Lovin' that guitar tone! 
Everything as it should be and nothing overdone.  Excellent! 
The only thing that appears to be missing is the line "From the upcoming album..." 

Thanks Craig!


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 9:40 AM (permalink)
Great stuff from you two with some icing from Ed.

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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 10:21 AM (permalink)
Terrific! Not much to say that not already been said!

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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 12:10 AM (permalink)
Great stuff from you two with some icing from Ed.

Thanks John!


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 12:10 AM (permalink)
Glyn Barnes
Terrific! Not much to say that not already been said!

Thank you Glyn!


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 1:33 PM (permalink)
Wow James, talk about a great production and performance by all. It was a treat to my ears this morning....and all the subtle things you've done along with Tim's excellent vox performance just carries this song perfectly.
Great job everyone!! 

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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 08, 17 3:27 PM (permalink)
Great tune, great production all the way around! This song has lots of atmosphere, and the delays you used just added to it. Loved the whole thing, beginning to end...
I've said it before...Tim has a great voice and you two (and the ever-ready Ed, session bassist) really complement each other.

Mixing is all about control.
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 09, 17 6:03 AM (permalink)
Wow James, talk about a great production and performance by all. It was a treat to my ears this morning....and all the subtle things you've done along with Tim's excellent vox performance just carries this song perfectly.
Great job everyone!! 

Thanks Mesh!


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 09, 17 6:03 AM (permalink)
Great tune, great production all the way around! This song has lots of atmosphere, and the delays you used just added to it. Loved the whole thing, beginning to end...
I've said it before...Tim has a great voice and you two (and the ever-ready Ed, session bassist) really complement each other.

Thank you kindly Dan!


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 09, 17 3:23 PM (permalink)
Excellent song... Lyrics and all...
Love listening to Nettlesmith tunes
At around 1:35, is that a sort of reverse delay effect on the vocals? Can't quite suss it out, but it sounds great James
Nice one Tim, James and Ed
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 09, 17 3:28 PM (permalink)
Excellent song... Lyrics and all...
Love listening to Nettlesmith tunes
At around 1:35, is that a sort of reverse delay effect on the vocals? Can't quite suss it out, but it sounds great James
Nice one Tim, James and Ed

Thank you Andy, this one's been on the back burner for a good long while. Yes, on that 'Mother Mary' part I snipped the vocal section, reversed it, applied reverb and printed it, then turned the vocal back the right way. Nice effect if it's not overdone.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 09, 17 3:31 PM (permalink)
Yes, on that 'Mother Mary' part I snipped the vocal section, reversed it, applied reverb and printed it, then turned the vocal back the right way. Nice effect if it's not overdone.

Ah! Right, yeah, I thought it would be something like that. Like you say, a nice effect
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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 16, 17 8:03 PM (permalink)
Hi James,
I just got around to hearing your song today . So let's bring your song back up to the top of the the page
Yes , you and Tim make one hell of a team both of you guys Play so well off each other .
As much as I like Tim's voice which I do , I actually have to say that what you bring to the table in skills on the guitar and the production end of things is what makes a lot of your songs w Tim Gel Musically .
I listened to your song with my best headphones and I have to say that everything that you play and what you don't pay adds a lot to the song .
I am always amazed at how well you can take a back seat with the guitars place in the music while serving the song totally with so much incredibly  subtle , tasteful guitar playing and production chops ...
That in itself is a talent worth it's weight in Gold 
all the best,

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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 17, 17 9:58 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby kennywtelejazz September 18, 17 11:03 PM
Hi James,
I just got around to hearing your song today . So let's bring your song back up to the top of the the page
Yes , you and Tim make one hell of a team both of you guys Play so well off each other .
As much as I like Tim's voice which I do , I actually have to say that what you bring to the table in skills on the guitar and the production end of things is what makes a lot of your songs w Tim Gel Musically .
I listened to your song with my best headphones and I have to say that everything that you play and what you don't pay adds a lot to the song .
I am always amazed at how well you can take a back seat with the guitars place in the music while serving the song totally with so much incredibly  subtle , tasteful guitar playing and production chops ...
That in itself is a talent worth it's weight in Gold 
all the best,

Well Kenny, I think in 11 years of posting tunes here, that is probably the nicest response I've ever had.
Thank you so much.


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 18, 17 0:03 PM (permalink)
I loved it. Great song and production. Nice work. 
Is this on an album or is one coming?


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Re: 'Day of The Dead' September 18, 17 6:14 AM (permalink)
Thanks Jimmy! Not on an album, or planned to be. It's a song from the last sessions I did with Tim, about 18 months ago I think.


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