Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800

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June 25, 09 9:17 PM (permalink)

Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800

Hi folks,

Have a problem here. I have Sonar 5 Producer Edition and I have a Tascam DM-4800. I'm running Sonar on a Creation Station(Sweetwater)Intel based PC,dual core.

Can some kind person tell me the best way to run these 2's what I'm trying to do..

First, I want to be able to record/edit the audio and midi in Sonar and basically use the Tascam DM-4800 as the sound card for it all
( at least for now). Now my Tasc 4800 does not have the fire wire card w/ it so obviously I'm not connecting that way, but I am using a MOTU 2408mk3 interface. I've been told that going through the interface can work this way even if one doesn't have the Tasc Fire wire card, like me.

I'm using 3 TDIF digital connectors going from the MOTU to the TASCAM. I thought I connected, routed, and set everything correctly. However, when I armed a track, and tried to get an audio signal in Sonar, the db meter just instantly pegged out to the RED! It showed the same on the front of the MOTU interface. In fact the only way that I could get a signal reading in Sonar was when I connected w/ the Analog wires.

But I would like to use the TDIF wires that cost me some $! Can some bright young guy or gal tell me where I went wrong, and get me back on the right track? ( or at least direct me to something that can) The folks at Tascam were not very patient or helpful. Using a large hardware device like the Tascam is new to me so please be gentle.


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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 June 25, 09 11:19 PM (permalink)
    The key to this puzzle will be the input/output routing options on your DM4800. I spent quite a while figuring it long ago (3 years) that I haven't rerouted it sense! The meter pegging thing is a loop due to your sending the input signal to itself rather than an output buss most likely.

    I'd mosey over to the tascam forums pay them a few bucks and see if there are any detailed threads on this beast. Be patient, test a very low volumes, or no volume at all until the meters show a correct reaction to input signals. You'll save your ears and monitors (or headphones).

    Good luck! I love my SOnar 8pe, DM3200 and Motu 2408 mk3 tdif set up!
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 June 28, 09 2:53 AM (permalink)
    Hey, it's good to hear that this set up is possible..thanks for the reply. Do you think you can give me a tad more info about your set-up? For example how is your input/output set for your DM-4800 when using Sonar?? BASED ON YOUR SET-UP, If your going to record a small vocal group using 4-6 mics, each mic having it's own separate track in would you set that. Then how would you set your 4800? ..redundant ain't it.

    PS-I did call Tascam and the young man I spoke w/ was very rude.
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 June 28, 09 3:56 AM (permalink)
    As Zenfly said, you need to assign each input to a TDIF output channel, which is the input to sonar.
    Then assign each TDIF input (audio coming from sonar) to input channles in the DM, different than those used for other inputs.
    The DM-4800 menus are not very intuitive, as in most roland units, but you need to learn the signal routing options and configure them.
    I used one and I remember it was difficult to find what I was looking for in the menus, but I don't have it currently so I can't give you more specific steps.

    Jose Catena
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 3:30 PM (permalink)
    I neglected to mention that this is not my own personal studio I'm inquiring about. I've actually been hired on to help at this studio and specifically, the guys here want me to bring in Sonar and add it to their already existing studio set-up. Subsequently, the guys here have been using an ALLESIS HD24 ADAT to handle the recording sessions and not any recording software in their DAW. The ADAT is an older way of doing it, but now they want to be able to use more of their PC, Sonar in the case, to handle the recording sessions. However, they still want to be able to use the ADAT also.

    It's like this, the owners of the studio know and understand recording via hardware devices, e.i. the ADAT, and want that option for themselves ( on the rare occasion they'll engineer a session). At the same time they've hired on another guy and myself to take some of the load and handle most of the recording sessions. We use Sonar as our mainstay and the owners want to have that option for us, and at the end, be able to go back in forth between using Sonar mostly & using the ADAT rarely.

    On one of my attempts to get help from TASCAM, I was told that if I want to go back and forth between using an ADAT device to record and using SOFTWARE (Sonar ) to record, I will need to have a MASTER CLOCK set up in order for this to work. What are your opinions? Is this true?

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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 4:03 PM (permalink)
    If you want connect the ADAT to the PC, you need an ADAT interface in the PC (such as a RME9652). Each ADAT optic fiber carries 8 channels and you will need one for in and one for out.
    The ADAT interface has embedded clock, so the very same optical fiber server for the purpose of syncing the ADAT and the PC interface. You have to set one as master and the other as slave. In this case it does not matter which one is master, but I'd suggest the PC card to be master, so it can work without the ADAT switched on. If you want the opposite, set the ADAT as master.
    There is an optional connection called ADAT Sync, a 9 pin D connector. The wordclock syck is already done with the optic fiber, but using this connection allows also transport control.

    If you want to connect it to the mixer, you need ADAT interfaces or TDIF/ADAT adapters for your mixer (I believe it uses TDIF). Just connect it as described for the PC. Then the mixer would be connected to the PC, also through ADAT connections.

    A third option is to use an ADAT router to connect the PC to the mixer and the ADAT.

    In any case, only one thing must be set as clock master and the rest as slave.

    Jose Catena
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 4:52 PM (permalink)
    A DM 4800 is a Tascam unit and TDIF is a Tascam interface for digital audio. Also the menus on the 4800 are not unintuitive. Read about it here.

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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 5:43 PM (permalink)
    Ooops, I confused the mixer model with a much older and very different one, and forgot you were using a motu too.
    You could connect the mixer to the motu through TDIF, and the ADAT either to the mixer's ADAT or the motus's ADAT. Other combinations are possible. But in any case this setup would be very limited in the number of channels from mixer to pc (only 8), and you will have routing splitted across the motu and the mixer.
    But for best flexibility I would purchase the mixer's firewire card and use the mixer's firewire to connect to the PC. This way you have 32ch in 32 ch out bewteen PC and mixer, and you could control everything from the mixer. The ADAT would connect to the mixer's ADAT port. And in this case you would not need the motu.
    In any case, you have to configure routing and clocks in all the connected modules, so that one is clock master (the mixer would be the best option) and the rest as slaves.
    post edited by jcatena - July 01, 09 5:58 PM

    Jose Catena
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 6:08 PM (permalink)
    The MOTU and the 4800 have 3 banks of TDIF input and output. This gives 24 ins and outs. The DM 4800 should be set for direct outs so that audio is going to Sonar and to any monitors at the same time. Direct outs allows you to add effects to what you hear with out adding them to what Sonar is getting. The clock can be set to the MOTU because that is the point at the computer and if not set it could cause issues in booting up Windows. This may not be and issue but it could be. The MOTU should be the clock master and you can use the TDIF for sending sync.

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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 6:36 PM (permalink)
    I would also experiment with making the clock the DM-4800. I have the Firewire card, so everything works all snazzy there with the DM 3200 being the clock, but on my Pro Tools HD set-up, I was trying to use my 192/Digital as the clock and I was having some issues (pops/clicks and etc) until I let the DM3200 be the clock source. Ever since then, things have been nice and smooth.

    So I would take John's advice first, but if you start getting little pops and clicks (jitter), then I would make the DM3200 the clock source and see if that clears things up.

    Noisebox Studios -Utah Recording Studio
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 7:39 PM (permalink)
    Since you're not familiar with the equipment in someone elses studio, you should work on the Sonar side of the problem and get your advice from them or the manuals for both peices of equipment. The 2408 Mk3 must be set on each 8 channel set for TDIF, plus you have to change the settings via the front panel buttons,select-format conversion-set, for the correct settings for TDIF. If they don't know how their equipment works get the manuals. If they were set up for ADAT to a HD 24 they are in the wrong mode. Get the 2408 Mk 3 manual and set it up via those instructions.

    Craig DuBuc
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 8:24 PM (permalink)
    Thank You everyone for the suggestions, it's allot to digest for sure. I'll be back at the studio next Monday (6th), and I'll be able to apply some of your ideas. Just so I'm clear on one point, if I use Sonar w/ the Tascam 4800 via the Motu 2408mk3 interface (TDIF connection), I will be limited to how many channels in and out...8, 24, or 32 or what?

    Again, thanks for the replies
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 01, 09 8:40 PM (permalink)
    24 with TDIF.

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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 02, 09 10:20 AM (permalink)
    Your issue is the clock. Use the Tascam as the master and the Motu as the slave. Before I bought my Lucid Genx this was my set up wth the DM2400. You shouldn't have to change the output settings too much on the board. your i/o screen on the Tascam should provide easy routing for outputs. Do not mess with Sonar too much, this is not the issue.

    If it's not in the mix, it's not in the master
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 02, 09 11:25 AM (permalink)
    I have almost the exact system except its the dm-3200 and a motu 2408mk3....

    Motu is the master and dm-3200 is the slave....I have a clock sync set-up from motu to the dm-3200...

    I am using 3 tdif cords also....I run 48k 24 bit and have sonar, motu set for that...I am running asio drivers and the dm-3200 is the slide a fader on the board, corresponding one moves in sonar....

    You need to have a usb cable to the computer and a usb port available to do this...

    You should be able to rock with this setup....

    Call me over the weekend...I will get on my system and walk you through setting all the in's and outs....

    My studio # is (202) 299-8573....

    If I can help, cool, if not, have a great weekend!!!



    P-4 3.0ghz- 3 gigs ram
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 03, 09 12:36 AM (permalink)

    Call me over the weekend...I will get on my system and walk you through setting all the in's and outs....

    My studio # is (202) 299-8573....

    If I can help, cool, if not, have a great weekend!!!



    Hey, I appreciate your offer to help me over the phone. However I only have access to the Studio in question during the week. I'm going to try to work it out on my own (using the tips offered in this forum of course) but if I can't, I may take you up on your offer and give you a call. I hope you'll be able to do that on a week-day.

    Have a great 4th of July!!
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 07, 09 11:19 AM (permalink)
    No problem...Available after 5:00pm most nights of the week...


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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 08, 09 5:04 AM (permalink)

    Cakewalk Sonar Platinum Windows 7 32bit & 64bit (dualboot) Gigabyte mobo Intel dual quad 9650 & 4GB Ram RME DIGI9636 & Tascam DM24.  M-audio Rbus & SI-24 Alesis Pro active 5.1 & Radford 90 transmissionline monitors. Roland RD-150 piano Edirol UM-880 & alesis fireport.
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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 08, 09 10:07 PM (permalink)
    On a side note, I connected up all the midi from the Roland JV 1080 module(and keyboard controller) and nearly have it set for use in Sonar. But again because I'm new to working w/ the Tascam 4800 and Motu 2804, Ive run into a snag. I have the midi wires from the JV 1080 correctly connected, but I don't know where to connect the L/Rmono outputs coming from the JV 1080? Do I connect them to the back of the Tascam 4800 (if so where?) or do the go to the back of the MOTU (if so where?)

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    RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 July 11, 09 5:40 PM (permalink)
    Hey, I just want to thank everyone who responded to this topic I started. By utilizing all your helpful tips, and finally getting some great phone support from Tascam (and Sweetwater), our studio is now rockin'! I can record w/ Sonar or the ADAT HD24, and do it while going through the DM-4800...YIPEEE! (no master clock needed!!).

    ..So that's the update, Thanks again.

    Muziekschuur at home
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    Re: RE: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 June 18, 10 11:01 AM (permalink)
    25 June to 11 July. So that's allmost 22 days..... So that's how long it usually takes to get the hang of this mixer.... And that's without all the tricks and things that's in there.....

    Cakewalk Sonar Platinum Windows 7 32bit & 64bit (dualboot) Gigabyte mobo Intel dual quad 9650 & 4GB Ram RME DIGI9636 & Tascam DM24.  M-audio Rbus & SI-24 Alesis Pro active 5.1 & Radford 90 transmissionline monitors. Roland RD-150 piano Edirol UM-880 & alesis fireport.
    Remote recording Alesis HD-24 & Phonic MRS 1-20.
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    Re: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 November 28, 17 10:12 PM (permalink)
    I'm hoping there is somebody still out there who does this.
    I just acquired a Tascam DM-3200 and am in the process of cabling it up and..........uh-ehm........attempting (in vain) to set up the routing.  I have the following setup:
    - Sonar Producer 8.5 (Windows XP...I know, but it's stable.)
    - MOTU 2408 mk2
    - Tascam DM-3200 running firmware 1.70 (current)
    - connected Word Clock BNC Cable (Motu as master, DM-3200 as slave)
    - 3 TDIF cables all connected to respective banks A, B, C on Motu.
    Word Clock is set to internal on Motu and working fine.
    PCI-324 settings are set to TDIF on all 3 banks and Output to From Computer.  I even have the automation configured and working over USB including time code.
    What I want to do is use all 16 Mic/Line inputs on Tascam, route them - via TDIF to 2 MOTU Banks for 16 simultaneous inputs.
    I then also want to be able to have the automation work (realizing there are only 16 faders avail on the REMOTE layer)  - for mixing out of the Box - should I so choose. But will likely have more like 22 tracks....  (how do I get stereo out back from Motu onto DM-3200? Would/should I use Bank A for that as it echoes all first 8 on analog and 1-2 to stereo? Would I then have to use Bank's B and C for 16 M/L inputs from DM-3200.  Would it be better to use ADAT cable for the  "other" channels beyond the 16?
    There certainly MUST be someone out there who has done this.  If so - could someone screen-shot their input and output routing screens for M/L, TDIF Banks, Stereo outs, Bus outs, Aux, etc? 
    I'm currently getting a mic input signal on ch 1 of the board, but its not going anywhere....except echoing on channel 17.
    I also would like - to run 4 separate monitor mixes from the board to avoid latency (if possible) and run those to an external 4 channel headphone amp.  What is the best way to do this? If this is not possible, I'll go back to doing in Cuemix - but how best to cable out of Motu to headphone amp - even with Cuemix?
     I'm obviously a newbie to this digital routing stuff and would REALLY appreciate any help getting it set up.  I've been reading the manual over and over and the routing stuff is just not making sense to me. Once this is set up, I'll probably never change it if it works. :)
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Help me use SONAR w/ my Tascam DM4800 November 28, 17 11:55 PM (permalink)

    Should work, but unless you find others who have use one, which is slim around here I would think, you have taken on a very complicated task. I haved my Yamaha 01v for 20 years and I still don't have it all figured out. 
    Try posting on as many recording forums as you can. Gear Slutz would be a good one. 

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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