RE: PM's Beepster may or may not have received.
2017/12/08 04:54:25
Welp... after much kerfiddling and/or kermuckering (and various combinations of both) it seems my beloved Avast decided to surreptitiously install their "Secure Browser" in the background without my consent (well I'm sure I clicked something somewhere at some point in those reams of TOS agreements that allows them to legally insert their whatever into my wherever but still... that's my wherever, dood!).
Anyhoo... after much wrangling with the affected lappy in betwixt me behaving oddly (I prefer the term "eccentrically"... because I'm a fancy lady like that) it seems I am able to comment again after much stress and fainting.
Now, even though I am entirely exhausted from all the fainting, I have a tentative reply (which I will expound upon once I am less kerfluffled flabbershausted.
Please... come close, son.