Re: Digital Performer 9.5...comments...
December 15, 17 9:25 PM
Still trying the demo. I found ways to load my non-standard external synth patch names into the patch selection dialogs; very powerful, but not consumer friendly. I've run into a display bug where midi notes displayed in sequences are in the wrong places until refreshed by pressing certain buttons. The velocity marks are in the right places, but the notes are offset to the right a few measures. Then, working to wrap my head around sequences, tracks, songs, bundles, chunks, ... The last two are pretty unfamiliar.
W10 pro, Sonar Platinum, Alesis Multimix 16 FW, MOTU Express 128, Gigabyte Z370 HD3P, i7 8700K, 16 Gigs, ssd + 2 X 2T disks, D50-MEX, JV80, A90EX, M1REX