Helpful ReplyRecommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement?

jackson white
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December 11, 17 4:46 PM (permalink)

Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement?

Whether completely obvious or under-rated, the QuadCurveEQ earned its stripes. Looking for a 3rd party, easily transferable replacement with the same feature set including larger display (flyout) with integrated FFT analyzer, note-mapping, Hi/Lo shelves, HPF/LPF, multiple curves including the resonance bump, etc. 
Best candidate in my limited search has been the FF Pro-Q. Expect Melda might have something useful. UAD/Waves are a no go for me. Not looking for cheap, but noting the asking price for these is right up there with complete DAWs. 
I'm sure I'm not the only one under a bit of a crunch to get things sorted out, any suggestions are appreciated. 

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 11, 17 6:32 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby dubdisciple December 11, 17 6:35 PM
The Waves H-EQ is exactly what you want. I grabbed it for $29. It's very much like the quad curve, but instead of 4 emulations you get 6. It also has the built in analyser and HPF, LPF. IT's basically quad curve version 2.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 2:02 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jackson white December 12, 17 4:39 PM
The free melda EQ will do pretty much everything you’ve listed. If the screen seems to small at first just make it larger. Its resizable so you can make it whatever soze you want. Check out a vid I did covering it a while ago.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 2:26 AM (permalink)
I thought melda freebies were size locked
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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 2:48 AM (permalink)
Yes, without a license the MFreeFXBundle plug-ins may not be resized. The license goes on sale regularly. I believe the sale price is around $29.
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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 9:06 AM (permalink)
jackson white
Whether completely obvious or under-rated, the QuadCurveEQ earned its stripes. Looking for a 3rd party, easily transferable replacement with the same feature set including larger display (flyout) with integrated FFT analyzer, note-mapping, Hi/Lo shelves, HPF/LPF, multiple curves including the resonance bump, etc. 

Sure you have considered this, just worth remembering that Quad Curve will work outside of Sonar while you look for a suitable replacement.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 10:10 AM (permalink)
Sure you have considered this, just worth remembering that Quad Curve will work outside of Sonar while you look for a suitable replacement.

I think you might be confusing QuadCurve with LP EQ.
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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 10:41 AM (permalink)
Sure you have considered this, just worth remembering that Quad Curve will work outside of Sonar while you look for a suitable replacement.

I think you might be confusing QuadCurve with LP EQ.

Yes, sorry... Too busy looking at VST EQ options.
For Pro Channel replacements I'm looking at what is available in Cubase's Channel Strip, it has a 4 band EQ, along with Channel Modules like: 
Both have 4 channel EQ but lack the nice graphical interface.
For a more Graphical approach EQual looks interesting but I have not tried it out yet so can't comment on the ease of use or sound: 
Channel Strip looks good but is not really a direct replacement for Pro Channel. I guess the reality here is that its a bit like switching from one high end mixing console to another, they are different. Where Pro Channel really scores is the number of extras available. Don't know if the Cubase Channel Strip supports 3rd party addons but if it does I'd love to see some of the Cakewalk and Third Party modules made available.
I guess one the dust settles extracting the content as products could be an option for someone using the Cakewalk code base.
BTW appreciate that this reads a bit like an advert for T-Racks. Reason for this is that I did the upgrade to 5 so I'm looking at getting the most of this investment in the current situation.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 11:59 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jackson white December 12, 17 5:21 PM
dmg eq's are nice, i use equick mostly

just a sec

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 12, 17 4:39 PM (permalink)
@Chandler - Thx for the YT on Melda. I've used a few of their plugs but never taken the time to fully explore them. Nice job on the overview. 
@ampfixer - Managed to resist all the shiny Waves stuff so far, but will have to reconsider. Looks like a pretty good match. The L2 has been recommended as well.
@pwalpwal - Good one, not on my radar, thx.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 5:32 AM (permalink)
I would definitely go for Waves if you are on a budget - huge bang for buck.  If you are looking to splurge, Fab Filter ProQ2 is brilliant, with the best UI of any plugin I have ever seen.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 6:11 AM (permalink)
the Waves one is  excellent value.
sonnox is very good with easily selectable different curves and you quickly get accustomed to it but it is expensive (although they have half off sales basically a month every year)
Sir Audio has a cool EQ which I bought that is sort of fabfilteresque but much cheaper:

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 9:32 AM (permalink)
Sure you have considered this, just worth remembering that Quad Curve will work outside of Sonar while you look for a suitable replacement.

I think you might be confusing QuadCurve with LP EQ.

For Pro Channel replacements I'm looking at what is available in Cubase

Cubase has this bad boy, though not really a replacement for the QuadCurve, more a replacement for the Fabfilter Pro Q.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 11:52 AM (permalink)
also, if you go to s1 the included pro-eq is pretty nice

just a sec

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 1:40 PM (permalink)
also, if you go to s1 the included pro-eq is pretty nice

I agree, this is a very nice EQ. What is doesn't have though are the emulations (e.g. SSL). I might put in a feature request!


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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 13, 17 1:46 PM (permalink)
Then you have TDR's Nova:

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 14, 17 9:51 AM (permalink)
Neutron. I've had it for a while but haven't done a ton of work with it... digging back into it now and holy smokes, what an incredible mixing tool it is. The EQ has pretty much everything you could ask for - 12 bands (8 parametric plus lo/hi cut plus low/hi shelving), each band fully configurable with dynamic mode and sidechaining, brilliant interface, analyzer with switchable ruler including piano roll, PLUS real-time inter-track masking analysis, PLUS it's also a full-featured channel strip (twin multiband compressors, exciter, transient shaper), modular for switchable routing, with independent wet/dry for parallel on every element and a built-in limiter, a zero Latency mode, PLUS it will do 'intelligent' track analysis and set itself up for you as a useful starting point if you want it to.
And if you only want the EQ (or any other module), you can have that too.
And it sounds great.
I think it's basically 90% of what I need for bread and butter mixing in one product. And I'm not even on the latest version. Yikes. 

tobias tinker 
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jackson white
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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 14, 17 4:32 PM (permalink)
@subtlearts  - Thx for the reminder. Took a brief look at Neutrino when they were giving it away, didn't think much of it.
I'm looking for an EQ I can drop on 40+ tracks. The comparison notes the EQ "available as plugin" is only a feature of the high end bundle ($400 on sale), which implies that for the other bundles it would have to be inserted with a "kitchen sink" configuration for each track. iZotope has a bit of a  rep for being a CPU hog.
What has your experience been with CPU hit for Neutron?

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 14, 17 7:15 PM (permalink)
Check out a vid I did covering it a while ago.

Good work on the video. Reminds me why I should stick just with Melda and forget the rest!  :)


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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 15, 17 10:36 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jackson white December 15, 17 11:50 PM
jackson white
@subtlearts  - Thx for the reminder. Took a brief look at Neutrino when they were giving it away, didn't think much of it.
I'm looking for an EQ I can drop on 40+ tracks. The comparison notes the EQ "available as plugin" is only a feature of the high end bundle ($400 on sale), which implies that for the other bundles it would have to be inserted with a "kitchen sink" configuration for each track. iZotope has a bit of a  rep for being a CPU hog.
What has your experience been with CPU hit for Neutron?

Hey... Well I'm pretty sure I couldn't run 40 instances of the full Neutron on my system, but it's pretty old at this point, and perhaps others could. The full plug running all modules is not super-easy on the CPU, it's true. But it's pretty amazing, and personally I tend to use smaller track counts than that anyway, so it's tough for me to say.
Yes I have the Advanced version of it (came with Music Production Bundle which I got on a pretty sweet special last year) so I can use just the EQ separately, which is a lot lighter but probably not the lightest EQ around. I'm not sure I would use it on 40 tracks even if I could, or had 40 tracks to run it on... unless I really needed the masking features desperately, which is hard to imagine. I would likely use something lighter in many cases - I haven't checked it against Melda, which is also pretty sophisticated - and it's hard to beat the price point!
Neutrino... yeah, it's not really a professional tool, but I could imagine it being useful for a quick drop in kind of thing. But I've never actually used it for anything.

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 15, 17 11:23 PM (permalink)
The Cakewalk LP-EQ L-Phase Equalizer seems to do a nice job. 
I compared it to TDR Nova, PreSonus Pro EQ, and the Melda MEqualizer.  While they are all nice, I think that I like the LP-EQ best for the graphics and controls.  It seems the most similar to the QuadCurve...
The real test will be how many can I insert, ha!  Lighter is better in that case! 
Edit: in further testing, LP-EQ seems very CPU hungry when the plugin UI is displayed.  Closing the UI seems to return CPU usage to normal, and the plugin operates quietly after that.
post edited by abacab - December 16, 17 10:05 PM

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Re: Recommendations for QuadCurve EQ replacement? December 16, 17 9:24 PM (permalink)
Waves Audio Channel is a nice little plug that does three things. Good EQ, Comp, and Gate. I have not used it on every trk of a project, but most say it's really lite on CPU.


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