Rapture files - which ones to keep?
Looking thru my Downloads folder I see these files:
Rapture_Pro_Setup_2.0.0.480.exe size:54.5M date:4/28/2015
Rapture_Pro_UP3_Setup_2.0.3.96.exe size:144M date:11/24/2015
Rapture_Pro_UP4_Setup_2.0.4.25.exe size: 144M date1/27/2016
Rapture_pro_UP5_2.0.5.81.exe size:138M date:7/4/2017
Will it be OK to just keep the latest file? Do I also need to keep the original setup file? Or are these not cumulative and I need to keep ALL of them?
I also see these:
Rapture122Setup_1.2.2.10.exe size:27.4M date:7/1/2015
RaptureClassic_003.exe size:307M date:1/27/2016
Do you suggest I keep both of these? I have no need for backward compatibility with old projects.