live drums to manageable loops

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January 31, 18 6:59 AM (permalink)

live drums to manageable loops

I was going to use Audiosnap to  address inconsistencies with a live drum track(s).  Thank you Lord Tim for all your help. I will soon be using your knowledge. But .....for now, I'm thinking that I will seek out the best 4 bars of each section and create loops. I had the drummer play the tune 5 times. I used 8 mics/tracks. 
My question: What software is best suited for this? I have Kontact-5 and anything that comes with Platinum and I could purchase  something if needed.
thanks ! 

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    January 31, 18 12:07 AM (permalink)

    post edited by mister happy - February 01, 18 11:44 AM

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    Re: live drums to manageable loops January 31, 18 12:12 AM (permalink)
    Session Drummer 3 will let you drag/drop audio to the kit pieces to fire via MIDI, and Matrix view will fire off loops readily (but you want to make sure they are set to good bar lengths for use). Depending on if you intend to separate the pieces, one method may work better than the other.
    For a non-included VSTi, you might want to demo Geist 2, as that will slice up audio and let you create a kit from the samples you feed it. One engine will easily replicate a real kit, and you can then use its step sequencer to create the patterns used in the song. If you choose to demo that, try autoslicing audio (trim to proper bar length) of the entire kit, since that should catch all of the pieces in one go. There are eight engines available, so the quickest route would be to repeat that on each engine for the loops you have chosen (if you have 8 or less).

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    Re: live drums to manageable loops February 01, 18 1:20 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Mister Happy but, at this point I'd like to stay inside my host (platinum) rather than downloading and learning Pro Tools and Cubase.
    Thanks Mettelus. I check out Session Drummer 3 and Geist2.
    I'm still thinking there is an easier way to create loops from 2-4 bars of multitracked audio. I'd like to keep the drums separate and not bounce together so I could e.g., increase volume of the snare at mix down.
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    Re: live drums to manageable loops February 01, 18 1:59 AM (permalink)
    Bite the bullet.
     Quantizing multi-tracked drums:
    It’s important that all the edits and cuts happen at the exact same place on each of the multi-tracked drum tracks to maintain phase coherency.
    Make sure they all have the same transient markers. It’s better to chop them up and move the slices around.
    Disable the transient markers on the overheads (right click select all -> right click over a marker and disable). Work with the close mic sounds as the source for establishing transients.
    Select all the drum tracks. Right click on any track, choose merge and lock markers. Little yellow locks will show up on the clips. All the transient markers from all the drum tracks are copied to each drum track. All the drums share identical transient markers.
    The next step is to unlock the clips. Switch back to clip view on all the drum tracks (control + shift + click and select clip). Right click in the background select clip lock and uncheck lock position.
     Switch back to audio transient view. The yellow locks should be off.
    Call up the Audiosnap palette and select split beats to clips. Now that the clips are split you can use the quantize process. Process -> Quantize -> select a note value (1/8th) under resolution and audio clip start times under change. Leave auto Xfade times and fill gap checked ( 20ms and 80ms). Click OK.
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    Re: live drums to manageable loops February 01, 18 3:50 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Bluzdog. I appreciate the detailed info, and will try that if there isn't an easier way. I may first try the following:
    1. Identify grooving sections e.g., 4 bars.
    2. Split beginning and ending points on all 8 tracks at the same place.
    3. copy and paste ( so if I needed 8 bars, I'd copy and paste the 8-track-4-bar segment once).
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