Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please

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January 30, 18 2:40 AM (permalink)

Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please

So, playback of a 25 track audio project was crackling like crazy. After checking things I found "always open all devices" was checked in prefs. I unchecked it and crackling went away.
Sometimes I get audio engine has stopped message also.
But my question is this: Task Manager shows 3.3GB total memory being used by all processes...I have 32 GB's of high performance ram. Also shows, about 11% of CPU total being used. I have an 17 3770 ghz.
so I am not understanding how I ever get any glitches at all? What is the other 28.7GB of ram doing? What is the other 97% of the CPU doing? Shouldn't it all show in task manager and also process explorer? I have many things disabled also, using this forum over the years and also Blak Vipers Win 8.1x64 suggestions.


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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 3:15 AM (permalink)
    Defrag ? I get odd sounds on playback also..i found when it starts happening i pause..then globally arm and disarm record then unpause..sounds are gone..i have no idea why it works
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 4:06 AM (permalink)
    It's a SSD, so no defrag. But I run the Intel ssd optimizer (trim function) every week auto. Which is basically SSD defrag of sorts.

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 5:00 AM (permalink)
    It's a SSD, so no defrag. But I run the Intel ssd optimizer (trim function) every week auto. Which is basically SSD defrag of sorts.

    I thought that ssd optimizer wasn't necessary from Windows 7 onwards? I've never been clear what it does or whether I should use it on my SSD. 

    Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 7:33 PM (permalink)
    It's a SSD, so no defrag. But I run the Intel ssd optimizer (trim function) every week auto. Which is basically SSD defrag of sorts.

    I thought that ssd optimizer wasn't necessary from Windows 7 onwards? I've never been clear what it does or whether I should use it on my SSD. 

    To be honest, I am not sure either. I will research it. Last time I did research it warned to NOT use a regular defrag app. But I cannot remember how long ago that was. 
    But honestly, I do not believe that is my issue. Unchecking the option I mentioned in op seems to have stopped all far anyway.

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 7:37 PM (permalink)
    Ok so here is what I found:
    Reason NOT to use a defrag app because it causes wear and tear on the drive and lessens it's life span.
    Reason to use trim:
    Trim command for SSD
    trim command (known as TRIM in the ATA command set, and UNMAP in the SCSI command set) allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally.
    It appears Win 10 has a trim function but it is off by default. I am on win 8.1x64

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 7:52 PM (permalink)
    Latencymon results?

    Side note.. I believe black Viper turns off UAC, you need to turn that back on. It's a security risk off and does not improve performance turning it off either.
    (Google for details). Hopefully he hasn't told you to turn off firewall etc.

    Also have you excluded files and processes for your antivirus application real time scanning?
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 8:58 PM (permalink)
    Latencymon results?

    Side note.. I believe black Viper turns off UAC, you need to turn that back on. It's a security risk off and does not improve performance turning it off either.
    (Google for details). Hopefully he hasn't told you to turn off firewall etc.

    Also have you excluded files and processes for your antivirus application real time scanning?

    The latencymon results say, with Sonar running and playing a project that "this computer is suitable to handle 
    real time audio and other tasks without dropouts.
    I have been turning UAC off since it's inclusion in windows. Malware-bytes is Much more efficient than UAC. I tired quickly of the continuous stupid interruptions. I have NEVER EVER had a virus or malware of any consequence going back to Win 7, which I considered the first "OK" windows OS from M$.
    Alex I do not claim to have the knowledge about PCs I once had. I definitely do not. I worked as as network admin and desktop support tech for many years. 5 useless M$ Certifications. But That was 16 years ago. 
    But basic common sense stuff doesn't real change much. Windows firewall is turned me, not black vipers page.
    I only used his site to review and research what he considered  ok to disable. I did not follow it verbatim. 
    I use Bit defender and have for years. I use a second int HD for for samples and CW Content. That drive is excluded from on access scanning in both malware-bytes and Bit defender. So are every folder that has any VSTs or other audio stuff.
    BTW, I replied to you, but do not mean to be confrontational. I just thought a better explanation of myself might be good...especially lately :-) 
    Like I stated, turning off "load or open all devices in Sonar Prefs stopped it all--for a day anyway so far.
    The only issue I see are lots of page faults by rundll and some by bit defender. I also had the APC backup apps running wish I don't really need.
    Thanks for the advice. It's appreciated always

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 9:10 PM (permalink)
    Firstly Malwarebytes is a virus scanner, UAC is built in Windows admin permissions check preventing unauthorised applications from running. If an application requires admin access windows will prompt with it. This stops anything weird needing admin permissions. Comparing a malware scanner with a user permissions check is a bit like comparing a lock with a burglar alarm. In your case turning off UAC (which is turned on by default for good reason by MS, and a similar thing happens with Linux and other OS's btw) disables the lock so you are hoping the alarm gets set off and the security guards will arrive when broken into (door is already open). You basically need firewall, antivirus, a malware scanner and UAC on to protect your PC please don't kid yourself.

    If your firewall is off and you have been connected for some time, even with a hardware firewall in place it's extremely likely you may have an infection. Turning firewalls off is simply you have no parameter fence.. If what I say is true then frankly I'm not surprised you have performance problems. Btw in a lot of cases the firewall can also improve performance.

    In regards to latency monitor, regardless of your result you need to go to the drivers tab and sort by highest DPC. Post a screenshot here I suggest.
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 9:22 PM (permalink)
    To add I am assuming Windows update is totally up to date, as are your drivers and firmware via third party sites. You may wish to rule out dodgy plugins as well. That should about cover it I think you it's going to take some time to get your PC configured to be stable and secure. I fear you may have over tweaked somewhat. Good luck..
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 9:36 PM (permalink)
     I use Bit defender and have for years. I use a second int HD for for samples and CW Content. That drive is excluded from on access scanning in both malware-bytes and Bit defender. So are every folder that has any VSTs or other audio stuff.

    Oh another thing ...

    Is it Malwarebytes pro with realtime scanning? I used that combination for years and that eventually screwed with the stability of the PC. I emailed support to both companies they both blamed each other (even after setting it up so they fully excluded each ofher), consequently I don't run Malwarebytes realtime scans any more (just do manual scans every now and then). My version of Bitdefender comes with a malware scanner anyway so there is little point in running both.
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 10:00 PM (permalink)
    Re: Malwarebytes Premium -

    It created significant problems across the board. May or may not have been your problem, but a heads up anyway.

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 10:28 PM (permalink)
    UAC was not turned off to enhance performance. It was turned off because it was a PIA.
    Bit defender has Safe files module. Anytime any process needs admin rights bit defender warns me. I fin it much more user friendly than UAC. 
    I do NOT have any infections. I have run and do often, various rootkit killers and scans and apps from other companies. I am very cognizant of bad sites and bad files. I know what not to do. I do not go to porn sites, cracked software sites etc. I don't just double click on crap like the majority of users do.
    None of you know me. Because I turn off UAC and the windows firewall I guess I am considered a beginner. How sad that assumption is.
    The only issues i had with MWbytes was not excluding bit defender and visa versa. Since I have excluded each in each others exclusions, no issues.
    Like I said, 3X now. Since turning off the Sonar pref about "always open all devices" the issues have not returned.

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 10:29 PM (permalink)
    Alex...I also do NOT use real time scanning with MWBytes Pro
    I need to really go thru all apps and their prefs, liking calling home etc looking for updates.. Haven't done that lately.
    I am not saying I know it all, far from it. Precisely why I post questions. 
    I will take another look at MWbytes, but without real time scanning I don't see what harm it can cause. But I will look as advised. I will also revisit the yeahs and nays of the Windows firewall. 
    I do thank you all for taking the time to help me and feed me things to look at. Which I will.

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 10:33 PM (permalink)
    Ok so here is what I found:
    Reason NOT to use a defrag app because it causes wear and tear on the drive and lessens it's life span.
    Reason to use trim:
    Trim command for SSD
    trim command (known as TRIM in the ATA command set, and UNMAP in the SCSI command set) allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally.
    It appears Win 10 has a trim function but it is off by default. I am on win 8.1x64

    For the record, I think it might be on by default. I've certainly never turned mine on manually, and if I open a CMD prompt and type "fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify", it returns 0 which means that TRIM is enabled. 

    Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 10:38 PM (permalink)
    Ok so here is what I found:
    Reason NOT to use a defrag app because it causes wear and tear on the drive and lessens it's life span.
    Reason to use trim:
    Trim command for SSD
    trim command (known as TRIM in the ATA command set, and UNMAP in the SCSI command set) allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally.
    It appears Win 10 has a trim function but it is off by default. I am on win 8.1x64

    For the record, I think it might be on by default. I've certainly never turned mine on manually, and if I open a CMD prompt and type "fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify", it returns 0 which means that TRIM is enabled. 

     It was something I read on the web that stated this. I do not have win 10, so I really didn't know.But thanks for letting me know 
     Here it is and was the first thing to pop up when I ggogled the question. But it is dated 2016?
    Doesn't say specifically it's off. but kind of leans that way. But your experience is an actual validation since you never turned it on.
    How to enable TRIM on your Windows 10 PC. When TRIM isn't enabled on Windows 10, you need to do the following: Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).Apr 3, 2016

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 30, 18 11:24 PM (permalink)
    UAC was not turned off to enhance performance. It was turned off because it was a PIA.

    You aren't exactly the first person I've met who has disabled it, that's what everybody says until they understand they are leaving a door wide open:
    Bit defender has Safe files module. Anytime any process needs admin rights bit defender warns me. I fin it much more user friendly than UAC. 

    Again UAC is not a malware scanner or indeed a virus scanner, there is no use comparing them they are totally different! Virus and malware scanners are second line protection,  Ultimately any virus or malware that gets through will be granted admin rights by default, not a great idea. Also note antivirus and anti malware is not a replacement for Windows security updates either.
    I do NOT have any infections. I have run and do often, various rootkit killers and scans and apps from other companies. I am very cognizant of bad sites and bad files. I know what not to do. I do not go to porn sites, cracked software sites etc. I don't just double click on crap like the majority of users do.
    None of you know me. Because I turn off UAC and the windows firewall I guess I am considered a beginner. How sad that assumption is.

    I'm not saying turning off your firewall and UAC makes you a beginner, I'm just saying you are are gambling with the security of your PC. As with all security the weakest link is the best line of attack, and on your PC you have at least two massive security holes. Does not matter how experienced you are, your PC is probably far less experienced than you are.
    The only issues i had with MWbytes was not excluding bit defender and visa versa. Since I have excluded each in each others exclusions, no issues.

    That's what I did, what I got was periodic freezing similar to what you had, and occasional BSOD crashes. Got rid of malwarebytes and all was well. Glad it is working for you.
    Alex...I also do NOT use real time scanning with MWBytes Pro

    But is it actually running at all? I disabled it completely from startup myself.
    Like I said, 3X now. Since turning off the Sonar pref about "always open all devices" the issues have not returned.

    But my question is this: Task Manager shows 3.3GB total memory being used by all processes...I have 32 GB's of high performance ram. Also shows, about 11% of CPU total being used. I have an 17 3770 ghz.
    so I am not understanding how I ever get any glitches at all?

    Again screenshot of latencymon driver tab I suggest order by DPC latency.

    BTW trim should only happen once a week, and it generally does not last very long (way less than a minute), unless you that Black Viper third party utility disabled it... I don't trust it myself prefer to do my optimization manually.

    Trim really has little to do with performance (it's not like defrag at all), it's about making your SSD last longer by flipping bits around, should not be turned off, or should be manually run once a week... unless you don't care about your SSD failing prematurely. Anyway I've never had an issue.
    Anyway quick way to look at trim is to right click a drive, then properties, tools, Optimize (maybe Windows 8 still shows defrag). It should recognise drive as solid state regardless, optimize them and you are actually running trim. The settings button will change the scheduling.
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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 31, 18 0:26 PM (permalink)
    @Alex... I will run latencyMon again and check drive tab and grab a screenshot of it.
    As for MW BYtes I will turn off autostart for a while to see if there is a difference. I'll give it a good long time. few weeks at least.
    I use the Intel SSD tools for trim. I have it scheduled for once a week. I check often to make sure it ran.
    Thanks again

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    Re: Crackling playback and cpu\memory question Please January 31, 18 0:48 PM (permalink)
    @Alex & Sharke.
    I ran the command prompt for trim and it is on on my PC. But never scheduled. Drive said last run was 837 days ago. But I have run Intel toolbox every week since drive was installed. 
    So I unscheduled the intel toolbox for now.
    I added a weekly schedule to the windows trim & optimize. So I'll see how it all goes. it ran very quickly, like 10 seconds. So I have to believe that the intel toolbox was doing optimize and trim all this time.
    But, I am always open to try new things. Certainly learned a few things in this thread

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