No multiple MIDI outputs available to soft synths

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February 09, 18 5:34 PM (permalink)

No multiple MIDI outputs available to soft synths

Hello Everyone,
I'm having a soft synth problem with plug-ins that I know to be multi timbral. For example, I'll load an instance of Trillian and want to  use three or four different midi channels out of SONAR to the soft synth for different effects (slides etc.). However, my only output option is to "Trillian". (Trillian has an 8 channel midi input capacity). There are no multiple output channels available from SONAR and accordingly, any variations that I want to voice, have to come from loading Trillian in as may instances. This is true of every soft synth that I have (Kontakt etc.). I spent hours on the phone with the Trillian Tech and he couldn't figure it out either. I've used multiple output channels successfully in SONAR before. I don't really know when this started. I only noticed it a few months ago, but I can't seem to find a reason - let alone a solution. Is there some configuration in the VST folder that I am missing? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit, SONAR Platinum. 32 GB RAM.

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    Re: No multiple MIDI outputs available to soft synths February 09, 18 6:17 PM (permalink)
    Double check that when you load Trillion - that you are selecting " all outputs - stereo ". The dialogue that comes up when first loading the instance gives several other options there. Then of course select the specific channel in the track inspector ( C)  channel widget. Also, ( I've never used Trillion ), open it as a stand alone and check that all options are correctly set-up.

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    Re: No multiple MIDI outputs available to soft synths February 09, 18 6:25 PM (permalink)
    You can set each midi track to any soft synth and each soft synth has 16 input channels found in the C dialog box as shown here. 
    I= Input
    O= output
    C= channel
    B= Bank
    P = Patch 

    Johnny V  
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