Re: Best way to connect submixer
February 21, 18 6:50 AM
I forgot to subscribe to the thread so I wasn't notified and I thought nobody loved me. :) Thanks for the replies!
>Route the submix to the board and Vocal feed to the other channel.
That should be OK, stereo submix and mono vocal, with a whole stereo channel left over. I was fooled by the '5' when it's really a '3'. Marketing is just Sales with a degree...
I forgot to mention, I have a condenser mic and I have 48 volts phantom power on the MOTU - but no phantom power on the Mix 5 unless that's the Gain control. (?)
>Or the other way would be use the Mixer as your Vocal preamp and output from the Mix 5 to your interface
That looks like another viable way to go but I don't want anything to loopback or feedback even if it means you have to press a button to cause it, because that can happen by accident.
>not sure if the Mackie pre's would be better than your Motu's.
I think the MOTU must be better all round, it was expensive even when it was trailing edge but the Mix 5 was about $15.
>What you could do is somehow split the vocal mike into 2 sends like I have.
The CueMix software is supposed to be able to achieve that and I would have gone that way if it worked (or If I'd understood it and got it right). In the end, turning a physical knob seemed easier.
The INs on this thing are marked Bal/Unbal - which is it!?
Also it has no ON/OFF switch, looks like you have to pull out the AC adapter. You get what you pay for.
I just found a manual online, nothing came in the box. I haven't opened the pdf yet, it might only be two pages long.