EC-SMK Stand Mount
What in the world is that, you all are saying. asking yourselves.
Well, I was looking for a way to have my vocalist control their own headphone volume while I was at my recording desk. I've used a Presonus HP4 headphone Amp for years but it has always been on my desk and the vocalist is away from my desk. I found this stand for a "PM-16 Personal Monitor Mixer" and wondered if I could use it for my HP4 headphone mixer.
Guess what folks, It works. I went to and purchased a, Click me~~>
Elite Core EC-SMK Stand Adapter (With included Hardware) and connected it to a Mic stand to have it near the vocalist so they can change their levels on the headphone amp. It cost me Only $19.99, not much at all. Now you can either try to screw it on from the back, however, I just used some strong two way Velcro Tape to hold it in place.
I now need to buy two right angle instruments cables to replace those yellow ones so they don't stick out the back.