Re: Song Speed up Problem
April 11, 18 10:44 PM
I had this sort of problem. One time, it wasn’t Sonar per se, more aligning i/o rates and letting Sonar share the sound device.
YMMV but i think it was due to Focusrite F/W drivers. I’ll do a search tomorrow, but from memory it was not a Sonar problem
Have you got certain events slowing the tempo down ?
BTW i am on an iPad so can’ see your specs.
Built by yours truely : I7-2600@3.4GHz, Asus P67Z68, W10x64 Creator Edition, 32GB RAM, 3 HD's, nVidia 760 GT, Focusrite 18i20 2,d Gen + Ti FW, Oxygen 61 iv Gen, and Edirol SD-20 (yes it works), CbB, Teles, Strats, LP's, Epi Riviera, etc