New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please?

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May 22, 18 8:07 PM (permalink)

New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please?

...\cakewalk\shared utilities\vstScan.exe
an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file.
DeleteFile failed; code 5
access is denied
retry, abort, cancel.
I have retried multiple times. I've played with turning firewall off and on.
and Thanks, Kevin

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    Re: New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please? May 22, 18 8:16 PM (permalink)
    Check the Windows Task Manager to insure vstscan.exe is not running. If it is running try to kill the process. If that fails, reboot before attempting to run the update.
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    Re: New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please? May 22, 18 8:30 PM (permalink)
    Thanks, I'll give that a try..
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    Re: New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please? May 22, 18 9:51 PM (permalink)
    Access denied is often (if not always) a privilege issue (are you running elevated?) but it's not clear why a scan would try to delete a file. Are you trying to save a plugin layout? 
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    Re: New Update FAIL: what does this message mean, how do I fix, please? May 22, 18 10:08 PM (permalink)
    I was installing the new CbB update from BA. It downloaded fine, started the installation. When it got to a certain part of the scan, it kept popping that message. Finally, I hit "ignore" however many times it took, and the update was successful, according to BA's display.
    However, another issue cropped up that I have to resolve before I can test CW: When I plugged my stinkin Scarett in, Win did not recognize it. I have to go to a gig and cannot investigate what the deal is, until tomorrow. I suspect that part of the issue with that is the new Win10 update. Since the update, I have not plugged my one & only USB interface in to this machine. Always something 🤡
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