No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates

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June 16, 18 2:29 PM (permalink)

No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates

Hi there:)
Can somebody confirm please??
I 've made a few Track Templates with the new Colors, but after trying out these I noticed that Colors and the inserted Bus Sends are not saved with the template:(
Is this just a bug for me or is it just not implemented yet??
In the busses I have only a Hardware Send inserted to a specific HW Output for monitoring, perhaps this is not saved cause it has no aimed track.....
Thanks a lot;)
P.S. As a Project Template everythings fine, Colors and Bus Sends are there correctly!

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    Re: No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates June 16, 18 3:05 PM (permalink)
    Track templates work like they have for some time. The difference now is color settings work for other than Mercury.
    1) Individual track colors are saved in the template; bus colors are not. If tracks are set to follow bus color instead of individually assigned color, the tracks revert to the default bus color regardless of the bus color setting used to create the template.
    2) Buses must be selected along with the tracks in order to have the bus added to the template. When inserting a template into a project, if the bus does not exist it will be created. If the bus does exist the tracks will use the existing bus.
    Project templates store a lot more data. They are few differences between project files and project templates. The main different is how the audio folder is defined.
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    Re: No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates June 16, 18 3:34 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for this info! 
    To 2)  You only have to have a Track with a send to a bus, then the bus is added!
    OK, I have to look for another workflow, perhaps merge project templates...
    Thank you;)

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    Re: No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates June 16, 18 3:50 PM (permalink)
    To 2)  You only have to have a Track with a send to a bus, then the bus is added!

    This is true. Inserting a template with tracks that have sends to buses that do not exist in the project will create new buses with the appropriate names and default settings. This may or may not be sufficient. It is possible to explicitly save buses with tracks in a template. Inserting these templates will recreate the buses as saved in the template (except for the bus output routing, this defaults to the master bus, a bug IMO) but only if the buses do not already exist in the project.
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    Re: No Colors and Bus Sends in Track Templates June 17, 18 8:32 AM (permalink)
    I wanted to integrate my new bus structure with colors into old files which I have to remix!
    The problem, the old files have other Screensets, other busses. If I take my new Project template)with new colors and screensets), I can't get in the  tracks from the old files without loose all Prochannel settings:(
    If I take the old file and merge with drag and drop the new project template, no busses are inserted, no screensets are merged, no colors:( Inserting the new Track template inserts no colors from the busses and no screensets.

    How can I easily edit the old files and then have new busses with colors and the new screensets???
    The fastest way would be to make a new project with the existing bus structure and colors and screensets and insert all tracks from the old file with all Prochannel settings for a good starting point to remix, but I can find no way to do that:
    Save Prochannel settings for every track from the old file
    Copy all clips of the old file tracks to the new project
    Load Prochannel settings for every new track
    Color every track (OK that's not a great thing)
    Any other idea scook?

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