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June 04, 18 6:43 AM (permalink)

So what's the consensus now?

So what's the consensus now?
Stick with Sonar/Bandlab, or jump ship and go with Pro Studio, Cubase, or something else?
Or are we all still sitting on the fence, trying to get a firm sense of whether Bandlab will have the inspiration and resources to truly revitalise Sonar?  Or will investing time (and possibly money) in Bandlab be yet another case of throwing good money after bad?
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 7:08 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Bristol_Jonesey June 04, 18 10:25 AM
Be honest with yourself, what kind of answer are you expecting to get here? It's a bit like going to the Manchester United headquarters and asking who's the best, Man United or Liverpool
Go on your own experiences and thoughts, and needs, track record is what it's all about. I made my decision nearly 3 years ago and I have yet to see anything that would entice me back in the slightest, but that's me, and you are you. Best of luck.

Intel i7 4790 @3.6Ghz - 32GB Ram - Windows 10 Pro 64bit - RME Fireface UFX+
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 7:29 AM (permalink)
Cakewalk is still king! :)
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 7:36 AM (permalink)
Cakewalk is still king! :)

I thought you were King?
Or are you dead!

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 7:38 AM (permalink)
After some stability issues with CbB and with is still uncertain future due to the not transparent politics of Bandlab I will stick with REAPER for now. When I know if I can rely in this program at long term I will give it a try again. Don't get me wrong I really like Cakewalk.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 8:09 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Skyline_UK June 04, 18 4:03 PM
Cakewalk by BandLab.
If people don't like it or use it - then wtf are they doing here?
(I don't hang around in the Mac forums and say that I prefer Windows.)

The Computer Mouse (web)
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 8:32 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby hoodmuzic June 08, 18 1:35 PM
I was more and more positive about CbB and BandLab in the last time. But the NEW crash with the stereo/mono switch that I reported yesterday made me switch back to another DAW. If even a simple thing like recording a guitar with TH3 in a new project with only 2 tracks does not run, that is no good sign and it is annoying!
To GjB: I think you see it a little bit too one-sided. There are many people like me who really like the design of Sonar/CbB and who hope that it will succeed, but they are waiting for evident reasons. And that is why I track and comment what is here in this forum.

... many years before ...
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 8:59 AM (permalink)
Cakewalk by BandLab.
If people don't like it or use it - then wtf are they doing here?
(I don't hang around in the Mac forums and say that I prefer Windows.)

It's all in the signature
"It's the entertainment value, the comic relief . . . plus the Software and Deals Forum"
Plus as a /cough Lifetime Updates /cough member, I like to keep an eye on things, my personal opinion, and going on track record, is that CbB will fail within 2 years. It seems to be no secret that Cakewalk/SONAR has been hemorrhaging money for a long time, since the Roland years and before, it has also had a fairly large hemorrhage of users since November last year, many long time users have left, and if you believe what they say in other forums, they have no desire to return after experiencing 'life on the outside' YES, there will be those who'll say that they seen the grass on the other side and will return, but let me suggest they may be in the minority, just have a look around the forums and compare the activity to before last November, and look at all the well know names that you just don't see anymore. Also, I think that BandLab not having the new forums up and running and concurrently not allowing new users to sign up and therefore seek help here might be a mistake, they should open the new forums ASAP and shut these ones down in my opinion.
It's not as easy as some seem to think, some say it's free so the users will flock to it, I don't think so, there is more at play than just price, Cakewalk/SONAR has, and have had a huge image problem outside these forums, this insular bubble, a huge reputation problem, that is going to be tough to overcome, and you can argue for or against whether or not that image/reputation problem is deserved, it doesn't matter, because it is a fact, pure and simple, it has this problem. SONAR has had a reputation outside this insular bubble of being flaky, buggy, clunky, old and tired for a long time. An example, you see posts/threads her on and off all the time with people complaining about how SONAR wasn't respected, wasn't list by 3rd party vendors as supported etc, you threads like "I'm tired of having to make excuses for using SONAR" (search it) people always saying they don't personally know anyone else who uses SONAR, people giving them strange looks when they tell them they are a SONAR user, people not even knowing what SONAR is, all these type of things get brought up for a reason, and the reason is that is what it's like outside this little insular bubble, Cakewalk/SONAR (and now CbB) aren't that popular, aren't that well known and respected, that's just how it is, like it or not, argue all you like, but the many posts and threads by users on these forums about these 'issues' proves it's a fact.

Intel i7 4790 @3.6Ghz - 32GB Ram - Windows 10 Pro 64bit - RME Fireface UFX+
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 9:48 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jude77 June 07, 18 2:40 PM
The consensus is there is obviously no consensus.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 11:32 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby galeom June 04, 18 11:42 AM
Cakewalk by BandLab.
If people don't like it or use it - then wtf are they doing here?
(I don't hang around in the Mac forums and say that I prefer Windows.)

Because they like taking a dump in front of people who still use Cakewalk and are having no problems with it. Have you ever watched someone play with a really ugly scab? It's like that, just worse.
I really hope the new forum is only for current active users of Cakewalk only.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 11:47 AM (permalink)
My experience is that without offline authorization, I'm stuck using Splat.
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June 04, 18 11:54 AM (permalink)

post edited by dj squarewave - June 09, 18 11:30 AM

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 12:05 AM (permalink)
I'm still using Splat for now, but purchased Samplitude in the event that the offline authorization option goes belly up.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 12:12 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Geo524 June 05, 18 11:53 PM
I'm sticking with Platinum until the bandlab version offers a compelling reason (for me) to switch. It's still pretty much the same thing and still does everything I need it to. Too soon to assess the new ownership IMO. I think give it 12 months and that should give a more accurate picture of where it's at.
As for the competition, S1 has a few nice features, but I don't use it because I can't get used to the fugly UI / transport bar position and in my experience it's certainly not as crash free as the fanbois would have you believe. I was hoping that the recent much hyped update to v4 would make me try harder to overcome the fugliness or better still eradicate it, but no. I'd guess that even the super fans were a bit whelmed by it.
Cubase - Been there done that many years ago (SX3 IIRC) crashed all the time and support was awful so I don't feel inclined to go there again. It may be different now, but once bitten and all that......
The only others I've looked at are Samplitude, which again has its good points, big value at the recent offer prices, but it's like stepping back in time - desperately needs a UI update, Reaper - again some nice things, but the menu layouts are painful and Mixcraft I found it hard not to think of as a cartoon version of a DAW. I'm sure it works ok, but it just looks a bit like My First Daw (suitable for ages 4-12)
No doubt some will say that looks aren't important, the tools are, but when you spend a lot of time looking at something it helps a lot if the view isn't off-putting. Platinum with tungsten theme is still the best look/layout for me.
post edited by paulo - June 04, 18 1:47 PM
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 12:34 AM (permalink)
To all those talking about "offline authorization" you have three options:
1) Temporarily move your pc or laptop to a location with internet access or
2) Piggy back off your phone's or a friend's phone's internet to your pc or laptop
3) Temporarily sign up for wireless internet and plug the WiFi receiver into your pc or laptop.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 12:38 AM (permalink)
Matron Landslide
I think that BandLab not having the new forums up and running and concurrently not allowing new users to sign up and therefore seek help here might be a mistake, they should open the new forums ASAP and shut these ones down in my opinion.

Meng said there WILL be new forums and these old ones won't be shut down, but kept for legacy and archive. Since there will be new forums, I find it sensible not letting new users sign in here, to prevent them getting confused. They will sign in to the new ones only. Plus, at the moment, they CAN read here all the info.
Matron Landslide
Cakewalk/SONAR has, and have had a huge image problem outside these forums... a huge reputation problem, that is going to be tough to overcome... because it is a fact, pure and simple. SONAR has had a reputation outside... of being flaky, buggy, clunky, old and tired for a long time.

True. Indeed. And maybe this is what BandLab is trying to eradicate. Right now they are polishing the DAW to perfection with OUR help - the old users' help. We're the best at noticing old bugs, describing, etc AND still "emotionally attached" to the DAW (clever move - to exploit the feelings :) ).
When the DAW reaches an almost perfectly functioning state, that's when they will open the new forums, provide better description, marketing, etc.
And as time goes by and IF they keep that pace, that bad reputation will wane and maybe the opposite will start to happen. Everyone will adopt it because it will have a good reputation and at the same time cost nothing.
And that is the day BandLab will start charging for it: when it will have achieved good reputation and widespread adoption.

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June 04, 18 12:43 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jaxman12 June 08, 18 2:23 AM

post edited by dj squarewave - June 09, 18 11:30 AM

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 1:40 PM (permalink)
To all those talking about "offline authorization" you have three options:
1) Temporarily move your pc or laptop to a location with internet access or
2) Piggy back off your phone's or a friend's phone's internet to your pc or laptop
3) Temporarily sign up for wireless internet and plug the WiFi receiver into your pc or laptop.

1) I'm not about to drag my desktop computer to someone else's place everytime I need to authorize cakewalk.
2) My cell phone provider has strict rules about piggy backing to a computer. They'll terminate my service.
3) I'm not going to sign up for wireless service, just so I can turn right around and cancel it. Seems like a waste of money.

I do appreciate your suggestions, but I'm going to stick with what I have.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 1:49 PM (permalink)
post edited by paulo - June 04, 18 7:12 PM
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 1:51 PM (permalink)
Edited typo and post disappears (again). 
Maybe bandlab should concentrate on the forum software first.
The Maillard Reaction
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June 04, 18 1:55 PM (permalink)

post edited by dj squarewave - June 09, 18 11:30 AM

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 1:58 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby galeom June 04, 18 3:43 PM
I'm not interesting in arguing, either.
I must be too old fashioned, because to me it seems disrespectful to be rude about a product in the product's forum.
If one has moved on, then surely there's no reason to stick around and disrespect anything.
I certainly wouldn't type and try to influence and bad market a product for any reason at all, at its place of home.
Like I say, call me old fashioned, or overly sensitive.
The good side to all of this is that this is the old legacy Sonar forum. I hope the mods are pretty heavy handed in any new forums - to keep things on track.
Everyone else who needs to vent about life can go to the coffee lounge or wherever else.
It's all good.. group hug, high fives..

The Computer Mouse (web)
Cakewalk by BandLab, Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), Focusrite 2i4 (Gen 1), i7-3770K, NH-D14, 32 Gigs, GTX 970, SSDs and HD, Sony MDR-7506, M-Audio Code 61. Easy-install guide
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 2:10 PM (permalink)
I must be too old fashioned, because to me it seems disrespectful to be rude about a product in the product's forum.
If one has moved on, then surely there's no reason to stick around and disrespect anything.
I certainly wouldn't type and try to influence and bad market a product for any reason at all, at its place of home.
Like I say, call me old fashioned, or overly sensitive.

There's nothing old fashioned about common decency and politeness.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 2:10 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby J-A-G June 04, 18 9:41 PM
Cakewalk by BandLab.
If people don't like it or use it - then wtf are they doing here?
(I don't hang around in the Mac forums and say that I prefer Windows.)

I switched to Studio One / Reaper a year and a half ago.  I'm still here because I've been here since late '03.  I have since developed respect for many here.  Those just happen to be the same folks that are open-minded and appreciative of opinions from different perspectives.
I've never owned a Mac.  However, if I had been a Mac user for many years prior to switching to Windows, and had I participated in a Mac-centric online forum for those years, then, yeah, I would be there telling the remaining Mac users how much I prefer Windows - WHEN THEY ASK.  You know, like the OP of this thread ASKED for this kind of input.
C'mon, closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA-LA-LA-LA ..." isn't going to make CxB any better of a fit for everybody.

Bob  --
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 2:15 PM (permalink)
I changed my tattoo to Cakewalk by Bandlab.  Updated my main Daw without usual delay this release.
Also my new mantra is not to have a mantra!

Best Regards,
Bandlab Cakewalk - i5/8G Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 / Boss gt001
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 3:09 PM (permalink)
Cakewalk by BandLab.
If people don't like it or use it - then wtf are they doing here?

Why do you say that?

I think if you really care about Cakewalk, then you should encourage people to continue to use the system because this kind of behavior and or Software Nationalism does not get people on board.

Don't be a child.

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 3:42 PM (permalink)
Cakewalk all the way!  Whatever reasons you likes SONAR, you have more now as CBB is improving the products stability. CBB is still SONAR Platinum but better so why would you change if you were happy before?

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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 3:49 PM (permalink)
So what's the consensus now?
Stick with Sonar/Bandlab, or jump ship and go with Pro Studio, Cubase, or something else?
Or are we all still sitting on the fence, trying to get a firm sense of whether Bandlab will have the inspiration and resources to truly revitalise Sonar?  Or will investing time (and possibly money) in Bandlab be yet another case of throwing good money after bad?

I am still using SPLAT as is. I have not changed anything or installed the CBB Version.
For me none of the current changes is going to make things better than what it is at the moment.

But I moved on to Cubase and Studio one, however, I have many projects in SPLAT and I'll just leave them there.

Personally, I am disappointed with the new acquisition of Cakewalk. But this has nothing to do with BandLab or Meng. All this time, I have been hoping a company like Native InstrumentRME, Focusrite or even MicroSoft would have acquired Cakewalk and model it after Presonus (Hardware/Software Integration). But that has never happened.

Maybe this is what BandLab will do, and if so; this will greatly change the game and trajectory.

Cakewalk/Sonar has come a long, long way but I often feel as if Cakewalk/Sonar is like a great musician without a hit record. Like an NBA star on a bad team. 

BandLab appears to have good intentions but I do not see industry dominance and or proliferation of Sonar happening soon, and Sonar will always be the tools for Project Musicians and music enthusiasts which is not a bad thing but by staying at this level, there is always a risk of changes that have not served this system well and the potential for abandonment. 

Music production today is not as simple as it seem and what I have experienced, depending on your setup, most artist such as myself will spend more time fixing issues and attempting to make things work, then actually recording music, and in today's complexity, integration is everything.


post edited by Audioicon - June 04, 18 8:41 PM

Checkout my new song: Playing on YouTube: EUPHORIA.
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 3:53 PM (permalink)
i haven't had any problems with CbB, so i will be sticking with it.  i wish i could say the same for Maschine by Native Instruments (a more famous company).

3.5 Ghz AMD 6-Core/16 gigs RAM, Roland Quad-Capture, Win 10, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Komplete 10, z3ta+, Z3TA+ 2, Rapture, Maschine 2.7 (MKI & Jam), Melodyne 4 Studio, Ozone 4, Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2, Schecter Damien Elite, Fender Sonoran w/TronicalTune Plus installed, etc 
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Re: So what's the consensus now? June 04, 18 4:01 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Klaus June 04, 18 10:57 PM
The real question is do you want to learn an entirely new DAW or continue to work on the awesome one you already have... I do this for a living - it's a no-brainer for me.

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