How to drag and drop multiple samples into Battery 4 kit in columns ?
As the title suggests, dragging and dropping multiple samples into an empty kit in Battery 4 loads the samples into rows.
But I want them to be loaded into the columns, not rows, in some instances.
As an example, in an 8 x 8 empty kit grid, if I multi-select 8 samples from the browser and drag them to the first cell A-1 and drop them, they get loaded into the row A under columns 1 to 8, that is, into cells A-1 to A-8.
But instead, I want them to get loaded under column 1 against rows A to H, that is, into cells A-1 to H-1.
I tried the key modifiers like Ctrl, Shift, Alt when dropping but does not work.
How can I achieve this ?
************************************************************Sonar Platinum ∞, HP Envy Core i7-4700 Quadcore touchscreen laptop, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 64-bit, Roland Octacapture, Zoom H6, Akai MPK Mini mk2, Novation Launchpad Mini mk2, NI Komplete 11, KRK KNS-8400, AKG P120