Superior Drummer (Avatar) General MIDI Maps?

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2018/07/15 15:43:33 (permalink)

Superior Drummer (Avatar) General MIDI Maps?

I am thinking about doing some gigging with backing tracks (solo, duo and possibly trio). I'm a long time Superior and Cakewalk user (since the 90's for Cakewalk)
As there are some good backing tracks out there, I want to make it easier to get the drum tracks in shape and want to standardize on the Superior Avatar set, but I can't seem to find a good mapping to go from the Extended General MIDI kit directly into Superior. 
1. Is there a way to do this in Cakewalk (aka Sonar)? 
2. Does anyone have experience, or perhaps already have a mapping for this? 
I can generally do this using cut and paste, transpose, etc,. but it is really time consuming and prone to error. 
Thanks in advance,

Sonar Platinum
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    Cactus Music
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    Re: Superior Drummer (Avatar) General MIDI Maps? 2018/07/15 16:22:15 (permalink)
    You have Sonar Platinum. I used to use SD3 but when I got my hands on AD2 with Splat I have now been using that. And there is a GM setting in AD2.
    I built my "live" kit and saved that as a pre set so all my backing tracks will sound even. I found it's best to build a "Band" using the same sounds to keep my tracks sounding even and balanced live. 
    I have track templates for each part. I have over 120 tracks I use right now. It took a good year and a half to "get it right" but now I can easily add new songs and it will match the rest instantly. 
    And check out Ample P bass lite ,,free and the best sounding bass I've ever ran through a PA> 

    Johnny V  
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    James Argo
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    Re: Superior Drummer (Avatar) General MIDI Maps? 2018/07/15 21:55:26 (permalink)
    As there are some good backing tracks out there, I want to make it easier to get the drum tracks in shape and want to standardize on the Superior Avatar set, but I can't seem to find a good mapping to go from the Extended General MIDI kit directly into Superior. 

    I still use SD2 (haven't upgraded to 3) , and AFAIK, Superior Drummer is not Standard GM, nor Extended GM. For example, it does not have any tambourine in it by default map. So if the song has tambourine, then you'll have to map it / assign tambourine to it manualy.
    In real life practise, the only "standard GM" I know eveyone use is how they distribute 24 notes among C2 (kick drum) and B3 (extra ride cymbals). Outside that range, notes may have vary sound deppends on manufacturer. You can use the "Superior Drummer 2.0 NY Avatar" preset (included in Sonar) as starting point for those "Standard GM" and tweak some notes as needed. That's the best possible thing I know for getting "Standard GM" on SD2.

    Cakewalk by BandLab!
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