Re: dithering
August 11, 18 11:06 PM
You may simply select 16/44. in the export window, The rest is automatic.
Also note the powr 12&3 options. If you do nothing the default setting should be fine.
Export>select type of file and title, bitrate and if you want efx on or off....oh and if you'e using ARC. Don't export though it.
Intel 5820K O.C. 4.4ghz, ASRock Extreme 4 LGA 2011-v3, 16 gig DDR4, ,
3 x Samsung SATA III 500gb SSD, 2X 1 Samsung 1tb 7200rpm outboard, Win 10 64bit,
Laptop HP Omen i7 16gb 2/sdd with Focusrite interface.
CbB, Studio One 4 Pro, Mixcraft 8, Ableton Live 10 Twitter @Rodein