Re: Combine 2 or more songs together
January 05, 19 4:13 PM
You could mix each song down to a WAV (or MP3, if you prefer), then open a new project in your DAW with two audio tracks. Put the first song on 1 audio channel and the second song on the other. Push the second song to the time you want it to start (you can even use automation to crossfade the first into the second). Then bounce them to another WAV or MP3 which should yield both songs, one after another.
Hope this helps you.

John B
Lenovo Core i5 4460 Desktop PC (Windows 8 64 bit), Focusrite Scarlett 6i6, Nektar LX61 Keyboard MIDI Controller, Avantone Pro CV-12 tube condenser microphone, JBL LSR308 8" active monitor speakers.
Cakewalk by Bandlab, Reason 7,
NI Session Strings Pro, NI Strummed Acoustic Guitar, Miroslav Philharmonic, Auturia DX7 V, Garritan JABB 3, EZ Keys, EZ Drummer.
"I will create music the way I want to whether a million people are listening or no one is listening." Dan Fogelberg, Singer/Songwriter-1951-2007