Helpful ReplySo long and thanks!

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January 15, 19 2:20 AM (permalink)

So long and thanks!

The closing of this forum is indeed the end of an era! Many thanks to Noel and everyone on the forum for decades of music making and help with Cakewalk's products.
All the best for the future,

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
Royal Yaksman
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 3:22 AM (permalink)
Why are people saying so long when there is nothing to say goodbye to? The 0's and 1's of this forum are now replaced by some new 0's and 1's. I've never felt it necessary to say so long to an old version of a vst that I am upgrading. It seems like a lot of people are doing the equivalent of getting up from your seat in a friend's dining room, saying goodbye to them and then walking from there into the same friend's living room only to sit back down and say, "Hi it's so good to see you."

Royal Yaksman
HP Phoenix i7 3.9ghz 7600 - Roland Quad Capture - CbB - SD2 Metal Foundry/Roots Stix - NI Komplete 8 - Amplitube 3 & 4 - Addictive Drums 2 - Halion 6 - Izotope Musician Bundle - Waves Stuff - Melodyne Studio - AIR 3 - Revoice 3 - Sssshhhhh don't tell anyone but also Studio One 4 - Cubase 9.5 - Samplitude Pro X3 - FL Studio 20 - Mixbus 4 - Reaper 5 - And a big arsed pocket full of dreams (deceased or otherwise.)
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 10:48 AM (permalink)
With a damp little eye, to Band Lab we fly.
And with a little decorum, we say goodbye to this forum.


Home Built Desktop Computer: Intel Core i5 750: 4Mb RAM: NVidia 210 Silent: Windows 10 32bit: Sonar Platinum: Roland OctaCapture
Presario CQ41 Laptop: Intel Core i5 760: 4Mb RAM: Windows 10 32bit: Sonar Platinum (Retired)
CbB on HP Pavilion Laptop 64bit: GeForce Video Card: Intel 8550: 256GB SSD 1TB Data Drive: Windows10 64bit
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 12:57 AM (permalink)
I directly attribute any and all success I have achieved in the digital recording industry to this forum and it's more than able participants. I learned more here than any course on digital gear and techniques. For this I will be forever grateful!
Now to move on to the new forum with a fresh and revitalizing outlook for better things to come.
Boy! We have come a long way from the doom and gloom of the Gibson announcement that Cakewalk was dead. May Cakewalk survive a long and prosperous existence that benefits us all!
To this forum I bid a fond farewell and thanks. See you all in the new forum.

Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a , Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards!
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:03 PM (permalink)
With a damp little eye
and a little decorum
t’wards a wider path from a narrow track.
To BandLab we fly
say goodbye to this forum
(unless you are an unsentimental yak).

Fixed that for you.
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:22 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby SupaReels Music January 15, 19 1:47 PM
Royal Yaksman
Why are people saying so long when there is nothing to say goodbye to? The 0's and 1's of this forum are now replaced by some new 0's and 1's. I've never felt it necessary to say so long to an old version of a vst that I am upgrading. It seems like a lot of people are doing the equivalent of getting up from your seat in a friend's dining room, saying goodbye to them and then walking from there into the same friend's living room only to sit back down and say, "Hi it's so good to see you."

It's more like your local pub being taken over by new management. You lose 'your' barstool, and they put in a widescreen TV where the dartboard was.


Thrombold's Patented Brisk Weather Pantaloonettes with Inclementometer
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:31 PM (permalink)
See you all in the new digs! :)
Scott R. Garrigus -
* Cakewalk SONAR Video Tutorials:
* Author of the Cakewalk Sonar and Sony Sound Forge Power book series:
* Publisher of the DigiFreq music recording newsletter:
* Publisher of the NewTechReview consumer tech newsletter:
Royal Yaksman
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:31 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jamesg1213 January 15, 19 1:39 PM
It's more like your local pub being taken over by new management. You lose 'your' barstool, and they put in a widescreen TV where the dartboard was.

Wait. They're getting rid of the dartboard?!!... But how are we supposed to yell, "One hundred and eightyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
Also I'm less worried by the lose my stool situation, than I am by a loose stool situation!

Royal Yaksman
HP Phoenix i7 3.9ghz 7600 - Roland Quad Capture - CbB - SD2 Metal Foundry/Roots Stix - NI Komplete 8 - Amplitube 3 & 4 - Addictive Drums 2 - Halion 6 - Izotope Musician Bundle - Waves Stuff - Melodyne Studio - AIR 3 - Revoice 3 - Sssshhhhh don't tell anyone but also Studio One 4 - Cubase 9.5 - Samplitude Pro X3 - FL Studio 20 - Mixbus 4 - Reaper 5 - And a big arsed pocket full of dreams (deceased or otherwise.)
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:39 PM (permalink)


Thrombold's Patented Brisk Weather Pantaloonettes with Inclementometer
SupaReels Music
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 1:53 PM (permalink)


Home-built 64 bit pc running Win7 Pro, 2nd system Laptop running Win10

DAW' s :-  Sonar Platinum , Cubase Pro 10. , CyberLink Audio Director 7, Power Director 15
Other Stuff :- Impulse61, VX7, DX7, Behringer X-Touch , Tascam MidiStudio688,Orbit v2, Roland U220, SPL Vitalizer, TC Helicon, Alesis M1s, Rode NT1 & NT2, Shure SM58, Red5 RV6 Mics, Various Guitars Ibanez S770, revamped Les Paul Copy, Yamaha Pacifica 112, SGR C-1, Yamaha Acoustic 12 string, Gibson 6 String Acoustic, Fender Squire Bass, Yamaha 800 Active Fretless  
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 3:15 PM (permalink)
so long farewell auf wiedersehen goodnight.
Please turn off the lights and close the door
When you wake up you will be on the other side. Hopefully you will join us on the other site

Chicagoland, IL 

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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 5:07 PM (permalink)
My extreme appreciation to all of you and a fine year ahead!

"I'm just workin' on a good life, the way it is."
Best, Robby K 
PC Specs: Dell XPS Tower, Intel Core i5 7400 CPU 3 GHz @, 8 GB RAM
Hardware: Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, Line 6 TonePort UX1, ART Tube MP, JBL LSR2325P 5" Bi-Amped Monitors
Software: Windows 10 Home, Sonar 8.5.3 Producer, Sonar Producer X1, Sonar Producer X2 expanded, Sonar Producer X3, Ableton Live 8.3.4, Ozone, Alloy, Toontrack, Podfarm, IK Multimedia, Garritan, Melodyne, Antares, Bias, Rob Papen, OhmForce, Don't Crack... 

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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 6:09 PM (permalink)
I guess it's nearly time to enter the transporter and have Scotty beam me aboard the new ship, where the rest of the crew is.  One more look around The Enterprise before Kirk smashes her into Internets.
I salute thee, Greg Hendershott and crew.
The NeckDive Strap - NEW^^
Sonar: Platinum Lifetime/Computer: i7-870, 16GB RAM, AMD R9 380 graphics, Windows 10 (Pro x64)/500gb SSD C:, Barracuda sample(3T) and projects(1T) drives/3 Display Monitors (2&3 split)/Audio Interface: Behringer UFX1604 USB/Firewire/USB Stick/MIDI: Roland A-800Pro, Keystation Pro 88, Roland UM-3G:/Hardware Synths: Korg M3, Yamaha MOX6, Roland TD-8
Jimbo 88
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 6:18 PM (permalink)
This has been my "homepage" for so many years....

Cakewalk By Bandlab
Cubase 9.5 Pro
Windows 7 64 Bit   Core i7-8700   32 Gig Ram 3.20ghz  
RME Fireface 400 Audio Card
Behringer FCA 1616
Sweetwater Creation Station
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Re: So long and thanks! January 15, 19 9:55 PM (permalink)
Yeah...this is like moving out of the house you grew up in as a kid.  Cool to be going to a new place, but I learned lots here.

HP Z220 Workstation I7 3770, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, Sonar Platinum, RME Multiface II via PCIe, JBL 4326 w/sub, AvanTone MixCubes
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 1:14 AM (permalink)
Many thanks to all who've taught me and fixed my problems over the years.  See you around the corner.

All the best,

my songs
my videos

Cakewalk by Bandlab| Sonar Platinum @ 64bits| i7 860 | 8 gigs ram | W10 @ 64 bits | RME FF 400
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 2:09 AM (permalink)
Never thought I'd see this day come.
Goodbye dear friend.


Music PC
i7 2600K; 64gb Ram; 3 256gb SSD, System, Samples, Audio; 1TB & 2TB Project Storage; 2TB system BkUp; RME FireFace 400; Win 10 Pro 64; CWbBL 64, 
Home PC
AMD FX 6300; 8gb Ram; 256 SSD sys; 2TB audio/samples; Realtek WASAPI; Win 10 Home 64; CWbBL 64 
Surface Pro 3
Win 10  i7 8gb RAM; CWbBL 64
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 4:31 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jyoung60 January 16, 19 1:15 PM
Its not over. We are all gathering in the new very well designed forum. A very pleasant place.
However, I do know that this was our home for a very long time. Many have been great teachers and problem solvers. Its a forum that has a good history with a huge knowledge base. It will still be here to read. Than again finding anything may be an issue. LOL Just as it has always been.
I started in 2003 when it was started and have enjoyed reading the posts here ever since.   I have learned a lot. I don't think all the things that have been discussed here are in any other forum.  It has been you the members that have made this a fine forum.   

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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 4:58 AM (permalink)
Yeah...I definitely look forward to checking in over there.  I've got new tunes to share, LOL!

HP Z220 Workstation I7 3770, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, Sonar Platinum, RME Multiface II via PCIe, JBL 4326 w/sub, AvanTone MixCubes
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 5:34 AM (permalink)
Good Night Old Friend, Good Night. . . . 

What if it is the only way?
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 5:00 PM (permalink)
Hope to see you all on the other side.

A few of my songs
SONAR Platinum, Cakewalk by BandLab, Windows 10, Focusrite Scarlett 6i6.
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 6:13 PM (permalink)
Looks like this is it.  Wow...I'm sure this is the first forum I ever joined.  Thank you!

HP Z220 Workstation I7 3770, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, Sonar Platinum, RME Multiface II via PCIe, JBL 4326 w/sub, AvanTone MixCubes
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 6:48 PM (permalink)
Its not over. We are all gathering in the new very well designed forum. A very pleasant place.
However, I do know that this was our home for a very long time. Many have been great teachers and problem solvers. Its a forum that has a good history with a huge knowledge base. It will still be here to read. Than again finding anything may be an issue. LOL Just as it has always been.
I started in 2003 when it was started and have enjoyed reading the posts here ever since.   I have learned a lot. I don't think all the things that have been discussed here are in any other forum.  It has been you the members that have made this a fine forum.   

 Well put. This forum has been inspiring over the years. It's more than the ones and zeros just as a building is more than brick and mortar when it becomes a home. Some people will choose the new place, some will move on. By any measure it won't be the same. Thanks for the years of education, wallet draining and enjoyment.
michael diemer
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Re: So long and thanks! January 16, 19 8:45 PM (permalink)
I directly attribute any and all success I have achieved in the digital recording industry to this forum and it's more than able participants. I learned more here than any course on digital gear and techniques. For this I will be forever grateful!
Now to move on to the new forum with a fresh and revitalizing outlook for better things to come.
Boy! We have come a long way from the doom and gloom of the Gibson announcement that Cakewalk was dead. May Cakewalk survive a long and prosperous existence that benefits us all!
To this forum I bid a fond farewell and thanks. See you all in the new forum.

Hear Hear!

michael diemer
Intel Quad Core i7-3770 Ivy Bridge
32 GB ram
1TB Western Digital Black X2
Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64
UR22 interface
Bandlab Cakewalk/Sonar 8.5 Studio
GPO-EWQLSO Gold-Vienna SP ED-Cinematic Strings 2
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