Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000

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March 20, 05 2:15 PM (permalink)

Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000

Is anyone using the Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 with Sonar 4? I saw it advertised as being Sonar 4 compatible and wondered if it was worth investigating further?

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 20, 05 2:19 PM (permalink)

    Use it in mackie emulation mode and it works very well.

    Kind regards

    Dave Rich

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 20, 05 6:27 PM (permalink)
    Me too, love it. Thinking of getting a BCR as well.

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 21, 05 9:30 AM (permalink)
    But lets be clear. It isn't really compatible with Sonar, or rather Sonar is not compatible with it.
    The Mackie emulation makes it work as a work-around. You can't programme it at all in MC mode, and you need to learn a load of key-press combinations to be able to edit plug-ins for example.

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 26, 05 5:58 PM (permalink)
    I just got a bcf2000 and I'm having problems getting it to work with Sonar 4. Would one of you be so kind as to walk me through it?
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 27, 05 1:10 AM (permalink)
    I'm also having troubles getting it to interface correctly with Sonar 4. What, exactly, is the Mackie emulation mode? I've gone to Behringer's site, D/L'ed all the firmware and software upgrades and installed them. Sonar recognized the unit, and I even have a preset in the Cakewalk Generic control surfaces for it. But it won't read/write any commands. I can take it through the "learn" process (painstaking...) and its faders will control Sonar, but Sonar won't run its motorized faders. I've sent it the Sonar sysex preset, which is supposed to show up as preset #1 on the unit. Have tried various modes. Still no luck. Any ideas on where to look for answers? Behringer's site is less than useless for info like this. Thanks.

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 27, 05 3:48 AM (permalink)
    Hope this helps:

    You must start your BCF in Mackie Emulation Mode for Sonar (firmware 1.06 required).
    Push and hold the 4th button and switch On your controller. You should now see "NCSo" in the display.

    Now, start Sonar. Select your controller as midi I/O in OPTIONS/Midi Devices. Then, go to OPTIONS/Control Surfaces, click Add New Controller Surface. Chose Mackie Control as your control surface and select your BCF in the input and output port. You should now see the flying faders.

    Also check here for more information

    I'm not totally happy with the BCF, it's fine if you only want a cheap mixer with parameter feedback, but i would like to see better plug in support (for controlling synths) while in Mackie Emulation Mode.
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 27, 05 12:05 AM (permalink)

    See the folowing link:

    It is a plug-in that aims to handle any kind of control surface and was first developed for the BCF2000.

    It is still in beta stage and developpement has stopped. But I use it, and it works fine for me. Even if it is not very user friendly, it has lots of possibilities.

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 27, 05 3:08 PM (permalink)
    Too bad the development of UCS has stopped (almost forgot about that one) good that you've got it going for you, think i will make a attempt too on nailing it (it is not very user friendly as you've said haha)

    I'm pretty happy using Mackie Emu though.


    >> the unofficial behringer BCF/BCR/BCA2000 forum <<
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 March 28, 05 9:33 AM (permalink)
    THANK YOU! I'll check this out right away.
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 02, 05 1:21 PM (permalink)
    Sorry it took so long to get back, I just kept thinking I was doing something wrong and that's why it's not working. But, it's not working for me. I've booted up with button 4 depressed. I see the firmware version (1.06), then NCSo, then EG. The Store and Edit buttons are lit and the LED on button 4 is lit and it says EG in the display. The faders all went to 0 (all the way down) and nothing works (except the Exit button). I can press the Exit button and the Store and Edit LEDs go out. Then I start Sonar and choose the Mackie stuff, but nothing works and no matter where I slide the faders, they always go back to 0. Nothing changes in Sonar though.

    Any suggestions?
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 03, 05 5:22 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bamim2

    Sorry it took so long to get back, I just kept thinking I was doing something wrong and that's why it's not working. But, it's not working for me. I've booted up with button 4 depressed. I see the firmware version (1.06), then NCSo, then EG. The Store and Edit buttons are lit and the LED on button 4 is lit and it says EG in the display. The faders all went to 0 (all the way down) and nothing works (except the Exit button). I can press the Exit button and the Store and Edit LEDs go out. Then I start Sonar and choose the Mackie stuff, but nothing works and no matter where I slide the faders, they always go back to 0. Nothing changes in Sonar though.

    Any suggestions?

    Ok so you start up the BCF then you need to start up the BCFview Virtual Mackie controll display then in that display set up the BCF as the MIDI i/o for it. Then fire up Sonar and setup the controll surface as Mackie control.

    Hope thats clear, If you dont have the BCFview yet go to and download it as it is needed.

    Later and I hope you are able to get it to work, its a blast when you do.


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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 04, 05 1:16 PM (permalink)
    Thanks! I finally got it. I was trying to use the MIDI I/0 instead of the USB/MIDI I/O. This looks pretty cool, now that's it going. Thanks!
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 13, 05 1:07 AM (permalink)
    I'm curious - I plan to upgrade to Sonar later this year, and have been looking at the BCF. What functions does it control on Sonar? Can you use one of the nobs as a shuttle wheel? What about EQ and effects? Thanks
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 13, 05 9:21 AM (permalink)
    With the Mackie Emulation -- which is the only way to make faders move, you get 8 tracks, switchable with bank buttons (make sure your project has multiples of 8 tracks).
    You get transport controls -- play record, fast forward + rewind 1 bar at a time (which I use all the time).
    The buttons at the top give you mute, but to get solo you have to use a shift key. The knobs control pan.

    You can use a complicated collection of key presses to edit plugins, EQ etc. Generally its quicker to use a mouse.

    Its not ideal, wish CW would make Sonar work bi-directionally with the BCF in normal mode but don't hold out any hope.

    However it is damn cheap for what you get!
    post edited by TheAmbler - April 13, 05 9:24 AM
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 13, 05 10:52 AM (permalink)
    (make sure your project has multiples of 8 tracks).

    Not necessary.
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 13, 05 2:55 PM (permalink)
    By not "by-directional" do you mean you can't input fader automation from the BCF (ie, automation must be input from the mouse)?

    If so, is the Mackie bi-directional?

    Its not ideal, wish CW would make Sonar work bi-directionally with the BCF in normal mode but don't hold out any hope.
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 14, 05 1:55 PM (permalink)
    I understand that the Behringers are user programmable - could I set up a second unit, maybe the rotary version, witheffects and EQ?
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 14, 05 2:34 PM (permalink)
    When you change fader banks via the B-control does the screen (trackview or console view) change to reflect which 8-tracks are 'active' (ala Digi-002 & PTLE)?

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 14, 05 2:35 PM (permalink)
    I have both the BCF and BCR working fine with latest update of Sonar 4. As suggested you could setup the BCR to edit EQ etc. but as far as I can tell it wont follow the channel selection buttons on the BCF. What I mean by this is that the BCF can be switched in banks of 8 tracks (no your project doesn't have to be setup in multiples of 8) and using just the BCF you have control over a number of mixer parametres such as pan, send and so on. You can also mute, solo and 'select' a track using the buttons on the BCF but I don't know of a way that a BCR unit linked to the BCF would follow the selection directing it's outputs to the new track - if you see what I mean? That said, I am sure some one out there will have found a way!

    I just use the BCF for controlling fade, pan and send (to an external h/ware reverb). The BCR gets used as my midi i/o and for controlling VSTi as and when required. The whole lot connects to my PC using the USB interface provided.

    Problems: Don't think the original question was about this but I do have odd things happen from time to time since the Behringer drivers and Sonar 4.0.2 update were installed worst of which is a blue screen (on w2k!) when I try and stop playback using either the space bar or the BCF button assigned to that function. However, my system is an old dual P3 (1Ghz) so maybe I just need a new computer!

    Inta-Audio AMD 64 pro workstation: EMU 1820m, Sonar 5pro, Project 5v2, BCF2000, BCR2000
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 April 14, 05 2:38 PM (permalink)
    BC - you mean the tracks shown in the mixer on the computer monitor? If so no they don't change when you bank switch on the BCF which is a real pain. However, there is a utility which comes with the BCF that places a blue 'mackie style display on your screen emulating the display you get on the Mackie controller. It is quite useful but not as good as a BCF with in built display would be.

    Inta-Audio AMD 64 pro workstation: EMU 1820m, Sonar 5pro, Project 5v2, BCF2000, BCR2000
    Jesse G
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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 May 12, 05 11:56 PM (permalink)
    I just purchased a BCF2000 earlier today during lunch from The Guitar Center. Only $150.00 + tax for the floor model because they ran out and were waiting for the stock to come in. I took the floor model for $150.00 and it came with all but the box. I even had the rubber feet for grip still in the package.

    When I got it home, I pulled out my instructions that saw in a sonar forum, Cakewalk BCF2000 connection post and followed it to the letter, well almost. Select your MIDI in/out before you create the controller in Sonar and please reboot as instructed.

    This thing works great ! As soon as I opened a song, the fader flew to their proper volume levels. The pans for balance immediately went to the correct locations. I had a song with 13 tracks and I was able to control all 13 tracks by using the <Preset> button to get to the next bank of 8 tracks, so cool. Next on the list is the Audio/Midi BCA interface.

    I will be up late tonight experimenting with this baby. The unit is a bit noisy when the faders fly, but for a buck 50iddy, I can't complain at all.

    Jesse G,

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    RE: Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 May 13, 05 10:03 AM (permalink)

    no your project doesn't have to be setup in multiples of 8

    I agree you can switch in banks of 8 -- but if you don't have tracks in multiples of 8, when you get to the end of your tracks and go back through the banks, they'll be differently grouped the second time around -- ie instead of 1 to 8 you get something like 3 to 10

    Unless someone knows differently!
    post edited by TheAmbler - May 13, 05 10:05 AM
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