I have personal individual tapes, I've made on my own, with professional vocal techniques and exercises, from various community & university colleges. I'm a certified vocal performer/private teacher. I am also studying to become a vocal ed. insructor. I have a year or less to go, though, before I begin my student/assistant-teaching. Anyway, here goes something I've been wondering about getting into:
www.kellysmusicandcomputers.com 1-888-562-8822 kelly music.ca You may want to inquire about "Singing Coach or "Singing Coach Unlimited". I personally would suggest that you enroll in a beginner's class for voice in a college near you. I hope this helps you out. There is much more to singing, than just singing. It is not only an art...Singing is a physiological-science, as well as a philological art of the sciences too.
It's more complicated for a non-musician to comprehend. However, in my humble opinioin, anyone can become a 'better' singer with proper warm-ups, practice, professional coaching, and theoretical ear-training. There is a myriad of technological-devices that factor into the production of singing correctly and beautifully. I've been singing all of my life. I love it! Take care.
post edited by Dr. Suess - May 28, 05 5:59 PM