re-post of a copyright question for jesse

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August 09, 05 5:40 PM (permalink)

re-post of a copyright question for jesse

now that we have someone from cakewalk here,(and sorry to direct this at you jesse but i cannot find anywhere else to send an email request), i'll repeat a question i posted earlier, and got no response there any way HS 2004 XL(as it is called in australia...HS 2 in the US) can embed copyright info into the broadcast wave file you create when mixing down? OR will this be available in the new version? i have tried this in the "info" screen as advised in the Sonar Power 2 book by Scott Garrigus, but when i open it in say windows media player, no name or copyright, or in fact any info comes up in the properties field (you know right help appreciated, as i want to post original tunes on the web, but b4 i do i want to try to add some protection...not for australia as you have automatic copyright protection, but for the rest of the world.

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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 10, 05 2:12 AM (permalink)
    )...any help appreciated, as i want to post original tunes on the web, but b4 i do i want to try to add some protection...not for australia as you have automatic copyright protection, but for the rest of the world.

    Do you plan on posting the songs on your own website or somewhere else? If you're going to be posting on your own website you need only place a © notice on the pages with wording such as:

    "All songs ©2005 by Miden Music; ASCAP (or whatever) and is protected under international copyright statutes. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution without expressed written consent from the copyright owner is strictly prohibited."

    Now then, if you plan on posting your songs elsewhere you should understand a few basics about "copyright" law.

    1) [From the Australian Copyright Council website]:

    "Australian copyright works are protected in most other countries, and copyright works from most other countries are protected in Australia."

    2) The date of your upload to the website will serve to substantiate the very earliest that your song could have been created and/or recorded.

    3) The protection of "intellectual properties" (which an original song would be) is acknowledged internationally. If someone were to attempt to claim ownership of a song that you posted on the internet they would, in all likelihood, be facing an uphill battle.

    4) Finally, if your songs are really so good that you worry about others stealing them, you should enter into an agreement with a legitimate publishing company. Their staff will take care of all the copyright details and will (or should) have the resources to make sure someone else isn't making money illegitimate from your (and their) songs.

    If you are still concerned about the protection of your songs, email copies of the lyrics and an MP3 rendering of the songs to yourself and a few individuals in whom you trust.

    If these ideas don't make you feel more secure, you can register a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office and know that your creations are completely safe.


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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 10, 05 4:58 PM (permalink)
    thanks for that papa, i was actually aware of copyright in australia, and in fact here, the second you create something..even lyrics on a piece of toilet have instant and lifelong protection, no registration or fees to pay,, i was more concerned with overseas protection, and as it is overseas much more difficult to control and defend...and no its not because i "...think they are so good i am worried someone might steal them..." imho just because someone wants to protect something they have created doesnt mean the creation is a "world-beater" or the next mona lisa, or whatever.....anyhoo, from your many replies on this forum i think you would know a great deal about Home Studio, and if you don't know whether HS can embed copyright , then i guess no-one would, or in fact HS cannot do this when it creates a wave file.
    thanks for taking the time to reply
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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 11, 05 0:23 PM (permalink)
    I wasn't being condescending when I said "...if your songs are really so good..."; I was being totally serious. having a publishing deal can be very beneficial.

    Anyway, regarding your original question, I've not been able to embed copyright info, either...I hope the Jesse (or some other CW Moderator) will soon reply and let us know if it can be done (and how)...

    I have a feeling you may have to burn the songs to CD and "write CD text" to the disc while burning it...(if your CD burner software allows you to do that)...I'm not sure, I'm really tired right now my brain's a bit "foggy"...


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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 11, 05 1:22 AM (permalink)
    I presume you'll be uploading your songs as MP3 files? If so, THIS TOOL may be just the ticket...


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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 11, 05 1:55 AM (permalink)
    thanks offence taken, and thanks for explaining that...its hard sometimes til you get to know someone!!!!
    and THANKYOU very much for the link to tagmaster..yes i will be doing mp3's and this will be just the thin im thinking!!
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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 11, 05 2:53 AM (permalink)
    Glad I could help out (if, in fact, I did )


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    RE: re-post of a copyright question for jesse August 11, 05 5:38 PM (permalink)
    hey papa yes you did...i hadn't heard of that program b4, and its so small, but seems a lot easier and straightforward than using media player's for the copyright issue, well i will just have to hope a CW moderator can answer that, or mebbe it will be available in the latest version, which has yet to land in australia???!!!!
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