Roland DR550 drum machine

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August 02, 05 9:44 PM (permalink)

Roland DR550 drum machine

Can anyone help? I'v looked in the forums but have not been able to find an answer.
I have Roland DR550 that Im trying to sync with HS2. I have all the hardware connected right and the drum machine starts when I push record but it does not record whats playing on the drum machine. Anyone have an idea?


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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 02, 05 9:49 PM (permalink)
    I have all the hardware connected right

    Are you sure? How do you have it hooked up? List all cables involved, soundcard, mixer settings, track settings, etc.
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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 02, 05 10:07 PM (permalink)
    Pent 2.5
    512 RAM
    Windows XP Sp1
    MIDI cable in DR550 from EMU 0404.
    EMU 0404 MIDI out to DR550.

    Trying to record onto MIDI track 2 .
    Input MIDI omni same on drum machine. Output E-DSP MIDI port [EC00].
    Im not using an external mixer right at the moment all guitar and bass tracks are direct into EMU 1/4" inputs and MIDI cable.
    Using DSP patchmix that was bundled with the EMU card.
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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 03, 05 8:24 AM (permalink)
    MIDI cable in DR550 from EMU 0404.
    EMU 0404 MIDI out to DR550.

    You have MIDI IN on the DR550 hooked to the MIDI OUT on the Emu, right? For audio and MIDI cables, outputs always hook to inputs (never hook an input to an input, or an output to an output).

    You're trying to record a pattern or a song programmed into your drum machine, right? Make sure you have HS setup as the master, and the DR550 as a slave. In HS, in Options->Project->MIDI Out, make sure the Sync is set to "Transmit MIDI Start/Stop/Continue/Clock". In your drum machine, make sure the clock is set to MIDI, and not INT or AUTO.
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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 03, 05 10:42 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for your help sinc.

    Yes am trying to record a programmed song on the DR550, all the setting are the way you've explained them. The DR550 starts to play when I push record on HS. But its not recording the song thats programmed on DR550 into HS.
    I noticed that the MIDI in/out activity icon on task bar; only the right red light blinks and not the left when I push record and Cakewalk starts to record. It seems to me that the DR550 is recieving MIDI signal but not sending MIDI signal.

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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 04, 05 4:37 AM (permalink)
    I agree it sounds like everything is setup properly, and that your DR550 isn't sending anything. Could be a cable problem. Try swapping cables and see if it changes anything - if you only have the two, just switch them. If it's a bad cable, then your symptoms will change.

    Also try turning off the "Send MIDI Start/Stop/Continue/Clock" option and try playing the drum machine manually by hitting the pads, and see if you can record that.

    Also, is this the only MIDI device you are using? You could be causing problems if there are any other MIDI devices in the loop.
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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 04, 05 7:58 AM (permalink)
    Wait a minute... are you trying to record the MIDI data or the audio information from your drum machine? If you're trying to record the sound that you hear coming from your drum machine using the MIDI cable, you won't hear a thing. You'll need to assign the audio outputs of your machine to an audio track in SHS.

    Sorry if you're already aware of this - just asking the obvious stuff first!

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    RE: Roland DR550 drum machine August 11, 05 8:24 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and recorded the drum machice as an audio track. I was getting frustrated and want to get the song done. But I was thinking the other day maybe I should have used differrent drives. I have my program setup to use ASIO drivers.
    Anyway thanks again.

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