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August 11, 05 9:02 PM (permalink)


Hey Folks,

Here is my delinma, I am recording out of the software that came with my motif, Yamaha (SQO1) Everything was working fine until 2days ago. Here is the dreaded story. I can't get sound unless I unplug my cables from the speakers that came with my computer. Now it was working fine 2days ago. One good thing I have notice, I can play my motif without the computer being on.

2days ago I can't. I don't know what I did to make this happen but it happen. However, whatever I did, might have hinder me from recording. I recorded weeks ago. I can't get no feedback. Cables were hooked up the same when the problem was detected. I don't know what happen. But as of today, it's official that I can't record nothing nor hear unless I unplug the cable connected to my computer. Something is blocking the input.

I have out-put when I unhook the cable that is connect to the monitor speaker and the motif. I have my motif hooked up to a 6 channel mixer (EURORACK MX602A) You know that $60.00 dollar mixer. I was tricked by a desperate salesman into getting it. So can somebody please help me. I can't record at all. As a result of trying to solve this problem, I deleted 31 beats from the motif. Bummer :-( But Thank You in Advance)

just hanging loose

2 Replies Related Threads

    matt rascal
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    RE: RECORDING PROBLEMS August 11, 05 11:07 PM (permalink)
    crossposting is a no-no
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    RE: RECORDING PROBLEMS August 12, 05 0:13 PM (permalink)
    Why did you post this question in every single forum? That's not a very good way to start off here.

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