DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff?

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September 15, 05 6:12 PM (permalink)

DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff?

I guess a search could yield a result here, but I am going to ask. Sometimes when installing a VST it will ask if I want DXI, RTAS, standalone? Vst is what I have assumed that P5 uses but should I install the others? What for? Thanks for your quick response as I have a dialog box waiting for the answer. Holding breath.......


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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:23 PM (permalink)
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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:36 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Spider and welcome but that didnt really do it for me. I guess I am wondering if I should install a vst, dxi, and RTAS of a single instrument or is it redundant. I have a feeling the answer is depends. And that is what I want to know.
    I want to make an educated install instead of just saying yes to all.

    thanks! Hopefully someone else will know. I know B would but you never know if he'll visit.

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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:44 PM (permalink)
    Little less dirty ...

    I'd say mostly redundant. However, that being said, you will notice that the VST and DX API's differ as to how they expose their controls to the host. And to make things a little more confusing, every developer will expose their intruments controls differently if at all.

    I know it's not what you'd like to hear but there really is no straight answer, in my opinion, as to 'Which Is Better'. Every instrument will behave differently. Some work better as a DXi and vice versa.

    As to RTAS, that only appropriate if you're running ProTools.

    Personally i feel the Calkewalk wrapper leaves much to be desired and am looking forward to Sonar's native VST support as i assume P5 will follow.

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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:48 PM (permalink)
    ok that helps.

    No to RTAS then- no pro tools
    I guess I'll just pick VST then.

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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:49 PM (permalink)
    Different plugin formats work for different hosts, and of course, standalone versions need no host at all.

    So the question about which one(s) to install depends on which host(s) you use.

    If you stick to Cakewalk products, you would usually install DX/DXi versions, although some plugins are known to work better as a wrapped VST(i) than the corresponding DX(i). You can usually install both versions, run the VST-DX adapter, and have both, the DXi and the VSTi versions of a same plugin in the list. A good example of this is the z3ta+ synth: I have both DXi and VSTi versions installed, but the VSTi is modded with the Virus mod, so it's like having two different synths.

    If you use a host which allows only VST plugins (Cubase, Audiomulch, Tracktion, Live, etc), then you should also install the VST versions. You can install them on the same folder as your other VST's, or in a different folder so they wouldn't interfere with their DX versions.

    Other less common plugin formats are for other hosts. For example, RTAS is for ProTools and AU is for Logic. If you don't have any of these hosts you're better not installing these plugins.

    Standalone versions may be useful when you just want to play with some synth or make some patches without having to open your sequencer first. In my case, Sonar loads pretty fast so I never care to run standalone versions.


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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 6:57 PM (permalink)
    This will get a little muddier with SONAR 5 for a while. From what Cakewalk staff have stated over in the SONAR forum it seems that the VST specification does not handle 64bit, only 32bit. The DXi standard does allow for 64bit. So in the transition to 64bit Windows and x64 machines and eventually x64 version of Project5 the DXi standard may have it over the VSTi standard. Eventually maybe Steinberg will upgrade their standard for 64bit support.

    But for now both standards work well in Project5. And some instruments work better in one format or the other. I personally prefer the DXi standard on Windows but I use both DXi and VSTi.
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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 7:09 PM (permalink)
    perfect guys, tec and fac thanks also
    In the future I guess Ill go with dxi and vst.

    another one for the P5 forum success column!

    b rock
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    RE: DXI, VST, RTAS what's the diff? September 15, 05 7:09 PM (permalink)
    A good example of this is the z3ta+ synth: I have both DXi and VSTi versions installed, but the VSTi is modded with the Virus mod, so it's like having two different synths.
    Let's not forget that some synths expose automation parameters differently for DXi and VSTi. Z3ta+ is the perfect example. If you're using automation to any extent, the VSTi version is the way to go. No way to know this in advance without heavily researching each plugin's history before installation. Unless there's a real reason not to, I'd recommend installing both [DX/VST] flavors.
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