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September 14, 05 6:32 PM (permalink)


i have an envelope on a track to control an effect's power on/off. the effect kicks in when the now marker gets to the "on" node, but when the now marker gets to the "off" node the effect does not turn off. i have each node set to "jump"

if i stop playback when the now marker is in the region of the off node (dotted line area) the effect turns off.

if i let the track loop so it starts before the "on" node and ends after the "off" node the effect will never the less stay on throughout the loop.

so, i can get the effect to turn on with the envelope , but i can't get it to turn off at the assigned time. what am i missing?

edit: i've been learning to use the envelope by applying the project 5 reverb. so, i tried applying other project 5 effects and the envelope works fine. anyone know how to cure the reverb "off" issue? i want to be able to use this reverb.

post edited by gatopolitico - September 14, 05 6:38 PM

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    b rock
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    RE: envelopes September 14, 05 7:22 PM (permalink)
    Make sure that you're getting above and below 50% on the automation curves, Senator Cat. The Power button is a two state switch; it's on or off. So anything from 51-100% will turn it on, and under that will turn it off. It's also worth noting that the StudioVerb will retain whatever state it's at when playback stops, and won't change until it reaches another message in the opposite "pole " position. It might be better to embed a default "on or off" right at the start of the project, to insure that it snaps back to where you want it.

    I've been testing the automation out here, and I'm sorry, but I can't get it to "not work". The only thing that I can think of is to try that "50%" rule above. If it were me, I might automate the Wet/Dry mix of a reverb instead. That way, you have the option of either a sudden or gradual reverberated introduction, and you avoid that annoying "DC pop" that you get with toggling the Power button. HTH
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    RE: envelopes September 14, 05 7:38 PM (permalink)
    "Senator Cat" he he.

    hey rock,
    if you have p5 don't you have this particualr effect? if so, could you try it out (if it's not what you were testing on).

    i made sure all the nodes were at the correct height.

    It might be better to embed a default "on or off" right at the start of the project

    i have no idea what you're talking about here.

    there's no wet/dry mix on the project 5 reverb, i guess proximity will have to do. is there really a dc pop associated with software? either way, i didn't notice one when the verb went on.
    b rock
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    RE: envelopes September 14, 05 7:49 PM (permalink)
    there's no wet/dry mix on the project 5 reverb, i guess proximity will have to do.
    I want to know right now how many of you got an extra reverb that I didn't get. <g>

    Seriously, Cat, I was testing with the StudioVerb2 plugin; I thought you'd implied the same. So I went back to check out all the MS DX plugins, or Cake's, or Sonitus:FX effects; just in case that was what you're using. But nothing without some way of Wet/Dry mixing or with a proximity control. I din't check out the Lexicon, because you can't use that in P5.

    So, we need to get on the same plate .. er, page with this reverb. Can you describe the feature set a little further? Maybe I can recognize it from that.
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    RE: envelopes September 14, 05 8:44 PM (permalink)
    i saved the file i was working with just to learn how to use envelopes. when i tried to open it i got this:

    "runtime error
    -pure virtual function call"

    glad it wasn't a song. anyone with info on this plz post.

    anyway, i started a new file and here are the params in that verb plugin:

    room size
    pre delay
    low cut
    high cut
    decay time
    hf decay

    jardim do mar
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    RE: envelopes September 14, 05 10:35 PM (permalink)
    but when the now marker gets to the "off" node the effect does not turn off.
    ,, it,,, well ya,, know,,, turns off,, ya just don't see it,,,,, ya working in sonar,,,, right,, with the "kinetic reverb",,,, it works as expected,,,,,, it's,,,,,, just the power button ,, stays on,,, well,,,, not really ,,ya know,,,, with the P5 studio verb",,,, the,,button ,,,,visually goes "on and offf;,,,,,,, no problems,,,,,,,automating the power ,,,,,,,, on this end,,,,,, the "kinetic" reverb shows up ,,in the fx bin ,,,, as "reverb',,,, oh ,, thats ,,right ,, ya don't have 'kinetic, ,, do ya "B",,,,, thats to bad,,,,,,
    post edited by jardim do mar - September 14, 05 10:49 PM

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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 2:29 AM (permalink)
    ok now u have to insert a "off" message after the last count of the parts automation.


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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 9:27 AM (permalink)
    the button visually goes on.......i can see.........it...........butt it ,........,,,,,,,never goes off,,, i can see it stays ON the...whole === time

    i have kinetic, it sits in a folder un used.
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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 10:06 AM (permalink)
    i placed a node for the off. it still stays on. as i said, this doesn't happen with other project5 effects, just the verb.
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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 10:12 AM (permalink)
    Try to put the verb on an aux channel and make the automation aux send on/off , i presume u are using automation on an inserted verb ?

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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 11:37 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: naughtyhill

    i presume u are using automation on an inserted verb ?

    correct. i'll try your suggestion thx!
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    RE: envelopes September 15, 05 1:08 PM (permalink)
    I think we need an in depth automation fact. because I am pretty lost in what I can, and cant do with automation.

    sorry...doesnt really help the initial cause....

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