What Do You Do?

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October 22, 05 10:18 AM (permalink)

What Do You Do?

Hey guys!!

Just a general question for the users of this forum......
What do you do.... musically speaking?
Do you record only(other artists)?
Do you record music for yourself?
Do you have bigger aspirations in music and/or recording?

Just a general thread starter here.... im not trying to nosey into anyones business, just like to know ( and prolly other users do too) what ppl are up to and what brings you to use this program.....

As for me ( well i guess i should go first lol )

I am a bass player first and foremost. I also play guitar and drums as well as sing a bit.
I play in a covers band. We play corporate events only, no public shows.

I used to write alot of original material but thats fallen by the wayside over the last 6-7 years. I used to have an old tascam porta multi track rceorder that was really easy to jot down any ideas or musical inspirations very quickly as to not lose the vibe. The multi track has long since died and i find myself turning to computers to fit the shoe. My main aim at the moment is to become proficient enough with this program so that i can jot down my ideas without the technology "getting in the way" as it has seemed to as i am learning.
The good news is im getting better at it.
The big payoff is this program has 1000s of time more capabilities than a poor ol 4 track recorder. So as i learn i try recording some cover tunes and playing around with them to get me into practice.
I hope to one day have a bunch of original songs written and recorded the way i like...by me.... and if i can send them around to rec companies radio stations etc...who knows? But i am happy to create music just for art's sake and not just $.
I am also interested in colaborations, not just with ppl i know, even with some of you guys if you feel inspired.
Check this out http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.asp?m=615835
This looks like a fun idea and on this "songs" forum there are some great colaborations between members, be the songs original or covers!

I am really loving this program and i still have a very long way to go!!

Cheers guys!

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 22, 05 12:55 AM (permalink)
    Hi Crayzee,
    This could be an interesting thread.
    I record myself mostly, with an ocassional small project.
    I'm a long time guitarist, and have dabbled in synth/workstations for about 10 years, owning 5 guitars, and 3 workstations, various softsynths, and such.
    My primary means of recording, since it's all me playing audio in real time, is Guitar Tracks Pro. I do have SHS4XL, Acid Pro 4.0, and a Fostex 16 track HD recorder. I use Soundforge for final tweaking.
    I play in a cover Trio, doing James Taylor, Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce, Dan Fogelberg, type songs, (www.johnpricegroup.com), but most of my recordings are of my original compositions.
    I'm not interested in being a star at my age (50s), so my goal is to sell my music to anyone interested, and someday do something notable.
    I've done many internet collaborations, with musicians from Bulgaria, to N. Carolina, and Nova Scotia, to California, enjoying each and every note!
    That's pretty much it!
    Still learning this computer based recording, after 30 years of using hardware. Old Dog syndrome!!!
    Ok! Who's next!?
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 22, 05 5:13 PM (permalink)

    I've been doing this for a while - I started way back on analog synths. I've never made a career out of it, but I've had a lot of fun and a few creditials. I did music for underground film tracks in NY back in the '80's, culminating in "Animal Behavior" (Mirimax), which is still shown on TV at times and "He was once" (Zietgiest), which did real well on the indie circuit and is kind of a cult classic. I have a link to all that at -


    and look for "the Band that never was."

    My music was always experimental and electronic (that might have something to do with my tin ear). From my analog gear I stepped into computer recording, natch, and have been collecting hard/software for it, so my analog stuff needs work. Part of the problem with never getting rid of old stuff when you get new and not having a lot of spare cash.

    PC athlon, FirePod, Cakewalk SHS, P5 v2, Sony Vegas and SF, and a bunch of plug-ins/synths. I use a Fizmo synth for input and sounds, and still have a Tascam 38 reel to reel (needs work), an ARP (needs work) and mini-moog (needs a lot of work) in my stable. I don't do much recording at home except my own stuff, where what I have works pretty well. I'm mostly interested in the sound design aspect of music, and find that P5 and loop libraries let me establish the rhythm, so I can plug in my wierd sounds for leads, although I still do about half the rhythm stuff by hand. Usually I have my wife sing lyrics, and she puts in any melody that way.

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 22, 05 7:33 PM (permalink)

    This is excellent so far with only 2 replies!

    This looks like fun!

    Thanks guys!


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    RE: What Do You Do? October 24, 05 3:35 AM (permalink)

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 24, 05 4:49 PM (permalink)
    I am a bass player first and foremost also. I also play a little guitar and drums and sing a bit too! (Ain't that odd!)
    I am in a 3 peice all female band which I also run sound for. We do covers and originals as well.

    I got into the recording thing mostly because I wanted to be able to record new demos for our band.

    If I get good enough at it, I would like to record some original songs and maybe sell some CD's at some of our gigs.

    I've recorded 1 song so far (an original tune) using Cakewalk Version 2 XL, a Delta 1010lt soundcard and a Mackie 1604 VLZ mixer.

    I'm not quite finished mixing it yet. I'll probably post it in the songs forum eventually.

    I haven't had any experience in recording, so this is quite new to me. I'm having fun learning though.
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 24, 05 5:33 PM (permalink)
    Hey CrayZee_one

    I've been a bassplayer for nigh on about 25 years and I'm still learning. My music tends to be in the fusion/early progrock genre. My latest band "Those Fusion Guys" are played regularly on the Santa Cruz community cable station, still. We do some of the art and wine festivals or where ever people put up with over two minute bass solos :). See a sample of the TV show here. It's a little old but you can get the general gist of the band. There are some other videos from a recent festival there also. I wrote about 1/2 the tunes on my six string bass. I started doing the home recording thing because no one else in the band wanted to figure it out (I'm the geek of the band). I've been using CW since Pro Audio 7. Recently purchased SHS4. I mostly use the SHS4 to record song snippets while composing, exchanging ideas with my guitarist or tormenting myself on the keyboards and drums.

    Flake Cosmo
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 24, 05 5:58 PM (permalink)
    Cool thread, CrayZee_one!

    I play guitar and keyboards and sing a little. I am not great at any of them, but I have all sorts of ideas. I have a Godin electric guitar, a Flambeau acoustic, and Fender bass, and a MicroKorg synth, plus all sorts of different soft-synths. I recorded a whole album of my own compostions, music in the progressive/psychedelic space rock vein, with a friend helping out on both some of the playing and producing. While I recorded some of the tracks at home on Cakewalk, we did most of the recording and mixing at his place with Protools. But that was then, this is now. Now I'm working on more stuff at home with HS. I do experimental soundscapes, Krautrock influenced music, psychedelic rock and folk, etc. Although I did one Pink Floyd cover for a compilation, I'm primarily interested in recording my own stuff. I'm working on my own these days, but always looking for like-minded musicians to collaborate with. I've recorded another whole album's worth of material (co-compositions) with a local guitarist, though mostly we've just got his parts down and I still have to do my parts yet, but my interests have turned for the moment to recording a solo album, trying for a very vintage early 70's sound, using a lot of vintage soft-synth emulations of instruments like Hammond B3, Mellotron, ARP2600, etc...plus, of course, guitar.

    I record just simply because I love creating music, and I have wanted to do it all my life, until home recording with software like HS became available, there was always something (usually money) preventing me from doing it. So this is my dream coming true. But if people like my music all the better. Once I get enough money together, I hope to start releasing some of this stuff. Recently, I recorded a demo CD for a local progressive metal band, and that has given me the taste for producing other artists as well. At some point, I'm hoping to build a full studio and start doing this a part time living. Hey, we all have to have dreams. I also hope to start playing live too, if I can get some other musicians to work with. My wife plays keyboards and is learning bass, and the recording bug has hit her too. We want to do some live performances together as well.
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 24, 05 8:00 PM (permalink)
    I play guitar (regular and slide), mandolin, fiddle, bass, and harmonica. I'm 35 and been playing music for about 26 years, I guess. Just getting into home recording so I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions. This is a great forum!

    This post needs a little more cowbell.
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 25, 05 10:17 AM (permalink)
    Hey all,

    Looks like fun,figured I'd chime in.

    I play guitar(approx 25 years now,boy does time fly!)Been dabbling with synths (Reason) and my Brain Moore midi guitar,since I can't play keys very effectively.Mostly just record my songs.I do all the instuments so far,except vox,that are done by my song writing buddy.It's nice to see so many bass players around.Maybe we could collaborate on some projects soon.I play the bass on my tracks,but just because I can play bass,doesn't make me a *good* bass player.(I think all you lower frequency types know what i'm saying)It would be nice to get a fresh perspective on some of my tunes in the future....

    Occasionally I'll record someone elses songs,provided they don't mind using midi drums or loops as I do.I don't have the equipment or room to get a usable drum sound off a kit.

    I had dropped out of music,put my guitars away, for about 2 years awhile back,due to frustration with the business.Too many years of "trying to make it big".I found that I could not stop the music going on in my head,so here I am back at it.The difference now is I really don't care about anything anymore,except making music I'm satisfied with.If anyone else likes it,that's a bonus.It has really set me free,and brought the fun back to playing.

    Recently I have restarted doing shows with some guys I used to play with,just doing classic rock covers for fun.It's been cool so far,because we realize we're just a bunch of old guys butchering some of the greatest songs in history.We only play once every couple of months,but that's enough for me.I have always liked being in the studio way more.

    Anyway,nice to meet you all!


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    RE: What Do You Do? October 28, 05 6:47 PM (permalink)
    Hi guys!

    Great reading so far!

    Good to know a little more about us homestudiomites

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 28, 05 7:41 PM (permalink)

    Some thing about that sounds just wrong. :D

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 28, 05 9:03 PM (permalink)
    I play guitar (12 years), dabble on Bass... and am a starter at midi programming...

    I have very limted studio experience - recorded an 8 song EP with an old band.. but we paid a studio to record us and I was too drunk to pay attention to what he was doing.. he used pro tools anyway (I think) you can hear that project here... http://www.soundclick.com/innergusa

    I bought Home Studio 2 almost a year ago and have recently upgraded to SHS4...

    Currently I have 3 studio projects... 2 are un-named and feature me and 2 different local vocalist... I don't have any mp3's from these projects on the web yet

    My 3rd project is an online collaboration with one other person several hundred miles away called KLiQ http://www.jointhekliq.com you can hear mp3's at http://www.mixpoure.com/kliq or http://www.soundclick.com/kliq

    Aspirations? Yes.. but first I need to finish my Sonar Power 4 book, get a better computer... etc...

    I'm always looking for new collaborations

    Feel free to listen to KLiQ and let me know what you think... hansonbax@yahoo.com
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 29, 05 9:29 AM (permalink)
    Hey nice, friendly thread! I work from home as a voice over performer here in frosty old Canada. I'm smack dab in the middle of Toronto And Detroit; two hours in either direction just off the 401. I'm not known as a singer but could probably fool most of us. The great Chet once did a concert with an undestudy who followed Chet all his life. His dream was to perform with Chet and it came true, by invitation. After the show the crowd went nuts. Chet turned to the understudy and said "well, we fooled em again". The guy was just too humble eh!

    Anyway, I'm 47 and spent more time in bars listening to bands as a kid than I did in school. I played drums, flute and cross harp from a very young age. I continued with the harp but can't resist an invitation to have a beat on a trap set. Most of the music in my time was either disco or blues/rock. I was influenced by Johnny Winter, Muddy, James Cotton, Stones etc. I always wanted to play guitar and just figured I was too old to learn. One of my old freinds bought a cheap acoustic at a garage sale and in no time was playing "Linesman for the County". I was impressed at how quickly he learned at his age. Then I started to go to music stores to look at guitars. I was very confused trying to figure out the criteria in buying an acoustic guitar. My idea was to learn about six chords and maybe ten really easy songs so I didn't want to spend a lot of cabbage. Well it just got rediculous for me trying to figure out what to look for. Before long I was in the library looking for the answers. This was turning in to a mystery that I had to solve. I started to forget about the ten songs and became fancinated by how they were built. I went to a friend who is a very accomplished woodsmith and asked about the wood and stuff. He became hooked as well and we began to build our own. The first ten were built pre-warstyle acoustics. We carved a couple D'Agelico, new yorker style achtops as well. This went on for about four years and we ended up building about 45 guitars and all by hand and all vintage. Neither one of us could play the things either but we sure built geourgeous guitars. We invited people over to play and they sounded great and were very well received.

    We also caught on quickly to building resonators; cones and plates and all.
    Once I figured out that Johnny Winter played a resonator in open tuning I was hooked. I now play slide resonator in open tuning a just love to play. If it wasn't for the open tuning I probaly never would have started to play. My plan is to use my voice/recording gear to play harp and slide tracks and ad some vocals as well. Should be fun when I get to it.

    I'm always open for spoken voice over if anyone has that need. I have a deep foghorn type voice and am not bad with some blues singing.

    Cheers everyone

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 29, 05 4:32 PM (permalink)
    An infinite variety of journeymen with a common set of tools. Ain't life and what we make of it the greatest?

    I've been playing stuff since age 6. Never could get my head around keyboards but love everything with strings on it. Grew up in the Midwest, started listening to the radio at age 3 and was 10 years old when R & R was born. Spoiled me for the rest of my life. Played guitar in a bunch of bands over a very long period of time and have a million great memories.

    Nowadays, I write, arrange, and just play for my personal enjoyment. Not a lot of great equipment but CW likes it all and I'm having a blast. What an avenue of expression.

    I love and try playing every kind of music I know of except Rap and Gregorian Chants. (Neither of which are allowed in my space) Outside of that, anything is fair game.

    Community is a wonderful thing.
    bill durham
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 29, 05 7:42 PM (permalink)
    I"ll jump in....
    I'm just having fun with music. I play guitar, dabble with sequencing keys, strings, drums...but can't play any of those things. I started music with accordion lessons when I was 10...got over that in 3 years and then picked up guitar. I wanted to play drums but my folks weren't up to the noise! I started gigging with a cover band in '73 and played with them until '78. I was really pissed at the circumstance of our ending, and quit the biz. I didn't touch the guitar for 9 years! I know, it was pretty stupid! I got it out and it still smelled like cigs! I saw a few bands that kinda got me inspired to play some so I started putting together some instrumental tunes on a Tascam 234 4 track cassette. It got to be pretty limiting pretty fast, bouncing tracks and trying to create stereo mixes. A friend had a Teac 80-8, 1/2" 8 track machine that I borrowed. That was a little better, but more tracks were needed! I started looking for a better way..and learned of Cakewalk. I bought a unopened copy of Cakewalk Professional 7 off of Ebay....The rest is history! I upgraded to version 8, then Guitar Studio 2, and now SHS4.

    Musically, I have kinda dryed up with original music and have been doing some covers for fun. There were a few tunes that I really enjoyed playing back in the day and have had fun re-doing them. Lately, I have been working on a cover project collaborating with other fans of the band Kansas. I have done 13 songs from their first 6 albums featuring folks from all over the world contributing parts. Its been a lot of fun to put together. A couple of them are on my BD and Friends website..see the sig.



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    RE: What Do You Do? October 29, 05 11:00 PM (permalink)
    yeah, i just got into this home studio stuff like yesterday. i'm prolly almost 40 yrs old and trying to find something do kill time till i die already. but i started playing music in grade school, and took up several instruments. i was in some rock cover bands over the years with a little original stuff. but then i stopped all together 6 yrs ago when my 3rd child was born. but recently have longed for an artistic outlet of emotional stress in the form of original music. i'm not really looking for anything professional sounding (though, i'm certainly not against it) but i always set my expectations low so i'm seldom disappointed.
    i really didn't know how complex it was going to be i did some studio work years back, but there wasn't any computer involved, just some whacked-out hippie dudes (that i got along with better than the computer.
    but anyhow, i'm glad i found this forum because i'm learning a lot reading all this stuff.
    and maybe someday i'll know what all the abbreviations and lingo mean.
    oh yeah, what's up with that guy gonna punch somebody inthe face? pinhead.

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 30, 05 9:02 AM (permalink)
    I have been playing in a band with friends of mine from college since 1980. We get together every Thursday evening for about 5 hours and play mix of 30% original and 70% rock covers (Floyd, Who, Foo Fighters, Cheap Trick, Tom Petty, Drive-By Truckers, ...). I used to throw a stereo mic up in the practice space so we could see what we sound like and maybe even improve -- but as you might imagine it sounded like ass. So I moved from an e-magic 6|2m to an EDIROL UA-1000 to the MOTU 828mkII (all on Home Studio), recording individual tracks during live researsal and mixing down later.

    Now I record:
    Overheads for drums: 2 x Samson C02
    Snare drum:
    Kick drum: Beta 52
    Bass guitar: direct
    Guitar amp #1, #2, and #3: SM57
    Kbd (Alesis QS6.1): stereo direct
    Kbd (KS-32): stereo direct
    Vocals: 3 channels from Mackie mixer

    That's 15 channels. Although they are rarely all going at the same time, that does work.

    I've gotten to the point were the Normal template is pretty much set up for a good mix. I can record a couple of sets, use the default mix and effects, and hand out CDs of the evening's practice to the rest of the band and the walk out the door. Sweet!

    I'll try anything twice.
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 31, 05 1:34 AM (permalink)
    Hey Frank, I checked out the three songs at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=335809. I like what I heard. Kinda Hottie sounding.
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    RE: What Do You Do? October 31, 05 2:45 AM (permalink)
    I first started playing guitar in the UK in 1972. One of the guys I worked with had an Akai reel to reel machine that could do sound on sound. I wrote a simple tune, and he came round to my house and we recorded it. He had a Shure SM-57 and a two-channel mixer. The recording comprised two rhythm-guitars, vox and slide guitar. During one of the vocal overdubbing sessions he wiped my slide guitar and I started yelling “Where’s my guitar?” all very nicely recorded for posterity. But we went back and I re-did the slide. The final recording was so hissy it was almost unlistenable. Hint – always use the fastest speed possible when recording to tape!

    My next recording session was on a Revox. Oh baby, now we’re in the big time. This was another guy I worked with. He swore blind he could do sound-on-sound with this unit. He had a microphone that was used by the BBC (or so he told me). Man, this guy was THE biggest BS artist I’d known up to that time. No sound on sound, no mixer, but a really high quality recording of me attempting to sing Paul Simon’s Me And Julio Down By The School Yard.

    Next up I used two cassette decks to record with. Ugh! Hiss City again…

    Years and years later, now living in Australia, I got a copy of CakeWalk Audio 7, I think it was. It was on 3-1/2" floppy disk. I had a SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold and a pair of crappy Chinese speakers at the time. I learned sequencing and really got into composing.

    Some time later, I bought a Terratec EWX 24/96 sound card and CakeWalk Home Studio 2002. By this time I also had two electric guitars, (Epiphone BB King Lucille & an Ibanez Artist) a Mesa/Boogie DC-2 Studio Caliber amp and a two-channel mixer. I later upgraded to HS 2004XL. My most recent acquisitions were a Fender Strat and a Sennheiser e840 microphone. I traded the Epiphone for the Fender.

    My playing has improved, my singing certainly hasn’t. I’ve played on a couple of international collaborations, and I’ve had people from overseas playing on my tunes too. To me, it’s a hobby and I love it. Trouble is, I seem to get so little time these days to pursue my hobby.

    All my tunes have been posted at a web site dedicated to recording at home. My friends and acquaintances love my tunes, but I harbour no illusions of grandeur!

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    RE: What Do You Do? October 31, 05 5:26 AM (permalink)
    Great thread.

    I've done some gigging and recording in the past but now I'm solo. I play guitar a bit but not much nowadays. I sit at work at lunchtimes and develop songs on my laptop. I've got young kids so I don't do any music at home until every few months when my wife takes the boys to her parent's for a week and I record guitars & vocals.

    My technique is slow and painstaking because I don't read or write music. I fiddle about with sounds until I like the sound of it. I'm very proud of the results. At my current rate I'll have my album finished by early next year. It's going to a concept album with a very limited distribution! I've done the contract chasing thing in the past and found it soul-destroying. This is for me. If anyone else shows interest when I've finished it I'll be delighted to give them a copy!


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    RE: What Do You Do? October 31, 05 12:19 AM (permalink)
    Thanks sojourn!

    Kinda Hottie sounding.

    I've been hearing that all the time since I've started to post my songs.I never really thought about it,but I do hear it now.My co-writer is the vocalist.His voice sounds way better than mine!

    I guess we really will have to rename our project "8ftsq & the blow fish" after all.


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    RE: What Do You Do? October 31, 05 12:22 AM (permalink)
    I've gotten to the point were the Normal template is pretty much set up for a good mix. I can record a couple of sets, use the default mix and effects, and hand out CDs of the evening's practice to the rest of the band and the walk out the door. Sweet!

    Thats exactly what I want to do!

    Guitar Slim
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    RE: What Do You Do? November 02, 05 7:36 PM (permalink)
    I don't think I'll ever really have the hardware or the expertise to produce commercial-quality recordings, but that's not my goal. I mostly got into home recording to help improve my composing and arranging abilities. I perform all the parts myself, but the only instrument I have any expertise on is the guitar. Multi-tracking lets me get at least a rough idea of what something might sound like with a group of real musicians playing my music.

    I guess if I have any professional aspirations, it would be to interest people in my recordings as demos worth developing. I would love to take some of my musical ideas into a pro studio and make use of some other accomplished musicians (like a REAL keyboard player and a REAL drummer). Access to an experienced engineer is something I dream about.

    I am 45 years old and this is kind of my third musical incarnation. I started as a classical guitarist, pretty serious, went to music school, the whole thing. I played professionally for about 10 years, mostly small-time stuff like restaurants and churches and weddings. Eventually I started to find that unfulfilling. So I bought myself a Fender and learned how to rock'n'roll! I played in bands in the Denver area for about five years before moving to California.

    After the move, I kind of gave up music for a few years. Then, I discovered a real desire to do something creative, and started writing solo acoustic guitar pieces. Later, I bought a cheap Casio keyboard and my first version of Cakewalk and started adding drums, keys and other voices to my "compositions". I really hit my stride and started seriously writing about a year and a half ago. And so, here I am....

    Check my Soundclick link to hear some of my stuff, and thanks for letting me share.
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    RE: What Do You Do? November 07, 05 5:45 AM (permalink)

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    RE: What Do You Do? November 07, 05 9:46 PM (permalink)
    Hi everybody!

    What an excellent post!
    After reading most of the post through out the day it sounds like we are all pretty much in the same league. Im 41 have been playing guitar since I was 13 when my mom bought me this old beat up thing from hell for Chriatmas. My love for music has only deepened ever since.

    I learned all of the lessons in what I consider guitar 101.
    The Beatles: Abby Road, Rubber Soul.
    Van Halens: 1st Album, Women and Children First.
    Boston: Boston.
    Judas Priest: British Steel, Screaming For Vengeance.
    Rush: 2112, Exit Stage Left, Moving Pictures.
    Ozzy Osbroune: Dairy of a Madman, Blizzard of Oz and alot of Sabbath.

    After playing in bands through High School. And then gigging around Vegas for a couple years. Moved to Pheonix to attend ASU to study music dropped out after a year. Because I didn't want to be a school teacher.

    While in Pheonix I joined a Christian band named Prophecy and the learned the ropes in recording. With an 8 track Tascam set-up. What a great learning curve. Got close to a record deal but you make plans and God smiles.

    Now I'v been back in Vegas for about 10 yrs and have hooked up with a couple guys and we are doing some hard rock stuff. We call our band Meatbutton. I have a couple projects in the works. The songs Im working on with Meatbutton and some Christmas songs that our family is recording to give away at Christmas. I also will be starting a new project with some brothers at the chruch. Putting old hymns in a blue context. I really hope I can pull that one off.

    I consider myself a musician and song writer first. Play guitar and bass (would rather have a real bass player) sing lead and backing vox. Do alot of production and engineering. I would like to start a recording business and production company. That is where Im heading.

    I like to collaborate and think it really helps the creative process. But Im kind of new to the computor recording thing but Im learning. If anyone would be interrested feel free to contact me.

    Hope to have some songs on the net soon but having drummer girlfriend problems.

    Live in Las Vegas,

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    RE: What Do You Do? November 08, 05 11:03 PM (permalink)
    Hi there CrayZee_one I like your thread, it has an inclusive vibe to it and it is nice to be able get to know some of the other musicians and thier aspirations and influences. I have been playing guitar since the age of 6. Currently I am way past 21 a few times over. For me music has been a refuge, and a stabilizing factor in my life. I feel very lucky to have been chosen by this path. Over the years I've hit a few high notes and quite a few clunkers. I was influenced greatly by the 60s. At that time I was a teenager and the music that I dug was Hendricks, Clapton, Santana, and an assortment of bands that would take forever to list. As time progressed I got into Jazz and Blues. I wound up studing and eventually learning how to read music well enough to be able to absorb all kinds of musical ideas, and have new things to practice. I got to play in a lot of clubs in NYC and make the rounds at some of the jam spots and hear some great players. Some known and lots of monsters that had chops to die for, those guys you hear about the ones that The Music Bussiness is elusive to them and they trudge on anyway regardless of trends and bandwagons. I recently bought a copy of Home Studio version 2 because I wanted to be able to record my musical Ideas without having to kiss but and play politics to do my own thing musicaly. Right now my musical performances are primarily done in front of a captive audience, my dog but I hope to change that some day soon. I use a Ibanez guitar synth for my midi work, I don't play keyboards well at all, so I have to deal with the glitches. Currently I have been in the woodshed learning how to used a computer and the software. Recently I decided to post a few of the tunes I have been working one they can be found at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=427899 Hopefully there might be something there musicaly if not Its me and the pooch. I don't sing and I wound up playing my own instruments for better or worse with a few drum loops ahhh apt living. Thanks for the thread Kenny.

    Oh Yeah , Life is Good .
    The internet is nothing more than a glorified real time cartoon we all star in.
    I play a "Gibson " R 8 Les Paul Cherry Sunburst .
    The Love of my Life is an American Bulldog Named Duke . I'm currently running Cakewalk By BandLab as my DAW .

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    RE: What Do You Do? November 12, 05 11:15 PM (permalink)

    Y'all are making me feel like a little kid. At 23 it seems no one else my age has much interest in recording; they all want the glory of being a rockstar. While I have to admit it is my dream to one day stand on stage with thouands of fans singing the songs I wrote, I am more than willing to do the time to learn more than just slamming out a few bar chords and screaming a lot. That may sound like music to some but to me it lacks the subtlety that makes true music beautiful. I began my musical journey at the tender age of 6 on the piano (which I unfortunately gave up too early).

    I fell in love with the guitar when I was about 12 or so and it has led me into a whole new realm of creativity I never would have discovered otherwise. I started recording on the computer with nothing more than the line in and a wave editor, laying down one track at a time, then balancing the volume with the next track and pasting them together, etc. until I had a whole smorgasbord of sound. What a load of work. But fun for me. Then I discovered the wonderful world of DAWs! What ease! What remarkable fun! This has made the process so much easier, I almost feel cheated.

    For those looking for some good, loud, fun, plaese check me out!

    post edited by xiangtao - December 15, 05 10:36 AM
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    RE: What Do You Do? November 21, 05 1:24 AM (permalink)

    Keep it coming peeps.
    This is an awesome thread, thanks to all to have participated!!

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    RE: What Do You Do? December 04, 05 6:49 AM (permalink)
    ooh, a whee *bump*

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