RE: Why does one track bleed into another?
February 21, 04 11:27 PM
Hi Gray
The Record button has not been on or pressed while recording other tracks - thanks for suggestion though. I'm recording the guitar by running a lead from it into my mixer (an LTO S-8) and recoring it without FX into my song via an analogue 'in'. The mixer is connected to my Terratec EWS 24/96 soundcard.
Didn't think I was particularly stupid but recording music using computers is not that simple. There seem to be so many variables, ifs and buts. I fly jets for a living. That is a whole lot easier.
Lastly - there is no tutorial on my installation to be found. Page 24 of the Calewalk 2004 'Getting Started' booklet says - Choose File Open, then in the dialogue box, double click the tutuorials folder and select file TUTORIAL.CWP ...... I don't have that file or folder!! Any ideas are welcome.
Nick J.