Preferred monitors?

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March 27, 04 11:04 PM (permalink)

Preferred monitors?

I want to know what kind of monitor's do some of you prefer. I'm looking at the website for Musicians Friend and I'm looking at some of these recording monitors and just don't know what brand and kind to get for my computer. And is there any other thing that I would need to add to my computer if I'm going to get one of these monitor brands? Thanks for your input.

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    mark s
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 28, 04 12:05 AM (permalink)
    I prefer the ones that sound good when I can afford it.

    Without knowing what you have, and what you are trying to do, and what your budget is it's pretty hard to give any advice here that might be pertinent.
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 28, 04 6:46 PM (permalink)
    OK, this is what I currently have. I have a dell computer with a 1.3 gighz, 512 mb of rdram and a 40 gig hard drive. My sound card is a SB Live. I have a line out from my mixing board which is a Berhinger MX2000 (I think thats the model). My current speakers are the ones that came with my computer, two small ones with one sub-woofer. I think the name of the maker is Altec speakers, but they are still good. Now that is what my setup, any suggestions on studio speakers?
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 28, 04 10:40 PM (permalink)
    Studio monitors would go to waste on a SBLive. If you want near field monitors, upgrade to something better like an M-Audio Audiophile or Echo MiaMIDI.
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 28, 04 10:54 PM (permalink)

    Check out Event's Project 6...


    mark s
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 28, 04 11:44 PM (permalink)
    and I have an St-Audio C-port which I like alot. (8+ ch in/out $400)

    I agree with the Brazileno. Studio monitors would be a waste with what you have now.

    What are you trying to accomplish with your system. (It makes a big difference in how you'll have to plan your future acquisitions.)

    What are you doing now with it.

    What else would you like to do?

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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 29, 04 0:58 PM (permalink)
    I'm trying to learn the program still and I've done a couple of recordings using my drums and having my brother play the guitar. Those came out pretty good, but I just don't want to blow out my little computer speakers. They are the altec brand with two small speakers and a subwoofer. Sometimes if I turn it up loud, they'll start to sound a little distorted.

    What I would like to do is start my own recording studio here at home. And with a small budget, I want to get my money's worth. I want to use one room, where my computer is at now, to be my recording console and then run some wires to the next room and use that as the recording boot or room for instruments and vocals. I don't know if that answers your question's, but they are some reasons why I would like to buy some studio speakers and kind of fix up my computer desk a bit with some of this recording stuff.
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 29, 04 6:55 AM (permalink)
    Entry level near field monitors start at around $300.00. Check out the Behringer B2031 Truth Monitor Speakers (Pair)
    ot the MAudio BX5 Powered Monitors
    I don't use these but when I do purchase monitors it will probably be one of these.
    Here is a good article about monitors:

    mark s
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 29, 04 9:48 AM (permalink)
    ,... But he was looking for studio monitors, not field monitors.


    with what you have it's probably a toss up on whether the speakers are distorting or the amp on the sound card. You have a few steps to go yet. I would reccomend continuing to work with the program and your recording as is, but plan to:

    1) get a studio quality multitrack sound card (you've seen three commented on here, there are many others)

    2) get a mixing board

    3) then get an amp and your monitor speakers.

    you'll figure out where you need mics and such as you go along.

    You have time to shop and learn what things will do or not, and how much it will cost. DON'T FORGET EBAY! I got much of my stuff there and have been very happy to get much more capacity for much less money.
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    RE: Preferred monitors? March 29, 04 12:20 AM (permalink)
    FWIW I use a pair of Radio Shack (believe it or not) 5 1/4 inch speakers that also contain a 1" silk dome tweeter. They are good enough so that I get a sense of how good the mix will sound on high end audio, but they are also limited enough so I can tell if the mix will come through OK on a boom-box or the usual computer speaker complement. I paid $100 for the pair, and everyone who has heard them has been very, very surprised. This is the only one of the RS speakers that I've ever found that would come close to working, but they really do -- and I could afford to pay $500 for a set. Remember, you've got to mix and monitor for your target audience. That's why so many people also burn a trial CD and try it on their car stereo.
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