Recording Using Sonar - PODCast

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May 12, 06 5:29 PM (permalink)

Recording Using Sonar - PODCast

Over the past few months, I've been listening to more and more PODCasts on my IPOD during commutes. Most of them deal with technical issues and during my commute they are an excellent way for me to catch up / keep up with newer technologies, industry terms, etc. In most cases these are groups of people who have (lively at times) converstations about the given subject, be it as broad as the tech industry or narrow as security issues or even certain products.

I've enjoyed doing PODCasts on my studio work, but its very narrow and limited. I would like to start a monthly PODCast on 'Recording Using Sonar'. Is anyone interested in participating in the PODCast panel?

I will likely do the PODCast with up to 5 individuals using Skype (i.e. Net Meeting like product) over the Internet. 30min to 1 hour. Each member of the group would submit a few topics they would like to discuss (a few days ahead of time and that would be distributed to the Panel for prep), and the group would then round robin the topics. Kinda of fun way of exchanging ideas, providing a service to the Sonar user base, etc.

Any interest?



Joseph Barron
Golden Retriever Studios

Sonar 5 PE

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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 6:46 PM (permalink)
    I think this is a great idea joseph. I doubt I have enough knowledge to be on your panel, but I hope you get this going. I'll be downloading & listening to it for sure! I wonder if the Cakewalk folks would supply an occassional guest expert for your panel?

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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 7:00 PM (permalink)
    Thanks. Its good to hear that at least one person will be listening. It is my hope that not only Cakewalk will provide experts, but also maybe third party vendors of plugins, etc. can come on and talk about their products. If the subject is too narrow, with just Cakewalk, it might devolve into a general DAW show.

    Thanks for your reply.


    Joseph Barron
    Golden Retriever Studios

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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 8:08 PM (permalink)

    Certainly an interesting topic - I spend nine months a year teaching Sonar - I've thought about doing such a thing already - but not sure who the audience would be - what's your ideas of that...

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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 8:30 PM (permalink)

    ... who the audience would be ...

    Ipod owners :-)


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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 8:46 PM (permalink)
    Well at the last Apple presentation I attended with the VP of High-Ed sales he told me that was 28 million folks - That was in March - I suspect by end of Summer or near the fall that will be over 30 Milliion - If that's the subscriber - let me know the talent fee and I'm in - let's see .01 per cast per person....


    Check out my new Album  iTunesAmazonCD Baby and recent Filmwork, and Client Release
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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 9:17 PM (permalink)
    Just a thought: With all those budding wannabee podcasters out there, you'll have a hungry market for any material on building podcasts with Sonar.

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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 11:37 PM (permalink)
    That was one of the first topics I was thinking about adding.
    ORIGINAL: spinlock_1977

    Just a thought: With all those budding wannabee podcasters out there, you'll have a hungry market for any material on building podcasts with Sonar.

    Joseph Barron
    Golden Retriever Studios

    Sonar 5 PE
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    RE: Recording Using Sonar - PODCast May 12, 06 11:38 PM (permalink)
    One step at a time. Need a revenue model to support that. Not that there isn't one, but first things first.


    Well at the last Apple presentation I attended with the VP of High-Ed sales he told me that was 28 million folks - That was in March - I suspect by end of Summer or near the fall that will be over 30 Milliion - If that's the subscriber - let me know the talent fee and I'm in - let's see .01 per cast per person....


    Joseph Barron
    Golden Retriever Studios

    Sonar 5 PE
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