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September 27, 05 10:08 PM (permalink)



Hey folks!

I have an odd Garritan Personal Orchestra crash issue that I haven't noticed till now. In a very limited context, GPO will crash, taking all of Sonar down with it. It seems to be related to stopping Sonar's audio engine or unloading/deleting the synth from the Sonar synth rack. It only happens when I do the following:

1) Open a Sonar project (new or old) -- WITH NO INSTANCES OF GPO ALREADY LOADED IN IT
2) Add GPO as a VSTi
3) Immediately open a saved preset within the GPO Kontakt player

GPO will then crash if I:

A) Disconnect GPO in the synth rack and/or try to reconnect it (this part is not always consistent -- sometimes it disconnects OK by won't reconnect)
B) Delete GPO from the synth rack
C) Turn off the Sonar audio engine (which runs in Sonar 4.0.3 as soon as I load the DXi)
D) Record to the GPO MIDI track (instant crash as soon as I press the Record transport button)

If I do any of the above (A through C) BEOFORE I load the preset, then everything works fine -- I can disconnect/connect, delete, shut off the audio engine, etc. no problem.

This error does not seem to affect the DXi; and I'm not experiencing this with any other synths. I've tried adjusting the Kontakt player settings (including the "Lock Memory" setting), with no improvement.

I don't remember this being the case prior to Sonar 4.0.3, but it's such a limited context, so I may not have triggered it before installing that patch. I might not have noticed it, except that it causes problems on occasion when creating a new project, and/or open an old one.

I'm running Sonar Producer 4.0.3, Win XP Pro SP2, Athlon XP 2600+, 1.5GB RAM, MSI K7T m-board, M-Audio Delta 44
My GPO install has all the latest updates from Garritan & NI.

I get an error message, with a LONG error report. If that would help, I'll try to capture it to post.

Has anybody else noticed this?
post edited by Infinite5ths - May 12, 06 4:44 PM

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    Max Output Level: -39 dBFS
    • Total Posts : 3631
    • Joined: 5/8/2005
    • Location: USA
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    RE: GPO Crashes Sonar -- LIMITED CONTEXT May 12, 06 4:36 PM (permalink)
    P.S. The work-around for this is to simply save a VSTi BANK file (*.fxb) instead of a VSTi PRESET file (*.fxp). GPO seems to handle presets and banks in an odd manner. At any rate, BANK files are basically the same size as PRESET files - so there is no real down side to this workaround.

    IPM Productions
    Sonar 8PE, Project 5 v2.5, Rapture, Dimension Pro, Z3TA+, RME FF400 + Presonus DigiMax FS
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