Latest Timing Test Results

Rick McNab
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July 21, 06 4:23 AM (permalink)

Latest Timing Test Results

More testing. Using Sonar 4 Home Studio. Edirol VSC. Korg K25 Midi Controller and/or M-Audio USB Midisport 2X2, being fed from a Roland RD-300SX digital piano.

First, created a quantized HH click track on quarter notes all at equal velocities and durations for 1 bar and copied for 63 more bars.

Next, recorded some basic single note melodies of repetitive piano exercises (Berringer) at 100 BPM with audio metronome. On playback, noticed the performance was much choppier than what I played. Also tried nudging rightward by 2 units. Not much improvement. Also noticed the "lurch" at bar 1

Next tried recording starting at bar 2 without the audio metronome (using my quantized HH for reference). Piano part still much choppier than the way I played it in. Also benefited from nudging rightward by either 1 or 2 units.

Next made the TTSSEQ.ini file addition as recommended in this forum. Repeated recording test without audio metronome. Performance seemed smoother. Yet still not locked in to the click (my quantized HH) the way I played it. Also, after the TTSSEQ.ini modification, it seemed less necessary to nudge.

Bottom line: the TTSSEQ.ini modifcation was beneficial, but not a complete solution. I am still not satisfied with the way playback interprets the notes I recorded. However there is no way to tell if it is:

1) Sonar
2) The Edirol
3) My Computer and Windows Settings
4) The 2 different keyboards I used as input devices (The Korg K25 and the Roland RD300SX via the M-Audio USB Midisport)

Hope that sheds some light. Will continue testing and learning!

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    RE: Latest Timing Test Results July 21, 06 6:54 AM (permalink)

    You might want to check out this old post by Jim Wright. It's very informative

    Go to post #16 in the above thread.

    -- Jim

    Sonar 7 PE, P5 v2.5, 3.4Ghz P4, 2GB RAM, MAudio 2496PCI, Event TR6, PodXT, Yamaha S90, Hammond XK-C3, MAudio Axiom 61, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Gretsch 5296, Fender Strat, Larrivee D03R, Martin D12-28, Martin D16-R, etc
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    RE: Latest Timing Test Results July 21, 06 1:16 PM (permalink)
    Rick, did you do the click test exactly as it was posted, without recording keyboards? I'm too lazy to look it up right this second--but you know what I mean, recording the click, recording that track into a second one, looking at where they line up etc?

    It's good you've noticed an improvement after inserting the TTSSEQ command, it seems to have totally cleared up my problems which seemed the same as yours---tracks recording a smidge too early.

    Are you sure the rest of what you're noticing isn't back to the human element of playing around instead of right on a beat?

    Rick McNab
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    RE: Latest Timing Test Results July 21, 06 5:19 PM (permalink)
    Hi guys. Thanks loads for this info. I am just getting started for the day. Have got some studying and other music work to accomplish. Then I will take a look at the post.

    Is there a way to bookmark these posts? Why am I asking this, why not just try it?

    Anyway, I will report back as soon as I have run more experiments.

    I thought about recording one click against another and looking a the results on a visual display. But that doesn't take into effect real-world recording situations, such as an unquantized piano part.
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    RE: Latest Timing Test Results July 21, 06 5:31 PM (permalink)
    Hi, Rick

    You said:
    "...I thought about recording one click against another and looking at the results on a visual display. But that doesn't take into effect real-world recording situations, such as an unquantized piano part."

    I'm going to go find Zungle's step-by-step instructions on this. Doing exactly that Does take into account "real-world recording"---It's showing you exactly, to the sample number, how off things are.
    The metronome being recorded on the second track is doing what you're trying to do--to play exactly on the beat. If it's ahead or behind---then you have the figure for the exact offset you need.

    You just Have to do it.

    Found it--here's Zungle's post,--look down to see "Audio Loop Back Test"---not his earlier reply to you on that thread:

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