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July 20, 06 11:35 PM (permalink)


been doing some research on control surfaces. im intrested in the mackie control but have 1 or 2 ?'s for those who use it with Sonar.

1. it has 8 faders and 1 master, so can you assign, lets say 8 instrument/midi tracks as a group, then assign, lets say 8 vocal tracks as another group w/o using a control extender?

2. is it usb or firewire? (looked on the site - must of missed it)

3. i use Sonar 5pe - does it integrate seamlessly or is it a lil buggy?

thats all folks - thanks for ya time


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    RE: MACKIE CONTROL July 21, 06 0:06 PM (permalink)
    1. You can Move in groups, but it mirrors your track arrangements.
    2. A power supply and a free midi in and out port. no fw or usb.
    3. does what I need it to.
    post edited by RAR - July 21, 06 0:26 PM

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    RE: MACKIE CONTROL July 21, 06 0:11 PM (permalink)

    been doing some research on control surfaces. im intrested in the mackie control but have 1 or 2 ?'s for those who use it with Sonar.

    1. it has 8 faders and 1 master, so can you assign, lets say 8 instrument/midi tracks as a group, then assign, lets say 8 vocal tracks as another group w/o using a control extender?

    2. is it usb or firewire? (looked on the site - must of missed it)

    3. i use Sonar 5pe - does it integrate seamlessly or is it a lil buggy?

    thats all folks - thanks for ya time


    1. yes -- u don't really have to assign anything -- tracks 1-8 are channels 1-8 -- then you hit the bank key and then channels 1-8 become 9-16.....hit the bank button again and then channels 1-8 become 17-24 ect.... ---its a bank button and the faders are all pre assigned --- so you could jog through your channels and or buses in sets of 8 ---- the extender is for if it bothers you to do that and u want to see more channels at once

    2. its neither usb or fire fire -- its midi -- u need something like uno midi sport -- or another midi interface for sonar to communicate with it

    3. I don't think its buggy --- but I find i use the faders, pan keys and the play stop keys often -- yet still EQ with a mouse often

    I like mine --but remeber u can do everything any controller can do with your mouse as well

    it looks cool -- its neat-- u can set the display to display the text of the track OR buss or meter single which is neat --- i dont find it buggy---- -- hope that helps
    post edited by Mooch4056 - July 21, 06 0:23 PM

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    RE: MACKIE CONTROL July 21, 06 1:19 AM (permalink)
    the MCU is configurable and bank-switchable and has several modes. it's a very good
    controller for Sonar once configured. it uses a DIN 9 pin MIDI interace .. not USB .. so,
    you'll need to get one of those.
    i had a MCU .. and i gotta tell ya .. i didn't use it all that much once i started using automation.
    the mouse is mightier than the controller (imho) ;-)
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    RE: MACKIE CONTROL July 21, 06 3:34 PM (permalink)
    I love mine! I've got the master and one xtender. I found myself doing automation more by hand with the controller (such as riding a vocal fader) with Sonar in "record automation mode".

    Also, I find myself getting levels and rough mixes quicker now because I can use both hands at a time to grab faders and start moving instead of the mouse which is one parameter at one time. I had a client one time that did alot of tracking on the Roland VS 2480. He would bring GOBS of tracks over per song and we'd import them and then get to mixing. It REALLY saved alot of time just being able to instantly get to the solo button on each track to be able to see what was going on...also, you can rough level and pan at the same time...little things like that add up when you're trying to save time ($). I love being able to switch the controller from "track" to "aux" and being able to make small adjustments. Plus, the wow factor when the client sees the faders snap to their positions...

    But, I don't think it makes a great deal of difference when I build my projects up from the ground because you are generally working with one track at at time anyway.

    Ok, back to mixing!

    All the best,

    Win XP, Sonar 5 PE, P4P800 Deluxe, overclocked P4 3.4, 2 gig RAM, MOTU 24 i/o, UAD-1, Apogee Big Ben masterclock
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