Mixer Ignorance
In a separate thread I had asked about using headphones with my EMU 0404, and getting extremely low volume. I have since been informed that I must either use powered speakers or a "headphone amp" for phones.
First, the simple part: I have an old Tasco six channel mixer. In the back it has inputs for each channel, then two outputs (line out and adj. level) both tied to a Master Volume dial. To avoid buying yet one MORE piece of equipment, can I run the signal out of sound card, into any channel on the mixer, then "line out" BACK into sound card and plug headphones into "adjustable level"?
Now the more detailed part: Given that MC has so many controls (levels, balance, FX's) and I now have the DSP mixer (came with EMU) with triple the things I'll EVER know what to do with.....
What exactly is the purpose of an external mixer? Seems like so much of this is ALREADY in the sofware that doing it via hardware is unnecessary duplication. Is this a level of control only someone approaching "Professional" would ever need or notice, or (since I have one) would there be some other benifit from using it other than a headphone amp (assuming it DOES that)?