Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression

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September 13, 06 1:30 PM (permalink)

Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression

Frank, or other users of this preamp..

do you find yourself needing a dedicated compressor ?

I'm looking to record mainly vocals,guitar and bass with the Grace 101. For my live rack I have an Alesis 3603 and a DBX 266xl, both pretty low end units.

Any mid priced (under $500) compressor anybody had great results with?


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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 13, 06 9:17 PM (permalink)
    I've had success with the ART PROVLA compressor

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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 13, 06 9:45 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: notfadeaway...

    Frank, or other users of this preamp..

    do you find yourself needing a dedicated compressor ?

    I'm looking to record mainly vocals,guitar and bass with the Grace 101. For my live rack I have an Alesis 3603 and a DBX 266xl, both pretty low end units.

    Any mid priced (under $500) compressor anybody had great results with?


    Not since I went 24bit.. You can record at a safe level and still get good sound if you have to bring it up later. With 16bit the low stuff got nasty but 24bit is just fine. On vocals learn to work the mic so you don't get wild peaks. For example if you know you need to yell tilt your mouth away from the mic and lean back. Do some test recordings till you get good at it. You should not need a compressor if you record at 24bit just add the compressor as a plugin later and use the clip gain envelope to fix the bad spots so the compressor can do a better job. In fact if you get good at the clip gain envelope you might not need any dynamics plugins. I do all my compressing, limiting and de-essing with it. It's a little more work be you can achieve prefection that no compressor can do. After all it's just working from one set of rules the entire track. With the clip gain you can work with each phrase, word, or part of word till you get it just right for the mix.
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 15, 06 7:39 PM (permalink)
    I use a Grace 101 for the same things and don't use any compressor, except as a plug-in as Frank mentioned. I do sometimes ride the knob a little bit, backing things down a bit where I know a singer will have a particularly nasty spike, but that's pretty rare. Like he said, record in 24bit, give it some headroom, and you'll be fine.
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 16, 06 7:00 AM (permalink)
    Grace 101s here and I don't use any compressor with them. I sometimes add a bit of UA Pultec and 1176 to smooth out the sound on acoustic instrumenta and vocals. But no Comp in my chain. The RNC is a good unit for the price if you must get one. A good outboard comp is a good thing to own, I have 3.................
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 16, 06 8:23 AM (permalink)
    WOw, some super replies from Grace owners ! Well I just purchased a TLM 103 and tried it out with an LA610 tube pre. I must say I was dissapointed. Not sure if by the mic or the pre though....So I own the TLM103, but didn't by the LA610. The Grace is still in the mail. I also ordred a tube Audio Technica 4060. I'm wondering how this will partner up with the Grace, and if I should go back AGAIN and look at the LA610 on top of the grace. People say using it is like hitting that "magic button", but I didn't hear it with the TLM103. I can't to hear the Grace in person, especially coupled with the Audio Technica tube mic...

    thanks for the replies..


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    Joe Bravo
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 16, 06 11:29 AM (permalink)
    That DBX 266 was a digital unit and just didn't have that great old analog sound of the 160. A pair of 160's is the way to go if you can afford it. I've only got one. If I need a stereo comp then I use a cheap Behringer digital unit (Composer Pro-XL). Its really a darn good comp for such a cheap unit. There are times when I can't tell the dif between it and the 160.
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 16, 06 6:05 PM (permalink)
    DBX 160? not familiar with, will have to look it up.

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    Dave King
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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 24, 06 6:45 PM (permalink)
    Fadeaway, I don't mean to take over your thread, but along the same lines, I'm looking for mic. recommendations for use with the Grace. My main mic. currently is an AT-4033.
    To get a decent warm sound I have to take advantage of proximity effect and record vocals only inches away from the mic. It also sounds a little "sizzly" to me on the high end. Can anyone recommed a mic. in the $200-$300 range that would be warmer and have smoother highs?


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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 24, 06 9:46 PM (permalink)
    I'm using a Joe Meek SixQ and am very happy with it.

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    RE: Preamp(Grace Design) and Compression September 25, 06 7:08 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dave King

    Fadeaway, I don't mean to take over your thread, but along the same lines, I'm looking for mic. recommendations for use with the Grace. My main mic. currently is an AT-4033.
    To get a decent warm sound I have to take advantage of proximity effect and record vocals only inches away from the mic. It also sounds a little "sizzly" to me on the high end. Can anyone recommed a mic. in the $200-$300 range that would be warmer and have smoother highs?


    Based on what you're looking for, I can't think of a better candidate than the Rode NT-2A. Well, it's $400 but let's not quibble. Smooth top end, no self noise and great quality control. I tested one out when I was in the market a while back... ended up getting a Shure KSM-44 instead, but it's more expensive. The KSM worked better for my voice, but if budget were an issue, I would have snatched up the Rode no question.
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