What's your best PC configuration?

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February 09, 07 2:56 PM (permalink)

What's your best PC configuration?

I mean just CPU and drives. Your best experience.
I want to know how it would best work SONAR PE 6.2 in a machine.
Dual Core? 2G RAM? SATA HDs? XP or Vista?
What about using external FireWire drives (for clients)?

Just asking to know how can I build a PC capable to manage a very low latency, with a very good response of SONAR, and a loose and confortable workflow.

My regards!

post edited by Chino - February 09, 07 3:17 PM

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    Frank Haas
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 3:03 PM (permalink)
    I'd believe that the mainboard (USB/Firewire chipset) and the Audio-Interface are most important.. funny you didnt mention it.. if your basis is not right.. well..
    I also believe that its important that the audio-interface driver supports low latency settings..
    if there are hidden buffers in the driver or in the unit itself.. then there is no need for a fast pc anyway..

    I've read that when you can choose between an external usb or firewire hd.. go for the usb.. and you might even consider, as there are hd's with both connectors, to choose the usb-only hd.
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 5:26 PM (permalink)
    I have an opteron 165 dual core on a gigabyte k8ns ultra 939 motherboard. 2 gigs of ram and a 80gb raid 1 volume for applications and OS, a 2nd 250GB raid 1 volume for audio.

    about the USB vs firewire, I would really like to hear something substantiating that statement! From what I know firewire and USB 2.0 have nearly identical theroetical bandwidth. However firewire has less processor overhead and less going on at the protocol level compared to usb. USB is a much more "chatty" at the protocol level.
    I think what is more relevant is what your setup is determines which interface to go with. I like to look at a block diagram of the PC and figure out where the audio gets into the computer, and how it gets to the disks. If I can I prefer for them not to cross paths. If the audio comes in on USB and goes straight to the north bridge or south bridge, bypassing the PCI buss then you can stick a firewire drive on a firewire controller hanging off the PCI buss. If your audio comes in by the PCI buss (either via a card or a firewire controller ON that buss) then connecting your drives to another device on the same buss may cause audio glitches, freezes and other issues. Be aware that because you have built in firewire, raid controllers or USB does not sidestep the PCI buss issue. Most often these are still accesing the PCI buss. Check the motherboard builders website for a PDF of the manual and look for a block diagram which illustrates connections.
    In a lot of cases USB is integrated into the chipset so yes, it is free of the PCI buss. In which case you could stick your audio card on firewire and your drives on USB, or vice versa. I prefer firewire myself.
    post edited by calaverasgrandes - February 09, 07 6:04 PM

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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 5:32 PM (permalink)
    Hi Chino,
    Funny you should ask this question because I was just thinking about the same thing. I currently have a Core 2 Duo with an ASUS P5 Deluxe motherboard, an 80gb IDE O/S drive, and a 300gb Audio drive. My plan was to use an external USB drive for backup, and combine audio files and sample files on the second drive. Due to the failure of two of my external hard drives within a week of each other I've decided to rethink that configuration. I extracted the hard drives from their enclosures and tested them and they are okay. One of the drives that was advertised as a SATA drive was really a PATA drive with a PATA to SATA converter in the enclosure. I won't use that one in my Master computer, but I can switch it out with one of the nice Seagate drives I have in one of my Slave computers. The other drive was a 300gb 16mb cache Seagate Barracuda which I can definitely make use of.

    My new configuration will be:

    Drive 1: 80gb IDE for O/S and Sonar
    Drive 2: 300gb SATA for Audio
    Drive 3: 300gb SATA for Samples
    Drive 4: 300gb SATA for Backup

    External: 300gb SATA USB/Firewire for secondary backup

    I just have to open up that Slave PC and switch out it's second hard drive to make this happen. It's a project I have scheduled for next week.

    My guess is that this will be a very effective configuration.


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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 6:34 PM (permalink)
    While the specs of USB 2.0 are faster than Firewire 400 there is a bit more to the story. The USB uses a burst method which makes it ideal for keyboards and mice but Firewire exceeds USB on sustained transfers and large files which make it more ideal for audio and video.

    Personally, since enclosure cost is the same (or less) and drive cost is the same (or less) I would slap in a SATA card with an eSATA external connector for about 15 bucks and blow them both away with a SATA drive.
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 6:42 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: mwd
    While the specs of USB 2.0 are faster than Firewire 400 there is a bit more to the story. The USB uses a burst method which makes it ideal for keyboards and mice but Firewire exceeds USB on sustained transfers and large files which make it more ideal for audio and video.

    Personally, since enclosure cost is the same (or less) and drive cost is the same (or less) I would slap in a SATA card with an eSATA external connector for about 15 bucks and blow them both away with a SATA drive.

    I can't get more than 16 MB/sec sustained file transfer to my Maxtor 320GB USB 2.0 drive which is about a 1/3 to 1/4 of what internal IDE drives can do. I guess that seems to imply that for USB2 that burst rate may be 480 Mbps but sustain rate is around 130 Mbps. Haven't dealt with FireWire or SATA drives so I don't know what they're capable of.
    post edited by altima_boy_2001 - February 09, 07 7:05 PM
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 6:46 PM (permalink)
    yesbut USB and 1394 beat SATA for cable length.
    I also will always pick a mature technology over a new one anyday.
    About data transfer rates not living up to spec. This is the fault of
    A) windows crippling USB and firewire unless you do the workarounds.
    B) cheap chips used in motherboards to keep costs down.
    C) cheap chips used in peripherals to keep costs down.
    D) file fragmentation.
    E) above mentioned protocol overhead in USB.

    Sonar 7.0.3, Mattel Synsonics, Motu 828MKII (BLA), TC-powercore, Stillwell plugins, Moog MG1, Korg Poly 800, DX27s, Moogerfooger Lowpass, Ovation Magnum, Stingray fretless, Mesa Bass 400, Waldorf Edition, DBA fuzz war, Summit 2BA221, etc
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 09, 07 10:54 PM (permalink)
    See my signature below...

    S8.02PE on XP SP2, ADK Dual 2.2GHz Dual core Opteron 275s, SuperMicro H8DCi, 1010LT, Dual LCD monitors on Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT Ozone3, JBL 4408A & 4412A
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 10, 07 8:14 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: calaverasgrandes ~ yes but USB and 1394 beat SATA for cable length.
    I also will always pick a mature technology over a new one anyday.

    Me too... give me a 5" floppy over a jump drive anyday (messin' with ya' calvera)

    I agree on the cable issues. Not quite comfy either internally or externally with the SATA connectors. Once plugged, however, they seem fine if the length is suitable for your task.

    I have to use USB and Firewire both daily for various task and each protocol has it's strengths and weakness.

    I am real interested in you pointing me to learn about any USB work arounds for speed. Me and 14 workstations would appreciate it.

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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 10, 07 2:12 PM (permalink)
    Perfect! I have lots of info, and I'll think about my best affordable configuration.

    Thank you all, and my sincere regards!


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    Dave Modisette
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    RE: What's your best PC configuration? February 10, 07 5:54 PM (permalink)
    My best DAW system is my current one. I went with an older board - the ASUS A8V with an Opteron 165. I'm using a Frontier Dakota sound card which I've had for years. It's been a very reliable soundcard. I have an old ATI Radeon card and it is my week link. I can see goofy stuff happen video wise if I do a lot of fast scrolling while the CPU load is heavy. But I know how to work my system and I work around it.

    I use a Linksys USB wireless network adapter and it has been the best wireless network adapter that I've used thus far.

    My biggest advice for good DAW stability is always make sure you are in the middle of the pack and let the trail blazers get the glory and suffer the injuries.

    Another thing I do is to get Jim Roseberry's nod of approval and have him bless my new DAW and sprinkle his DAW holy water on it. Then I close my eyes, click the heals of my Ruby slippers together three times and repeat, "There's no place like home" and fire it up.

    Seriously, Jim has put together so many systems (professionally), he knows which components play well together. THAT is the key, not the biggest, baddest and the fastest. He's always saved me money and headaches with his advice. IIRC, I think it was he, who sold me my Dakota.


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