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Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
Just checking this is nothing on my end of the line. Essentially I've got an omf from a client and on import the audio is VERY DISTORTED INDEED TO THE POINT OF BASICALLY BEING A SQUARE WAVE!!! Is this his problem or my problem? anyone know? Kind regards Dave Rich
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 8:20 AM
I can tell you this. I have not had a problem with OMF from Cubase to Sonar. My files were created on the same system though. So it could be a matter of being way too hot. Are the files in the OMF file or separate? If separate can you import one to check it without opening the OMF file? Best John
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 8:29 AM
the files are in the omf. What's really damn frustrating is I also have a folder with all the audio files - and the .cpr file , but of course the OMF files are all named different, otherwise I could just change the audio files over in the folder. You reckon he's done something silly then? - I can't imagine the files were this distorted at recording, it's unlistenable. Kind regards Dave Rich
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 8:45 AM
What you describe sounds like severe clipping. It should not be due to the OMF except you seem to have a way to check. If he has provided his files that were recorded in Cubase too just import one and you will see right away if his recording was bad. Best John
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 8:53 AM
The recording files aren't bad, but the ones extracted from the omf are. It's very strange. It's almost like when the soundcard has the justifcation wrong for 32bit files and you get that god-awful distortion. Kind regards Dave Rich
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 8:58 AM
Wait a second here, are the OMF files 32 bits? That may be the problem OMF has been around a long time and 32 bit files haven't. Just a thought don't know if OMF can handle 32 bit files or not. This is what I would check on because its an OMF bundle. Best John
post edited by John - February 15, 07 9:21 AM
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 9:00 AM
yup they are 32 bit files. that does indeed sound like a plausible explanation. hmm. Kind regards Dave Rich
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 9:12 AM
You may have gotten lucky if he saved the raw wave files as broadcast wav. Not likely though but worth checking. Best John
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 9:14 AM
I recently ported projects from Sonar to Nuendo in OMF format, they were 32 bit from Sonar, no problem whatsoever...
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 9:22 AM
Yes I see that Sonar also will let one select the file bit depth and sample rate upon import so that should not be a problem. Is it a type 1 or tpye 2 OMF file? None of this is any real help though. Best John
post edited by John - February 15, 07 9:44 AM
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RE: Importing OMF from cubase, NOISE problem.
February 15, 07 2:12 PM
I used the type 2 OMF... My guess is that if I can open an OMF 2 in Nuendo that was created with Sonar, it would work the other way around too... And if so, why would there be a difference between Cubase and Nuendo in that respect, as far as I know they have the same audio engine and mixdown/export options, hence they are both capable of delivering/receiving 32 bit files?
post edited by tor - February 15, 07 2:39 PM