Liquid Mix and 6.2.1

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March 10, 07 1:35 PM (permalink)

Liquid Mix and 6.2.1

Not a naysayer, and am working my little butt of to resolve.

But I have loaded a stereo channel on the masterbus and then a single mono channel on the kick and this point massive audio dropouts and the audio engine crashed.

Keeps happening, this did not happen in 6.2, in fact have just pulled of the stereo bus, so basically the mono dll does not seem to be working properly in 6.2.1 (in 6.2 i had successfully loaded 6 mono instances at the same time on this very project)

Anyone else expereinced this problem? Any suggestions? Its rather frustrating becuase 6.2.1 had cleared up a lot of my other little niggles, maybe I need to go back and review all those little changes and workrounds, maybe thats the problem

Anyway looking forward to input from the guru's

If i find what it was i will let you know.


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    Ham N Egz
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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 10, 07 2:11 PM (permalink)
    I am still having problems with LM and the 6.2.1 patch. Sonar will frezze and lock up with 5 instances of stereo LM. Here is the wierd thing .. Sonar tells me that the project is 100 percent loaded , that swhen it locks up .. but Task Manager shows TWO instances of SP , both not responding.. and the carazy thing is one of the instances points to the Sonar Exe, bu tthe other instances points to windows explorer ! This only happens with the LM lock up scenerio. clicking on end process on the sonar exe will end sonar and of course clicking on the sonar listing that points to the explorer process kills sonar AND my desktop....
    Normal sonar running only has one instance of sonar in the task manager ,,

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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 10, 07 2:23 PM (permalink)

    I can open the project fine, I can get stereo instances to work, but soon as i put a mono instance in there bang, audio drop out.

    I just don't get it, its like it suddenly max's out the cpu big time. In 6.2 I had no issues it worked like a dream. I have to seperate Ti matched firewire PCI cards one for soundcard and one for the liquid mix, and there are on seperate IRQ's both at the BIOS and ACPI level.

    hmm, gonna give it another 30 minsof ucking about and then very sadly going to roll back to 6.2. Or i might try re-installing from scrath ie, 6.0 then 6.2 then 6.2.1. See if its a corrept install.

    Most frustrating as I am supposed to be mixing 3 tracks this weekend, and this has jsut eaten a lot of time.

    Oh and i am running 1.5.5 software version of LiquidMix.


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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 10, 07 2:50 PM (permalink)
    I've often found it very useful/helpful when upgrading to a new version of Sonar to completely rescan all plug-ins.



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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 11, 07 10:48 AM (permalink)

    I rolled back to 6.2, tried it again and the same project was knackered again, so i tried another project this worked, i rolled forward to 6.2.1 again, and this new project worked.

    I am guessing that the first project must have somehow got corrupted. I am now exporting all audio and creating a brand new projects for it. I had deleted 5 mono instances out of this project before going to 6.2.1 whether this somehow left a legacy of themselves and corrupted the projectto future uses of LM I don't know, its a weird one.

    I am very frustrated, its my own fault but I was suposed to have completed 3 preliminary mix's this weekend and So far i have jack to show for about 17 hours work.


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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 11, 07 2:08 PM (permalink)
    i want to know how u got mono instances of liquid mix working in sonar without the delay problem
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    RE: Liquid Mix and 6.2.1 March 12, 07 3:56 AM (permalink)

    I'm also interested to know how you guys have got around the mono delay problem with the LM. I downloaded the demo for S6 and it doesn't seem to be fixed in that.

    Also, are you using 64bit? If so what happens if you revert to 32bit?

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