Does this annoying trait still exist in 6?

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March 11, 07 6:44 PM (permalink)

Does this annoying trait still exist in 6?

Ok, anyone who's seen my posts this weekend will realise that all my current problems with Sonar 5 seem to have been fixed with 6.
I'm very tempted to upgrade but i need to know one thing:

In sonar 4 and 5, when you had been messing around with an FX plugin in the sequencer view on the left and then went to delete and audio/midi object from your sequencer, the plugin section in the channel info would still be selected and you'd end up deleting your FX setup aswell. Rather politely, Sonar would inform you that proceeding would result in the deletion of not only the audio/midi object, but also the FX and their settings AND the process was not Undo-able.

In the heat of creative flow, i'd often skip past this warning (as in....i still do!) and lose my fx setup - my fault - but why include this feature? when would you want to delete a piece of audio/midi AND the fx in an unrelated track in one go? and why is it not undo-able?

there, that felt good

any help much appreciated.


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    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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    RE: Does this annoying trait still exist in 6? March 11, 07 6:48 PM (permalink)
    I'm happy to report that this was addressed in SONAR 6. (It bugged me as well <g>). There is no prompy when you delete an effect since we now maintain knowledge of the last selection context. Also, in S6 effects deletion as well as synth rack insertion/deletion are both completely undoable operations.
    post edited by Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk] - March 11, 07 6:49 PM

    Noel Borthwick
    Senior Manager Audio Core, BandLab
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    RE: Does this annoying trait still exist in 6? March 12, 07 8:37 AM (permalink)
    cheers for prompt reply Noel.

    Looks like it's an upgrade to 6 after all.
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