Focus on track function idea.

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July 21, 16 7:19 PM (permalink)

Focus on track function idea.

 What would be nice is what I call a "Focus on track function". 
Meaning, a lot of times you load up mixes and songs you want to re-mix. BUT there are a few things you would like to focus on the most. Select button 1 or a designated button "Option to change with shortcuts button" to focus on that track. 
Why is it important to focus on that one track, it's because a lot of times you record a song, it lays away without any attention, then you decide to work on it again once you realize that one simple mistake just wasn't right. So you "Focus on that track". 
What that means is you have the option once selecting "Focus On Track" to make all other tracks very quiet in the background, while the track you are focusing on is normal while re-recording it or remixing it. Meaning you can really hone in tones where your mix goes if you want to. 
The old adage of mixing from what I have read is "You mix with quiet sounds", but I have no idea about that stuff. The way I see it is you mix the tones and once they all fit then equalize the volume level. 
This is where the "Focus on track" idea might come in handy. 
Just and idea. I really like Cakewalk, and I think it's the best Daw ever. 
Thank you for your time! 

Dell XPS 8700, 16GB's Ram, Sonar Platinum.

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    Re: Focus on track function idea. July 24, 16 1:43 PM (permalink)
    Some daws have a feature that maybe similiar to your suggestion.  The feature name I'm most familiar with is "AUDITION".  I've also read the name "SOFT MUTE".  The audition or soft mute feature has these things in common:
    a) Can be enabled or disabled by a checkbox under track preferences.
    b) Does not affect the behavior of channel strips muted using a channel strip MUTE button.
    c) Modifies the behavior of a channel strip SOLO button.
    d) Clicking a track solo button one (1) time lowers the volume level of all UNMUTED channel strips by "X" dbFS.  Some daws let you program how much the volume is lowered; in other daws the level is set in the daw programming.  User programmable level is preferred because everybody's system is different.
    e) Clicking an additional track solo buttons one (1) time returns the volume level for THAT channel strip back to normal so you can audition more than one channel strip at a time.
    f) Clicking any previously selected solo button a second (2) time completely mutes the volume level of all UNMUTED channel strips.
    g) Clicking any previously selected solo button a third (3) time returns all UNMUTED channel strip volume levels to normal.

    Jim F
    Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
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    Re: Focus on track function idea. July 24, 16 2:10 PM (permalink)
    Some daws have a feature that maybe similiar to your suggestion.  The feature name I'm most familiar with is "AUDITION".  I've also read the name "SOFT MUTE".

    Since we are in Cakewalk forum, lets call it Cakewalk way: "Dim solo"

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