For those with AMD AM2+ boards and DDR2
I'll start with a story. Computer crashed in January...I lost everything after corrupting the hard drives. Since I have many other responsibilities and little cash, I rebuilt just the parts that failed. My GA78GM-S2H board was stable with an AM2 9600BE quad core (fan went out and toasted it), the ram was good still (pc2 6400)...decided against a new MoBo for cost. I found a brand new (unused) 940BE off craigslist. Installed everything, and it was a struggle...that went on for 6 months.
I'd get it to run OK, but long sessions would crash it...something was never right on it. I was convinced my video card was the problem for awhile, couldn't nail it down. Then I turned to my ram. I was able to do a simple overclock to 1066 speeds, and the processor seemed much happier, but didn't fix all the glitches. With the same set-up and much less CPU I used to run up to 48 tracks or so with little latency, and would increase the latency for more than that...I never found the ceiling up to 120 tracks.
Anywho, I recently was back to the ram...and was looking at getting some true 1066 ram. During web searches, I started reading the reviews and tips for AMD's, and found a lot of chatter about AM2 + HT and NB I decided to give it a try.
10 minutes of bios tweaking and it's a whole new beast! If you have an AMD processor in the AM2 and AM2+ familiy I strongly suggest you read AMD's overclocking guide. It has good info on balancing the NB and HT speeds. Basically, the NB is the big bottleneck on these CPU's, I'm currently working on a project with 40tracks, and 3 64 samples! Barely getting 10% CPU useage...and solid as a rock...this is even on a crappy Mackie driver!
I'm so happy this nightmare is finally over...hopefully passing this along may help someone!