Re: Forgot How Enjoyable Matrix View Is
2018/05/24 21:45:44
I am too trying to get more from the Matrix view, but there are a couple of bumps there. The first is the integration with the Step Sequencer. Having to stop and restart to hear edits is not how things should work. Editing audio loops is other thing that should get some improvement.
I am finding some strange behaviour, too. I am currently working in a project that has just an eight bar section with five synth sequences, two software and two hardware synths. I have loaded a Matrix cell with a step sequencer pattern that plays a single bar of a very basic rythm that goes to another hardware module. Thing is that when I loop the sequences and launch the Matrix cell, after looping a number of times the Matrix pattern stops sounding for the whole eight bar loop and then resumes playing, loops along for what seems a random number of times and then goes silent again for exactly eight bars, and so it goes, playing and going quiet, in what seems completely random behaviour.