Re: Forum navigation widgets no longer working in Chrome
2017/10/01 22:07:51
Not sure if related or not but on my galaxy tablet when I touch "community" it always shows the drop down that includes forums, cake tv, etc but screen goes right to forums within about a second. Has been that way forever, not sure if that is Chrome related but it does not behave that way on my pc where I usu use Edge.
Sonar Platinum (lifetime). Kurzweil PC3X. Native Intruments S61. Native Instruments Maschine Micro Mk2, Roland OctaCapture. JBL 4328 monitors and 4312 sub. Windows 10. Intel 6700X, 32 gB RAM, 3 Crucial SSD (250/500/500). Komplete 10, Ample Sound SG, AAS Lounge Lizard/Strum/Strings/Chromo/UltraAnalog/Tass, Addictive Drums 2, a few others.